Chapter 18: Letters

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(3rd Person POV)
[Ebbot Police Department and Cell, Ebbot City - 8:00 am]

"-And so I killed him"

"Directly? You just pull the trigger?"

"Yep", the female stated bluntly, proceeding to drink her strawberry milk she got from the dispenser, "But didn't you said you needed him alive to use the man as a warning?", the red-scarfed skeleton shifts his sitting position.

"Dead or not, still uses as a warning to other sinners, we just wrote 'You're next, sinners' in blood and the mobs decreased", (Y/n) explains to her oldest brother, while her brother had felt a crawling shiver down his spine in actually trying to illustrate the words in blood.

"Aw come on Gens! You've seen worse", the female proceeds to lean in to her older brother, "Shut up (Y/n)...", Geno push his own sister from being too close and invading his privacy.

But little do the two know, someone was watching them, with a finally genuine smile on his face, 'Glad you're back sis...', the figure thought in his head, his shades shifting to the words, 'Glad'.

"What are you looking at, Parasite?", a glitched voice of his brother seem to have snapped the 90's skeleton out of his thoughts, "Aren't ya glad dat, she's back?", he glances at the laughing two across, "Yeah... I am...", Error smiled, at the sight of his older and younger siblings getting along.

[Police Department and Cell, Ebbot City]

"WHAt dO yOu mEAn tHaT tHEy EsCApeD?!!", a black skeleton started glitching and crashing in anger and shock, his eyes filled with 'Error's.

Yes, as you guessed it, the three X-Events have seem to escape from the prison, no guards were injured, and no guards seen them escape, even the night patrols, and the detectors didn't catch anything, so did the cameras.

"SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOUR WORK, SIR!!", a policeman swing the door open, revealing a crashing Error, a blank Fresh, and a trying to calm down Geno.

"BUT WE FOUND SOMETHING LEFT BEHIND IN THEIR CELL! IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT!", the policeman held up a letter packed neatly, no doubt from the escaped inmates, the letter was true to form, it had an X on the front.

The eldest took the letter, thanking the officer before ordering him to go back to his work, shutting the door, the eldest Cq began walking towards his brothers, raising the letter.

"Alright, everyone calm down, we have to read this", Geno states, opening the hood of the letter carefully, two of his younger brothers peeping in, curios, at this rate, the crashing stopped for Error.

They opened the letter.

And are greeted with a written paper.

It said,

"Dear officers,

Oh what the heck, this is only (Y/n) writing this down and the other two don't give a shit. So I'll greet you how I want, 'Dear shitty police station'.

Now, I'm not playing around, by the time you'll find this letter, we are probably out of the cells, HECK, we might be out of the country by now.

This letter is mainly towards these officers,

And this will be written in parts, kay? Kay."

That was the end of the first paper, they placed it aside on the table to reveal more papers that were written.

They decided to call the other two that were written to their office.

Not long after, a knock was heard, "Come in!", Geno states, the door opens and two more figures walk in, Ink, and Decans, "You called?", Ink questions, his eye-lights turning to a triangle and upside down question mark, the brothers give a nod to each other before handing the two their part of the letter.

"Let's read Error's first", the eldest Cq states, getting a nod from everyone else.

The opened it.

And it said this,

"Dear Glitch,

Sup bro? If you're reading this, you are aware that you've read the first paper already. And if you haven't, I don't give a shit, what can I say? I've changed bro.

Anywho, I'll make this quick. Thanks for the time, the chase was fantastic, but I think it needs to come to an end. Alright? Kay.

Got nothin' else to say... But... Um... Oh! I know! Ma contacted me a while back! She congrats you for your new relationship with Inky! And she said, don't forget to make her a grandma! I'll be Ink's new little sister in law! Neat!

That's all, see ya!

Sincerely, (Y/n)"

After reading, the couple blushed in embarrassment, "I'll go next", the eldest opens his part of the letter.

It states,

"Dear, Geno

Hi big bro! As you know, me and the team escaped, and thanks for the time there, it was fun, well, up until CC almost killed the whole red inmate section because of a stupid chocolate bar.

Well, just wanted to tell you. We've gotten the chase far and long enough, I think we should end this, even me being the youngest of all of you, I'm always the most responsible, well, apart from you Geno, you always have been like a second mother, apart from having the same mother that is.

I'll tell you this, we decided to stop and leave the country, the chase have end, no need to hunt for each other, and our cause of crimes have been put down (Yes X is dead, CC killed him). Now we have no reason to kill, purification or not, everyone deserves another chance. Thank you.

P.s. Reaper is head over heels for you and I know you like him. Don't deny it Gens.

Sincerely, (Y/n)"

The eldest smiled with a little hint of blush as the youngest Cq opened his paper.

It greets,

"Dear, Freshie

Yo, sup? Did ya expect this bro? Probably not! You know by now that plan. So I can't say anything else, you were right, thanks bro... Even if you are emotionless, you care. See you later, we'll cross paths...

P.s. Lost words cuz you're too smart, but we'll cross paths

Sincerely, (Y/n)"

This one was a big short, but Fresh knew exactly why, he knew everything about the short letter.

Smiles erupt...

This was it...

These were her...


Okay, I need to get this straight, I'll be finishing this book. I swear the ending will be a bit bitter sweet, but here's why.

I've lost a bit of interest in making XReaders, so I'll stop after this book, but don't worry, I'll make more books, MCQ! Is still my fav AU Multiverse timeline, so I'll make some like those, and I've been wanting to make a Fairy Tail book, and an original book. So I've got a lot in my mind.

Thanks for reading, so long my little seers!

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