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Hello, it's Ella here! So, I've decided to start my own book about the special, funny, random, or weird moments that happen to me in my daily life. Before we start, a few things you should know about me are:
1. I play Rep soccer
2. I'm good in school
3. I have two groups of friends. A group from soccer, and a group from school. And they don't mix, it's like two different worlds for me.
4. I love all of my friends like my family...except for maybe one boy from school who I like a little differently if you get what I mean...
5. My life is full of these random and funny moments, courtesy of my crazy friends and family. :)
I hope you enjoy this little story, as much as I hope I will enjoy writing it. As for updates, I will most likely only update when I get an idea, so don't expect them too often, although they may be. Anyways, enjoy! - Ella :)

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