Who Turned Out The Lights

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Okay so on the last day before March Break, me, TheOwlsGirl and FreeSquirrelHugs were in gym class. It was a lot of fun actually we just played a bunch of random games and stuff. At the end we were just allowed to go change or do whatever we wanted while the other side of the gym was being set up for a lip sync battle. The three of us and our teacher were the only ones left on that side of the gym, but the people on the other side of the divider couldn't see that we were still in the gym.
The three of us were just playing around with a volleyball when all of the sudden the lights went out. I got hit in the head with the ball because I could no longer see it coming at me. 😂 We started yelling over that we couldn't see and the lights came back on, but then they turned them out again. We had no idea why when they knew we were still back there. So we all stumbled back into the change room in darkness lol. And knowing my clumsiness, I may or may not have tripped over a chair leg on my way too. 😂😂 So that was eventful and we all found it rather humourous so I hope you get as much of a kick out of it as we did. 😂

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