Mental Health

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Okay so yes, this is yet another tag. But, before everyone just clicks away and decides not to read this because it is based on such a stigmatized subject, please, just keep reading.
So earlier today, and a few other times actually, I have been tagged by wolfess21 to do a tag discussing my view on mental health. This may be long and wordy, but this is a subject I am very passionate about.
Mental health.
There is so much stigma, around the whole idea of mental health.
So many people are made fun of, bullied, made to feel worthless, because of something that they cannot control. That doesn't sound fair, now does it?
To me, it sounds brutal. Mental health awareness is something that is very important to me. Very important. Because it has had such an impact on my life.
Yes, this is going to get kind of personal but that's okay...because it might help to get my point across. And if I can get through to even just one person...then I haven't failed. Then this isn't for nothing.
My name is Ella. I'm 15. And I suffer from anxiety and depression. Even though I have never been to see a doctor about this...I am sure that is what this is. Because if I had to tell someone what I'm dealing with, I would tell them anxiety and depression, among a few other things that I am just not comfortable in sharing.
And trust me, living like's terrible.
So many people put stereotypes and negative assumptions along with mental illness, but 1 in 4 people suffer from mental illness.
Look around you!
That's a lot of people. And I bet that for a lot of them, you didn't even know that you were dealing with it.
Just because someone suffers from a mental illness does not make them crazy.
Let me say some of the stereotypes/stigmas attached to mental illness:

Someone has depression? They're being over dramatic.
Someone self-harms? What an attention whore.
PTSD? Oh, get over it already.
Suicidal thoughts? Whatever, they'll never do it.
Panic disorder? It's nothing.
What about Anxiety?
Eating disorders?
Bullying victims?
What about them? And what about all the others types of mental illnesses out there that people are suffering from?!
Fake. Freak. Crazy. Retarded. Liar. Weak. Idiot. Worthless. Useless. Waste of space. Too big. Too small. Ugly. Slut. Nuts. Over reacting. Jittery. Maniac. Dramatic.
Well guess what?
This isn't nothing!
This is something and this is something important!
Those are all things people get called or think of themselves and that is only a small fraction of the things thrown around by people. This is the stigma!

Having a mental illness doesn't make you crazy. It doesn't make you weak. It doesn't make you any of these things!
Not one.
Because guess what?
You are you...and you are amazing. You are an amazing person. All of you. Anybody out there reading this.
I know that there are some of you out there who are struggling right now too. But whether you are or aren't I want you to know something.
You are amazing. You are strong, and beautiful, and smart, and good at so many things! You are perfect the way you are and the only way that you can be to be a better version of you. Be the best you that you can be!
Don't try to change or be someone who you aren't. Be you. Because no one else can be you, and you can't be someone else. That role is already taken.
You are all special and important. Believe me.
You all deserve to be happy and you deserve a good life. You do. Some people think that they don't and that they don't deserve to be happy but you do. You all deserve to be happy. So keep fighting. Fight because you are important. Fight because you are loved and there are people who care abut you. Fight because you will get better...
But most of all...
...Fight because with you here, the world is a better place.
Believe me yet?
I know that there are some of you who won't believe me. I don't always believe me either. And that's okay. No one can be strong all the time. But as long as you can pick your head up and keep trying, it's okay to slip up once and a while. No one can keep it all together forever. And you shouldn't anyway.
Don't be a bottle.
Don't try to keep all of your emotions in all the time. Because you will eventually break. I can tell you that much from personal experience. It's okay to be upset. It's okay to cry. It's okay to need a hug or to talk to someone or to just know that someone is there for you. You know why?
Because you are human.
And there is always someone who is there for you. There is always someone to go to. Someone who loves you and cares about you. No matter how much you doubt it.
This is the important thing.
You are not alone.
There is always someone to go to. Even in the darkest of times, the latest of hours. If someone really loves you and cares about you...they will do anything to help you. As long as you are willing to help yourself.
So next time you feel alone...or worthless...or anything bad...please remember hat you aren't alone.
Talk to someone.
Because the worst thing is when someone takes their own life because of the actions of another. The actions or words that dragged the person to the edge or made them pull the trigger. Or down some pills. Or drag the blade across their wrist. That is the worst thing.
And even though that person may think it does, the pain doesn't end there.
It carries on. With their friends, and their family. They will then bear that pain. And the guilt.
Because they never saw it coming. Or maybe they did and brushed it off. Or they didn't know how to help.
But suicide isn't a subject to be taken lightly. If you know someone who has attempted suicide, is suicidal...or has thoughts of suicide...please...don't take it lightly. It's very serious.
Get them some help.
The same thing goes with self harm.
Whether the person burns themself, pulls their hair, scratches and pinches themself, or takes a blade to their skin...get them some help.
Especially if they are open enough to show you or tell you.
It's a call for help.
So don't leave them hanging.
They are trusting you enough to let you in, so don't shut them out.
Give them some support and get them the help they are asking for.
So next time you feel alone...or anything bad that you feel the need to do something to someone.
Don't take a blade to that perfect body of yours. Your body isn't a paper don't cut it. Don't use your razor as a paintbrush and your body as the canvas, it won't create a pretty picture. Trust me.
There is always another way.
It doesn't have to be this way all the time. But that depends on if you are willing to fight for your happiness or not.
Trust me when I say that there is always someone who wants to help. I learned that lesson the hard way...not too long ago. So take it from someone who knows. Because I do. Because I lived it. Because I live it.
So...I'm going to leave it there for now. I know that I kind of got away from the original topic...but I'm not done on this subject. I think that there will be more chapters on this but I really just needed to say something about this.
Mental illness does not make you crazy, and you are not alone. It will get better, so keep fighting. You are beautiful, you are strong, you are worth it, and you are loved.
If I can give any advice on this topic...I've said it a few times I know...but find someone to talk to. Because there is always someone who is willing to talk to you about it. And that includes me. If there is anybody out there who just needs someone to talk to, talk to me. By all means, just message me and I will do my best to listen to you and to help you out.

Now being that this is a tag, I will be tagging a few people. But this tag is kind of different. I shared some of my story, and I will continue to share it, so now I want you to share yours.
Create a chapter in one of your stories, or create a whole new book it is up to you. But what I want you to do is this:
I know that some of you have dealt with or suffer from mental illness of some kind. Some of you haven't. Share your story and share your views on mental illness. If you've dealt or are dealing with it, share it. If you have helped or are helping someone who is dealing with if, talk about that. But mainly, just talk about your views on the topic of mental illness of any kind, and trying to get rid of the stigma and negativity around it.
I have now opened myself up, and now it is your turn...
I tag:
And that doesn't just go for the people I tagged. Anyone who wants to help out, you can do this too. Please, I encourage you. I believe in all you guys.
I hope you believe in me too.
We can make a difference.
I hope that you guys will actually consider this and do the tag. If you guys know me, and know each other, you know how important it is to spread the awareness of mental health and stop the stigma. Also to encourage people to get help and keep fighting. Just like you have done for me, other people, or each other...
That's all I'm going to say for now, but this is not the end of this discussion from me. This topic will be back. But that's all for now so thank you guys so much for reading and staying until the very end. I love you guys and you are amazing! Until next time, Bookies!
- Ella :)

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