Chapter 10: Au Revoir

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Henry and Mouse swam, ate, slept, made love, frolicked, and generally had a lovely honeymoon on the underside of the world in Bora Bora. The water was blue, the air lush with the fragrance of flowers, and they fell asleep to the mysterious rustlings and sounds of the jungle that surrounded them. It was truly paradise, in every way.

"You know, I could get used to this," Mouse said, stretching luxuriously in the huge bed. She was completely naked, and loved the feel of the cool sheets against her skin.

Henry sat up on one elbow to admire her. "Me too," he agreed, taking her in from head to toe. "You look outstanding, I must say," he continued, rolling over on top of her.

Mouse laughed. "I can't believe I'm comfortable letting anyone see me absolutely starkers like this," she went on, shaking her head.

"Hopefully not anyone, right?" Henry questioned. "Please, say it ain't so, honey."

Mouse shrugged, the gesture that drove Henry crazy, for some reason.

"You know, I was wondering something," he began, rolling over while holding her, so she was lying against his chest.


"Was I the first man you ever saw naked?" He looked at her curiously as he asked.

"No," she responded, shaking her head.

"Really? Who?" He gave her a little shake when she didn't answer.

"My brothers," she responded, shrugging again. "And maybe some guys on the swim team? Our house was really crowded, and we kind of lived on top of each other. I mean, we had to. My parents had their own bathroom, but the rest of us had to share two and a half baths, with the half being all the way down in the basement, you know?" She laughed, remembering something. "It got really crazy, and I think we all flashed each other at one time or another. Throw in the fact that we were all on the swim team, and I'm sure I saw a bunch of different guys' junk at one point or another."

"Oh." Henry considered for a minute, while Mouse traced her finger on his chest and rubbed her foot on his calf, creating a nice distraction. "Okay, but am I the first man you ever saw naked in a sexual context?"

"A sexual context?" Mouse repeated. She walked her fingers up to his jaw, turning his head so she could grin at him. "Did you really just say that?"

"What? What's so funny about that?" he defended himself. "That's a totally legitimate question."

"I don't know, it just sounds funny," she answered, shrugging, making Henry smile. "But to answer your question, Travis and I fooled around a little a few times, but I don't think we ever got as far as taking his pants off, so, um, yes, you are probably the first man I ever saw naked, Henry Gardener, okay?" She looked into his eyes.

"Okay," he answered.

"That make you happy?" she asked.

"You know, for some reason, it does," he answered, pulling her close and giving her a squeeze. "Does that make me a sexist pig? Or at the very least a hypocrite who's living a double standard?"

Mouse shrugged yet again, shredding Henry's defenses without realizing she was doing anything. "Maybe? I don't know," she mused. "It's kind of cute, actually. I don't mind."

She sat up and kissed him, lifting one leg over his body and letting her hair tickle his chest.

"Do you wish the reverse were true?" he asked. "Do you care that I've seen other women naked, or that I've been with other women?"

Mouse sat up, considering, and Henry took the opportunity to admire her again, loving her straight back and upright posture, the tilt of her head, the rich swell of her hips, and the warm color of her skin. Her breasts, which had always been beautiful, had become works of art as she'd taken to topless sunbathing for a couple of hours a day on their private patio.

"I don't know," she finally replied, with a last shrug that demolished Henry as he lay under her. "I can't say, because I've never known you any other way."

Henry grasped Mouse's hips and began moving her back and forth, causing a hitch in her breath, making her drop her chin as she felt him swelling between her legs, getting warm and hard.

"And you wouldn't have Leo," she concluded, her voice trailing off as the physical sensations he was causing engulfed her. "Mmm, Henry, feels amazing..."

"Yeah," he agreed, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. "Lift up a little, honey...yeah, just like that...god, look at you..."

As usual, things happened quickly for Henry when he could see his wife. If he wanted to last for more than a few minutes, he either had to be positioned so he couldn't see her, or he had to close his eyes. When she was on top of him like this, riding him, there was just no way. And if she opened her mouth and made any noise, said anything at all, it went even faster.

And she knew this.

"Fuck me, Henry, mm," she moaned, grasping her breasts and squeezing. She smiled at him as his eyes dropped to her chest, his breath exploding out of him. She moved one hand between her legs, rubbing herself, then inserting her fingers into Henry's mouth so he could taste the salty tang of her.

He sucked on her fingers, hard, making her groan in rhythm with his tongue tightening on her digits. He could feel her tightening on him, too, and the sensation was almost causing his thighs to cramp, it felt so good.

She pulled her fingers from his mouth, and he sat up, reaching between her legs with his own hand, feeling how wet she was; he slid his fingers into the space between them, where their pubic hair touched, and it was drenched. He lifted his hand to her mouth this time, shoving two fingers deep inside, nearly making her choke.

"Oh god, Mouse, oh god, gonna come, gonna come so hard, honey--" he gasped.

Mouse just nodded around his fingers, sucking on them, biting down.

He shot deep into her body, feeling her lock down tight around him, everywhere, clenching. Henry slowly lay back down, bringing her with him, feeling her hair spread out on his chest as she heaved for air.

Ten minutes later they were enjoying their outdoor shower together.

"Henry?" Mouse turned as she scrubbed away at her hair.

"Yes, beautiful wife?" he asked with a smile.

"Would it cost a lot for us to change our flight and leave early?"

He looked at her. "I don't think so, no," he replied. "Because we're leaving on a weekend, and I'm sure they'd love for us to leave during the week." He helped her rinse her hair. "Why? Do you want to leave early?"

She looked at him earnestly through the suds. "I don't want you to think I don't love it here, because I do, you understand?"

He nodded. "So why, then?"

"I miss Leo," she admitted.

Henry broke into a grin. "So do I!" he agreed happily. "I didn't want to say anything, because I didn't want to make you feel bad on our honeymoon, you know? And I'm fine to stay for four more days, I really am," he assured her.

"But if I say I want to go home tonight, you won't mind?" she asked, wiping the water out of her eyes so she could really look at Henry's face.

He shook his head. "Not at all," he said. "In fact, it makes me love you even more, if that's possible," he said, pulling her into a very sexy, naked hug in the huge shower stall.

"Well, I'm glad I brought it up, then," Mouse said with a happy laugh. "I really have had a great time, here, though," she said again. "And I'd love to come back again some day, you know?" She looked at Henry. "Maybe with Leo?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that," Henry said. "I think he'd really like it."

So they got out, and Mouse began packing while Henry got on his laptop and checked into earlier flights. And it turned out that they could get on an earlier flight without too much trouble, so that's just what they did. There was a bit of a fee for switching, but Henry didn't tell Mouse about that, because he knew how she'd react.

By evening they were all packed, and sat waiting for the friendly man in the golf cart to come and collect them.

"And this seems like as good a time as any to give you this," Henry said, pulling a box out of a drawer and handing it to her.

"Henry, you didn't have to buy me anything, I told you that," Mouse protested.

"Come on, please let me," he argued, trying to hand her the box. "You can't imagine how hard it is to find stuff for you. You're so young, and Tahiti is famous for pearls, which are kind of an older lady jewel, you know?" He looked at her appealingly. "I was so happy when I saw this. It really suits you. Please?"

Mouse accepted the box and opened it.

"Oh, Henry, how lovely," she whispered.

He was right. It was pearl ring, but it was pink and sparkly, and something she would definitely wear and enjoy looking at. He slid it onto her finger.

"Probably safest if you wear it home, okay honey?" he asked. "And you really like it? It's not too big or whatever? Not too, uh, granny-ish?"

Mouse shook her head. "I love it," she assured him. She planted a soft kiss on his cheek, leaving him with a lingering fragrance of her shampoo and fresh soap. "Thank you, very much."

"You're welcome. I love you," he said softly.

They heard the honk of the golf cart outside.

"Good bye, paradise," Mouse said. "Til we meet again."

They rode off to the hotel, where they got into a car, their first time in a vehicle with an engine in nearly two weeks, for the short ride to the airport.

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