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Arjun's POV

I gulped in, pressing my lips together as everything began to descend down in my head gradually. Clearing my throat after a while, I licked my lips and gently patted her shoulder. She was clinging to me as I would disappear away somewhere and my gesture appeared to have knocked back her senses.

She began drifting apart from me and before we could see each other, she swiftly separated and spun around, making her back face towards me. I sucked in a breath and sat straight on the swing like a statue, blinking. Awkwardness engulfed both of us again, as I started thrusting the ground with my foot, allowing the swing to sway heavily.

I bit my lower lip, still not knowing what to do so I decided to peer at her through the corner of my eye. Her long tresses cascading down her torso, her body heaved slightly as she breathed and began to fidget with the end of her upper garment.

N-now, what am I supposed to do?

Very good Arjun, very good. First you start kissing out of the blue and now think what to do?

I grabbed the edge of the swing with my palm with a slight thud, hoping that she would atleast turn around or say something. Why are you making this hell awkward for me, Krishnaa?

The weather began to turn chilly, as cool winds swept past my curls, tousling and making a mess of the already messed up hair. I began rubbing my palms together, still perplexed and hoping my best that she would atleast say something?

See, this-both of us have done it. She can't possibly turn around and mind her own business leaving me pondering over the next sane activity I am supposed to do. This is completely unfair.

But now, I think again I am supposed to be the one to do something, I guess?

What should I do? Poke her? Tug her upper garment and talk in sign language?

Grab her without musing further, flip her over me and deposit her in her room without a word?

Bad idea Arjun, very bad idea.

Seriously, is that the best thing you can come up with?

Waging wars seems easier than this, and the fact is that the most obvious stuff is seeming more difficult than the difficult stuff, I have claimed the certificate of derangement. Initially we had planned to spend the night together and gossip, unless we fall asleep.

But now, I don't think there is any freaking chance of reverting back to our first plan. So I began clearing my throat repeatedly, because that what seemed as the most perfect option to catch her attention.

She tried to turn towards me but I don't know what got in me, but now I turned away.

This is not going to work if we both continue doing this.

Mustering courage, I decided to address her. Inhaling a deep breath, I began to rehearse a short monologue which I formulated in my mind and turned towards her. I never thought that this day would be coming too. But now, it is what it is.



We both faced each other now and halted abruptly. Her eyes enlarged and lips half opened, she certainly didn't see that coming from my side.

What the hell! Does kissing causes two persons to speak in sync or what?


"Arju-" we both paused again, she slightly raising her finger and closing her eyes firmly, while I gulped and shook my head.

"Okay," I breathed out, "Sha-shall I speak?" I eyed her curiously, assessing her every movement. She pursed her lips and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and nodded.

"Let's go, okay?" I blurted out.

"Hmm, its getting late." She mouthed swiftly, making me release a deep breath.

"Yeah, l-let's go, we need to sleep."

"Yes we need to sleep."

"Yes, I know right. Sleep is necessary." What the hell am I even speaking? I started licking my lips again, resting my palm on my forehead and grazing it up to towards my curls.

"Yeah," Goodness, is she actually playing along?

"Y-yeah," I began nodding, sitting straight and paused swaying the swing now. "Let's go now."

"Yes," she absent mindedly spoke, still sitting on the swing and lowering her head. We sat still for sometime, without speaking a word. I was hoping her to ascend up, but she didn't.

Di-did she fall asleep? Just like that?

Oh God. I grazed my teeth together and peered down to have a slight glimpse of what is she doing by hanging her head down.

She flinched looking up, her doe shaped eyes blinking, making me flinch a bit too. God dammit Krishnaa! And you claim that I give heart attacks.

"Sorry sorry," she sprung up from the swing, and began smoothening her garments. My gaze travelled up towards her as she ran her fingers through her tresses, her lips moving against each other. The way her fingers got tangled in between them, I was damn sure I had disheveled them copiously. She paused for a while, feeling that all I was doing was gawking at her without a blink.

"Can we go?" she looked away, her fingers fiddling with each other.

"Y-yeah sure," I stood instantly, and slightly adjusted my upper garment over my shoulder decently. I rashly ran my fingers through my tresses, dabbing them down. I don't want gossips the next day, gosh.

I blinked and extended my palm towards the palm, gesturing her to walk down. She gave a light nod and started walking forward. Ah, gone was her statement of 'walking beside me' for now, but I don't know why I was kind of relieved that she didn't chose to do that. I certainly didn't want to get overboard with everything nor let her feel so.

"Listen?" I halted her for a while. She did, and turned around perplexed.

"You don't have to apologize so much, okay? Its fine," I gave her a light tipped smile. I know, she does that a bit too much, like she did a few moments ago. Whatever the reason might be, we both are in this condition, not her alone. We both might be awkward right now I guess, but I too want to make her feel comfortable.

Her lips shifted up to a corner as she smiled a bit warmly, her dimples etching back as she turned around and started walking.

We walked passed the corridors a bit swiftly, halting in front of our chamber. One moment, will it be okay now if we stay together for the night? I don't think that will be a good idea for now. I think she needs privacy. Yeah.

I'll just go away, I guess...

My eyes followed her, as she entered the dimly lit chamber while I stood outside, thinking what to do.

"Ar-aren't you coming inside?" her soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked up towards her standing midway, a bit skeptical. What should I answer now?

What if she gets upset if I deny her? I, I certainly don't want to think that whatever happened was erroneous from her side.

"Come inside," she bit her, trying to hide her smile. Oh God, what goes in that mind of her at times? I hope she is not being polite instead, thinking about me.

"Are you sure?" I clearly spoke out those three words, raising my eyebrows.

"Uh, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable Arjun." she spoke out firmly, peering at me, "Its okay, I completely respect your feelings. If you feel that you want to be alone for tonight, its fine. I don't have any problem, trust me." Her voice had a sense of confidence, not of hurt, completely portraying that what she just said was not out of guilt but out of sheer respect of my feelings. I felt relieved, a lot.

A feeling of triumph conquered me, this quality of hers makes me admire her so much. She is so clear about what she wants and vocal about it, speaking it out so artfully.

I smiled a bit, shaking my head, "I am fine completely if you ask for it. I was just concerned about you."

"I am fine now," her orbs darted across towards me, as she pursed her lips again and strode towards the other side of the room. I think it would be the best if we stay together for the night, it is way better than greeting each other a bit awkwardly the next morning? If we stay together, it'll let it sink in, probably?

Anyways, all I am going to do is simply plop down on the bed beside her and sleep I guess. What's the big deal in that?

I stepped inside and swiftly sat on the corner of the bed, after closing the doors and curtains all over the windows. She was busy removing her ornaments, while I discarded a neckpiece I was donning . I instantly toppled on the side of the bed, resting myself on the pillow and pulling a duvet over me. I wanted to close my eyes but all I could do was stare at the other side of the room, with wide eyes.

I felt the bed dip down a bit due to weight, as she flipped herself over on the other side. The duvet got tugged, making me realize I was hugging it too close than required. I sensed her pulling it over herself with a deep sigh. Okay, now.

Just, we need to sleep.

Just go to sleep Arjun. She'll also sleep.

Sleep, sleep. I was literally repeating that word in my head for some reason. But all of a sudden whatever happened just a few moments ago and the awkwardness made me feel, what was I even doing? I mean, I know its weird, but suddenly I was feeling all this funny.

Is it supposed to be hilarious from any angle? No, no it is not. But I feel like it is.

Damn, I am going crazy again. What is this thing which is playing with my senses this bad?

I started licking my lips a bit vigorously, because I don't know what was running in my mind for the time being. I felt like having a hearty laugh over whatever happened. Like how we were being awkward, my goodness. Now I am feeling it funny all of a sudden.

A soft giggle greeted my ear, making me knit my eyebrows. Is she also freaking laughing over it? Is she doing that? Really?

I could feel her body vibrating, without even turning towards her and her squeaky titters at intervals. Now it was difficult for me too to abstract myself from bursting out laughing. This is weird, are we supposed to laugh over it for some reason? Then why are we laughing?

I covered my mouth with a palm and closed my eyes, her titters weren't doing any good but also making me pass down a wave of giggle. Goodness me, I slapped my forehead feeling the urge to facepalm but all I was doing was sniggering with her.

Two awkward individuals, facing their back towards each other, laughing for something they shouldn't laugh.

Her giggles transformed into a slow laugh, while I clutched the duvet and tried to purse my lips. Oh God, this is really-

I firmly closed my eyes, but it wasn't helping either as she was continuously giggling. I guess she is also trying to abstract them, but can't. I sucked in a deep breath and flipped the other side.

"Panchali, st-stop laughing now," I was giggling myself, and asking her to do the reverse. She turned over too, covering her mouth with her palm. Her eyes were wide with humor, I couldn't detect any ounce of sleep in them.

"What? First you stop laughing," she pulled a pillow from behind her back and covered her lips with her, trying to pause her titters.

"Krishnaa, just stop laughing."

"Arjun, you stop first."

"See, if you don't stop then I also can't stop."

"You stop first."

"No, you-"

"You, I said."

"No, you stop first." her voice became playful all of a sudden, making me marvel at her for a sometime. It was getting more difficult for me to stop that stupid laughter session now. I decided to get serious after a while.

"Draupadi, now stop." I started biting my lips, and tried to knit my eyebrows to portray a solemn expression but she just simply began laughing harder.

"Draupadi," God, what am I supposed to do with her?

"What? I know my name is Draupadi," she responded while laughing again and biting her lips. Her eyes shone with mischief, as her fingers curled over the cloth of my pillow. Seriously? Is she even for real?

If this happens, we will continue laughing throughout the night. Not that I would mind, but the reason we are laughing over should be minded over I guess. But gone was my ability of reform anything serious right now, sensing the light headed atmosphere.

Now I will just to play along. Wait and watch, you mischievous girl!

"If you don't stop laughing, I will kiss you again," I winked, drawing a bit towards her menacingly. I was waiting for her to fluster back again and bite back her laugher but all she did was starting to grin again.

"I know, you won't do that." she waggled her eyebrows triumphantly. Crap.

"I can, Krishnaa." I shifted my lips up into a smirk.

"I know you won't." she sassed back, pursing her lips. What? Why the hell is she not being affected? How does she know that I was jesting with her?

"I will." I firmly replied, crossing my eyebrows, "Don't blame me after that."

"I know you won't do that," she blinked twice, appearing very confident.

"What makes you think I won't?"

She just rolled her eyes impishly, and drew a bit closer and shrugged, starting to laugh again. Just to rile me up. Damn, she is starting to know me too well for my own good. Wasn't she the one to be trying to hide herself to save her embarrassment a few moments ago?

What is up with her now? Which insect of madness did bite her in this chamber?

Unbelievable! She changes color just like chameleons, my goodness!

She continued giggling again, and now I know only one thing can her shut her up for the good.

So I pressed my palm over her lips to stop her giggles.

"Now. Be. Silent." I bit on each and every word and squinted my eyes, and crawled up to rest my head on her pillow. Her pupils dilated gradually, her wide eyes scanning me with astonishment. Her gaze dropped down on her lips subtly as she looked up to meet mine.

Are we freaking close again? Again?

Oh yes, we are...

We are...

The scent of blue lotus pervading my senses, began to intoxicate me gradually. My eyes started drinking her exquisite face, carved with perfection. It seems like it took ages of hard work to create each and every feature of her.

She appeared exclusive, untarnished, unblemished..

Absent mindedly, I began to graze the corner of her lips with my thumb, as gently as possible. Her expression softened, as her deep orbs bore into mine. They started glistening once again with that unknown emotion, darkening.

I continued staring into those pair, the magnetic effect of them was making it arduous not to drown in them. I could sense how it glowed with warmth, for me.

My orbs flickered down from her sharp nose, down to her petal like lips again. They were soft, they felt like rose petal against my finger as I couldn't help but recall the saccharine taste of it.

The feeling was crazy, I started remembering how I wanted more of it, how I wasn't yet satisfied after our breath gave up.

My mind began to resurface that sweet feeling of pleasure, the adrenaline rush, the intoxicating feeling of kissing her....

I noticed her eyes getting half closed, as it rested on my lips as she drew a bit close. My fingers crawled up towards her locks as it shoved it behind her ear, and it started drawing patterns on her cheek.

I felt like kissing her again....

Once more, one last time....

I want to feel that again, its beautiful, its addictive...

"Listen?" I breathed out, it came out as a whisper. I knitted my eyebrows gradually and focused my gaze on those soft lips of hers.

"Hmmm," she hummed, her eyes flickering all over my face and settling on my lips. She was kind of appearing half drunk, so was I.

"I will just," my heart started thudding against my chest, "I will, I'll just kiss you once again, shall I.." my voice appeared unintentionally husky.

"Hmm," she responded, she gave a long blink to her half closed eyes.

"Hmmm," I nodded slightly with my eyebrows crossed, smudging her lower lip with my thumb, those were the lips filled with nectar I wanted to taste again, "After that, we will, we will...."

"We will just sleep," I concluded, as if assuring myself, "Because..."

"Sleeping is necessary..." she mumbled back, her fingers went passed my jaw and slightly gripped my tresses.

"Yes, I know right," I moved my mouth, not realizing where the conversation was going to, "Sleeping is good for health....we need to sleep, after this," I freaking don't know what the hell was I mumbling as my focus was shifted to remove each and every strand of hair from her beautiful face.

"Yes, good for health..," she started twirling my curls in her fingers after closing her eyes, "I have work also tomorrow. Loads of work..."

"Same...loads and loads of work. Loads and loads of work to complete," I responded, half dazed, "You will sleep right..... after this?" I mouthed, my voice going even lower than what it was.

"Hmmm..." we were close enough to allow the tips of our nose brush with each other. I suddenly remembered how she was rubbing her nose with mine while we kissed.

Oh, so she loves doing that...

I,I need to take care of that too..

"Good..." I trailed off, pulling her a bit close and stroked her cheek with my nose.

"Very good..." those last words came out as whisper as I leaned in, closing my eyes. The tips of our noses brushed a bit more as I gently shoved her head towards me, pressing my lips on hers.

Her grip on my hair intensified as I guzzled with her upper lip. Adrenaline rushed back to my senses, making my jaws turn warm and blanking me out once more. Avidly I shifted my focus on her lower lip, she responded with this time immediately with matchable passion.

I had half climbed over her, while she moaned into my mouth wrapping an arm around my neck. The craving turned wilder and wilder as my palm found way towards her bare waist, stroking it. Her silky skin was like heaven for me, she moaned as I began running my fingers through her thick ravenous curls.

She drew close again, trying to close even the minimal gap between our bodies as I felt spark zap down my spine with her touches.

We were losing breath, the worst part of the kissing was this. Absolutely. I know we had to part, as our lungs demanded oxygen.

I ran my fingers from her forehead down her curls, as we separated.

Oh God, this is insane....

My heart hammered wildly against my chest as I started inhaling fresh air, while she began doing the same closing her eyes. She continued clinging on to me as I held her closer to me, not wanting to distance ourselves.

I really don't know what I was feeling this time? Awkward, I don't know, joyful? Definitely yes.

"We will sleep now right?" Her voice squealed against my chest. Oh my god, can she pause her adorableness for sometime?

"Exactly, we will just sleep now as decided." I felt her chest heaving as I breathed out, wrapping an arm around her. She dipped her head back in my neck, clutching my upper garment.

"Goodnight Arjun." She mumbled swiftly, pretending to fall asleep.

"Good. Night." I bit my lips, trying to stifle back a chuckle as I began to pat her head back.

I have gone crazy. She has also gone crazy. Very good, both of us are crazy. Both of us are going bonkers together.



I have gone crazy. Completely crazy....🥴🥴🥴🥴

Not even confessing how drunk I was....

Signing off for today~

Kiritija Nushkie

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