Why I Hate the Number 13 (Tag)

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I was tagged by voidscisaac, so, here we go.
1. You must post all the rules.
2. You must tag 13 people.
3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.
4. You have to answer 13 questions from whoever tagged you and create 13 more.
5. "I don't do tags," is not acceptable.
6. Tag back is allowed.
7. Must be finished in a week or else said person will remind you.
8. Be creative with the title.
Alright! Here we go!

1. Favourite fictional character?

Honestly, I can't just pick one...it's just not that easy. Um...uh...Newt, Draco Malfoy, Tris, Jasper (from Twilight)...I could go on...

2. Favourite Celebrity?

Easy. Taylor Swift. But Niall Horan is a close second...

3. Favourite TV show and why?

The Big Bang Theory because it's funny as hell. Also because it's one of the only shows I watch...I don't really watch TV.

4. Star Wars or Star Trek?

How about neither.

5. What movie are you looking forward to this year?

The Death Cure...but I've heard rumours that it's not coming out until 2017 so I don't know anymore...

6. What phone do you have?

I don't even know, like a Moto G or something. It's an android.

7. What movie or TV show world would you want to live in?

Ugh so many options...but I'd have to say Harry Potter.

8. Would you risk your life to save your favourite character's life?

Hell, I don't have enough lives for that!

9. Character you hate?

Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. I want her dead more then Voldemort...maybe...

10. Team Stark or Team Cap?

Team Ihavenoideahwhathatis.

11. Where do you want to visit?

I really want to visit England because that's where a lot of my family came from and I've never been there.

12. If you could bring one character from a TV show or movie or book to life, who and why?

Can I bring them all to life...because they are my life. But Newt...maybe then he wouldn't...if you've read the series then you know what I mean... :'(

13. Favourite Disney movie?

Aladdin would definitely be my favourite.

Alright, now...here's 13 facts about me:

1. I wear glasses.

2. I play Rep soccer.

3. I'm a decent singer.

4. I'm an honours student.

5. I have a Golden Retriever puppy named Bauer.

6. I have dark brown hair.

7. I have brown eyes.

8. The only makeup I wear is mascara.

9. I'm running out of facts.

10. I have asthma.

11. Music is life.

12. I'm a hopeless romantic...just like it says in my bio. I'm really not kidding, ask anyone who knows me.

13. My family and best friends mean the absolute world to me. I love you guys! <3

Okay, so now that that's done with, here are my questions for the people I'm gunna tag...mwahaha. They are:

1. Favourite movie?

2. Favourite book?

3. Nervous habit?

4. Best friend(s)? If they are on Wattpad, mention them :) .

5. Favourite Wattpad story?

6. Favourite food?

7. Are you mad at me for tagging you?

8. Last song you listened to?

9. Last thing you did?

10. Who am I to you? (Follower, writer, reader, friend, best friend...etc.)?

11. Can you tell I am running out of things to ask?

12. Favourite song?

13. Something you are good at?

Now...the moment you've been waiting for...or not...mwahaha! I tag:

TheOwlsGirl  FreeSquirrelHugs  Connmaster2323  CamoDude1 jeff_graham30 looloo1299 kateringette GingersInJumpers pespi-panda156 DanteClephan Danidoodle4  wolfess21  megan2422           

One more thing before you click off of this...a while ago I had a contest for a name that I could give to my followers. None of them really appealed to me that much at the time so I'm going to hold the contest again. You have a week. Go!

Anyways, bye for now, guys. -Ella :)                                                                                                                                                              

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