*But You Refused

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  *Your eyes feel heavy and you feel like you can take a long nap...

  *Your sight become blurry.

  *You can hear people calling your name.

  *Your soul gets weaker...


  *But you refused.

  "N-no..." Geno said as he widened his eye sockets in order not to fall asleep. It felt hard, but he could manage it. He was determined to stay awake. He was determined to see his brothers again. He was determined to be able to breathe.


  What a weird thing, isn't it? Once you have that Determination in your soul, you can do anything! Such as doing everything over and over and over again, being reborn and so much more!

  Geno had that Determination the first time in his life. He wanted to stay alive. And so, his soul refused to give up. It got stronger... and stronger... Not the very best, but it was almost unable to feel that weakness in his soul.

  The doctors were in shock. The skeleton right in front of them and was about to die, but then woke up, looking so much more better than ever!

  Wheezing sounds were heard from Geno. He was gasping for air. That was another way to feed the Determination in his soul, he thought. Once the gasping was gone, Geno felt it.

  His soul was full of Determination. He was sure that it would keep him awake for years, really! Geno finally knew what Determination was, and was glad to learn it.

  The skeleton looked at the doctors, who were smiling in excitement. Without Geno could say anything, one of the doctors spoke.

  "Geno... You are doing it... Somehow, you are getting better!"

  Geno smiled as response, meaning that he was okay. He was eager to see his brothers again. He loved and missed them so much.

  "I-I'm fine. So... c-can you tell my family t-that they can visit?" Geno asked, sounding excited. It was the first time he felt excitement in a long time.

  Another doctor nodded and turned to his friend, who was another doctor (duh).

  "Can you check him while I call his family in?"

  His friend nodded. She looked at the skeleton and walked over him. The soul monitor's results looked pretty healthy. None of the doctor had an idea what happened to Geno, but whatever it was, they were glad that it happened.

  When the door was opened, a bright colored Fresh was the first thing Geno saw. The youngest had widened eyes and no smile. There were no tears, either. He was just sitting in front of the door, his eye sockets and eyelights looking like a psychopath's, his arms around his knees, shaking.

  The second thing was the black figure, Error. He was kneeled next to Fresh, looking at the younger in a worried expression. It was clear that Error was trying to calm Fresh down.

  The third figure was a pink one. It was the mother of three, Crayon. She was crying uncontrollably. She probably thought that ot was all over and that Geno was gone. But no! Here he was!

  The fourth figure was Asy, a hand on Crayon's shoulder, looking as sad as her and trying his hardest to not to shed a tear. He wasn't doing anything much.

  The doctor talked to them while the doorbwas still opened. Geno could see his family, but they couldn't. Probably because of the angle. When the doctor finished talking, everyone's eye/eye sockets was at Geno's room, instead of Fresh. He was just still there, nothing changed with his pose. He wasn't going to believe what the doctor said until he saw Geno. But for whatever reason, Fresh avoided looking at Geno. Instead, he kept looking at his bright shoes, which didn't feel like they were bright at all from his point of view.

  Everyone's expression lit up in pure excitement when they saw Geno on the bed, looking better than before. Well- except for Fresh...

  "Ģéņø!" Error shouted as he straightened himself up and ran towards Geno. Was this real? He wasn't hyperventilating, was he? No! Geno was still here, alive!

  Crayon also ran to Geno with Error. Asy was about to, when he suddenly realized Fresh. Fresh's head was turned to Geno, Error and Crayon. The expression the same, and looking creepy.

  Asy bend down to Fresh's level to lift him up. The bright one was light, even though he was almost as tall as Error. He looked surprised when Ssy first lifted him up and tried to get out of the stronger's grip before he realized that it would not matter even if he did try to struggle.

  "Now, kiddo. Let's go, okay? You tell everyone what you felt and happened to both you and Geno, a'ight?"

  Fresh nodded. His expression changed. It was now... blank again. Ne emotion once more. This situation made it harder for Fresh to have the will to feel.

  With that, the two also got in and closed the door behind them once the other doctor was also in. Asy sat Fresh on one of the chairs and started talking to Gebo about what happened.

  Fresh just watched them all talk, cry, make happiness noises, giggle and laugh... He was okay with any emotion, now. All he wanted was something inside which was abstract to fill that huge hole he was lacking.

  He was still lost in thought for a moment until Geno wanted the family to make a place for Geno to be able see Fresh. Noticing this, Fresh looked at Geno with the emotionless eyelights, making Geno frown.

  There. He has done it again. He made someone upset one more time. He made his brother upset because of himself. Because of the was he was. Fresh didn't mean to make anyone sad. He couldn't help it. He couldn't stop being empty.

  Geno sighed and put his hand on Fresh's shoulder, not looking away from him.

  "Tell me what happened, bro. I wanna know it. And no lying."

  Part 2?

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