New Story!!

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Hello out there! How is everybody? I hope you guys are all fantastic!
Okay. So as you can tell if you read the title I will be publishing a new story soon. This time around it will be another fanfiction, this time for The Hunger Games! Anybody out there reading this a fan of The Hunger Games? I hope some of you are so that I can get some people to read it, lol.
The story won't be posted for a little while longer as I'm trying to stock up on chapters so I don't have such a gap between chapters like I do for my other stories. Sorry about that by the way. Anyways, on to the story. The title of the story is Victory and there are already three chapters in my works. I'm assuming you guys would like to know some details so I will post the description here so you guys get a sneak peek. Here it is:
"This year, in remembrance for all the children and adults who died during the dark days, children ages 10 and 11, as well as adults 19 and 20 will be eligible for this years games."
There is a collective gasp among the crowd. Mutters break out and turn into screams of protest, disgust, and fear.
A lady next to me shrieks, holding her young daughter near.
A man to my left stares at the screen in hatred. "But...I was supposed to be safe. That's the rule! You can't be reaped after 18! What the hell?!"
I shake my head.  This may be cruel, but this is the capitol we are talking about. There is no mercy in the games.
This is the story of the 1st quarter quell.
Emma Nisen's world turns upside down when three names are called at the reaping.
Three tributes from each district.
Twelve districts.
Thirty-six tributes.
1 victor.
What are the odds of winning?
But what are the chances of the tributes not trying?
There is only one thing that each tribute is searching for.
So there you have it. That's the actual description that will be with the book. Yes I realize that it said in the series that the for the first quarter quell each district voted for their tributes, but I changed that bit to make the story work so I hope you guys don't mind that. I hope this gets some of you guys interested and excited for the first chapter. It will be posted hopefully soon, but I will post another chapter soon with the actual date that I will post the first chapter. If enough of you get excited about it I may give you a sneak peek of the first chapter ;). Vote and comment what you think, I want to know if anyone will actually want to read this story. Until next time Bookies! -Ella :)

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