Chapter 4: The X-Events

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(3rd Person)
[Police Department, Ebbot City]

A meeting was going to be held half an hour later, and everyone was already at their seats, why was it held in the first place? Well, they think they have found the culprits and a way to capture them.

A figure stepped in the room, his partner behind him, the figure, was the head of the police department in Ebbot, he had wore the same outfit as the other members, but had a golden badge with 'chief' written on it.

The monster had a usual SWAT officer outfit, but wore a brown scarf over it, he also had mismatching eyes, and a splash of Ink on his right cheek, his partner also wore a SWAT officer outfit, which was unusual, since only high recruits are able to wear that outfit outside of their missions, attacks, and high danger patrol areas.

But the one thing that stood out the most was...

He had burn and cut marks everywhere, on his cheek, his arm, legs, even his neck.

"Dream, my laptop please", the leader asked, his hand extended to the burnt skeleton, Dream nodded and gave the laptop to him, the chief plugged a cable in, and the projector turned on.

The screen revealed a logo, the logo of the police department, the same ones that were one everyone's badges, "Thank you Dream, you may go rest and recover, you are dismissed", the chief spoke, nodding to his loyal partner, "Thank you sir Ink", the one called Dream bowed to Ink and turned around, heading to the door and walked out of the room.

"Good evening everyone, I've arranged this urgent important meeting for an important cause. Fresh, you may continue", Ink glanced at Fresh, giving him a signal to continue him.

Fresh clenched his fist, hesitating to go up and explain, Decay saw this and held his fist, Fresh glanced at his partner, "You can do this", his partner mouthed, Fresh put up a smile and nodded, then proceeding to get up from his seat and walk to the front.

"Sup, as ya all know mah homies, well, we got a case on our hands", the screen showed a purple X, "They call 'em selves da X-Event, and as ya see with Dream dat day, well, ya know that he got kinda attacked", he explained, "But-", Fresh paused, and the screen showed more screens at the forest scene.

"We got evidence", the skeleton continued, he took a remote and clicked it, the remote directing to the holographic screen, it showed many other screens showing the forest at night, "Ya see, before it all happened, me and Deccy Dec had a feelin' dat something was off. So, we put cams everywhere in da forest", he explained to the sitting monsters.

Ink seemed to nod, giving him another sign to continue, the skeleton then turned to the screen and pointed at one of the boxes, the scene zoomed in.

The scene zoomed to the box, and it showed Dream and two more figures, the 90s skeleton clicked the play button on the remote, and the screen played.

-The Play-

"You just had to get caught, didn't you?!!"

"So?!! It's not like you're helping! Where were you?!!"

"I was actually doing the mission quietly! At least I'm not the one screaming profanities at the slaves!"

"Oh don't you dare change the subject on me C!"

"Freeze! Put your hands up in the air!"

The two figures stopped, seeing the all too familiar blue police officer dress code, the two figures looked at each other, before nodding, they both raise their hands up slowly.

The police though, was not getting any shits, "What are you-", the feminine figure didn't give him time to complete his sentence, "Checkmate, see ya!", she suddenly threw something to the ground, which appears to be a type of explosive, it exploded, which gave out a ridiculously thick fog, it was a gas bomb.


The play paused


The play paused at the two figures in their last moments, one standing proudly while the other looked like he wanted to leave ASAP.

The 90s skeleton looked at the police units, "I have a case to be cracked", he smirks as he re-adjusted his 'YOLO' glasses, which meant, he had cracked a case.

"Well, as you see here, we have two figures who are responsible for deaths, but...", he paused, not using his lingo anymore, the units began to focus on his words as well, "Do mind that they only attack victims with criminal records of abuse and experimental of children and other kinds", Fresh looked up at the unit.

Their face looked shocked, surprised, and they had just realized it all.

"I know the ones who do this... I know them...", Fresh had paused again, he clicked and the screen zoomed to a symbol, a circle with a dot inside, and four lined directing to the center, but not passing the outer circle.

"If you look closely...


Might have recognize them....

The X-Events"


Sorry for the long ranged update, hope you enjoy! Working on the next one, bye!

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