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Her memory played the scene over and over, grainy and cackling like an old timey film: Danny grabbed her arms. Danny threw her to the floor. Danny loomed over her, the expression on his youthful face dark, touching a primal instinct inside her that wept in terror as he wrapped his hands around her forearms and squeezed.

There was nothing sweet in the smile he gave her.

Hayley sobbed, trembling on the stiff hospital bed. She could hear them murmuring around her, feel them poke and prod, but all she could think about was Danny. He was real, he was so very real.

"She's suffering from dehydration, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation. Why wasn't she admitted earlier? Wasn't she given any therapy options? What about a follow up physical?"

She could hear their questions through the cracked open door. Anthony mumbled through his responses, uncomfortable by their scrutiny. Shame spiked through her. She'd let her grief consume her and he paid for it. She'd let that little monster into her home, into her arms, and her heart. She could feel his hooks, sunk deep, pulling away pieces of her. The void pulsed inside her, feeding on the fresh pain. Her Danny was real. The cruelty and selfishness of their encounters was clear now. It made her stomach turn to think of all the times she'd pulled him into her lap without thought. She'd let him in!

"We'd like to keep her here overnight for observation."

Hayley perked up at the words. She felt safe here, away from the nursery and the demon waiting for her. She settled back against the stiff cotton sheets, staring out into the fluorescent lit hall. They'd left the door open on her request, letting the light spill in. Her body cried out for rest, true sleep, but her mind was still whirring away. She remembered the last time she lay on a hospital bed, the still little face of her son beside her. She never got to hold him.

She was certain Danny wasn't her little boy. No, that thing was something else, something dark that crept in while her defenses were weak. What did it want from her? The possibilities unnerved her. She wanted to call out for Anthony, but didn't, afraid he wouldn't come. The rift between them kept spreading. She didn't know how to reach him now, though she needed him so badly. He made her feel safe. She wished she'd reached for him from the beginning.

Hayley was drifting off to sleep when the hospital door swung closed with a soft click. Her eyes snapped open, struggling to adjust in the near dark. She sat up blindly. Her heartbeat buzzed a tattoo of fear against the inside of her ribs. She looked around, peering hard into the corners, her breath growing short as she turned back and forth, searching every shadow. The scent of wet earth clogged her nose.

"Why won't you hold me, Mommy?"

Hayley shrieked, clapping a hand over her mouth as Danny came into focus, a child sized spider crouching over her.

"No, no, no, no," she murmured through her fingers. "What are you?"

Danny frowned. "I'm your little boy."

Hayley choked on the sob. She could hear pounding on the door, the knob jiggling as the staff tried to get in. What would they find when they did? She wanted to plant her hands over her ears and scream until it was over.

"You're not my child," she said.

Danny's expression appeared wounded. "Yes I am, Mommy. I want to be with you forever." He held out his arms to her, his expression pleading. "Please, Mommy, hold me."

"No." Her voice broke on the word but she said it, loud and clear for him to hear. "Never again." The pleading expression melted from his face, replaced by rage that stole the breath from her lungs. She didn't have enough air to scream when he grabbed her. Not until he squeezed the bones in her forearm, squeezed them tighter and tighter until they snapped. 

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