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There were a few funny things that happened yesterday, all of which happened while I was out with my family.

We went out for a drive and we driving along the coastline of the lake nearby. At one point while we were driving we past a lady in a car...and she was wearing a witch hat. Like...a legit witch hat. Like one you would wear on Halloween or see in Harry Potter. My dad said he wondered if she was going to a Harry Potter party and wondered if we should crash it. My mom, sister, and I just laughed.

A few minutes later we passed a sign for a new township. I'm not kidding when I say I actually thought the sign said Port Batman. Welp, I misread that sign, XD.

Me: Did that sign say Port Batman?

Dad: No, you moron. *laughs*

Me: Well, then. I'm an idiot.

My sister: Yep.

Dad: What's next, Ella? Port Robin?

Me: *laughs* Yep.

Mom: You walked right into that one, El.

Then we all were laughing for a while.

Probably an hour later we decided to stop for dinner at a nearby East Side Mario's. Near the end the waitress walked by so I leaned forward in my chair, and when she left I went to lean backwards, but I forgot that my chair was wobbly. So I thought I was going to fall and I threw my arms out and hit my dad and sister. They just stared at me like I was nuts. So my genius mind just burst out, "I chipped my tair!"

The three of them just stared at me. I just kind of laughed sheepishly. "I meant I tipped my chair, but chipped my tair came out so..." Then I just started laughing and the three of them were laughing too.

Anyways, there were a few other funny things that happened yesterday but I can't remember them exactly. Overall, it was a pretty good day to be honest. How were your guys days?

Hope they were good! :)

Until next time, Bookies! - Ella :)

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