More Rover

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Robert was in the backyard, laying on the ground, panting along with Winter. The two of them had been playing around with tennis balls and sticks and they were both pretty worn out. Robert laid with his eyes closed, until he heard the distant rumble of thunder. He opened his eyes and looked towards the rumble, noticing that Winter was looking towards it too, ears alert.

"Robert, Winter!" Robert turned towards the patio, where River was calling out for them. Robert rose his hand and Winter barked, grabbing River's attention. "Hey, what are you guys doing out there? Come inside, it's about to start raining."

"A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, it's sunny here and the clouds are distant. We will probably be fine for half an hour longer." Robert heard River give a loud sigh and he snickered to himself, before pushing himself to sit up. "We're coming. Go, boy." Robert motioned Winter to go inside and Robert followed back slowly.

"A little rain is gonna hurt whenever you're curled up in your bed, miserable sick." River crossed his arms across his chest, while Robert hummed.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna be sooooo miserable when I'm curled up next to you with my sniffles." Robert looked up at him slightly and River scoffed.

"That's what you think, I'm going to sleep on the couch." Robert pouted.

"Aw, what? You wouldn't cuddle me until I got better?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"And risk getting sick, no thank you." Robert gave a huff, but his pout was short-lived when River leaned down to kiss him.

"We do sleep in the same bed, you know." River let out a soft chuckle.

"I'll just burn the bed." Robert blinked before laughing.

"You could just, you know, wash the sheets." River shrugged, leaning down closer to Robert.

"Or I could just burn the bed." He mumbled against his lips with a smirk.

"I guess." Robert murmured back with a smile, wrapping his arms around his neck. They were about to start kissing again when another, closer rumble of thunder made the two of them jump. "Jeez, we were trying to have a moment here." Robert glanced the end of the gazebo, the sun still shining, but small patters of rain began to be heard.

"Guess it came sooner than expected." River hummed, putting a hand to the back of Robert's back and ushered him inside. Instead of going inside, Robert went to the end of the gazebo and stuck his hand out.

"It is raining! Look River, the sun's still out but it's raining! How cool!" River chuckled a bit at his boyfriend's child-like eagerness.

"Yeah, come on, let's go inside."

"There's bound to be a rainbow."

"Robert, you aren't listening-" Robert ran out, running around the yard, looking up into the skies for a rainbow. Seeing Robert running around, Winter barked and ran out with him. "Winter, hey, come back inside!" River gave an aggravated sigh, leaning against one of the gazebo posts.

Robert and Winter ran and bounced around, the thunder rumbling, the rain coming down harder and the sun still shining. "There's no rainbow." Robert whined.

"Then maybe now would be the perfect time to come inside." River called over the rain. Robert looked over at River, his clothes sticking to his body, his hair slicked flat back. River wasn't going to lie – his boyfriend was hot when he was all wet.

"Come play with us." Robert smiled and River gave a sarcastic chuckle.

"Sure, okay." He shook his head, crossing his arms. "Come inside and take a shower, before you get sick." Robert gave a little sigh and his shoulders sagged a little as he started walking back to the patio.

"C'mon Winter, let's go back inside." Robert mumbled as he walked past the dog. The dog gave a bark and trotted ahead to the patio, where he shook off the water he collected on his fur.

"Winter!" River chuckled, brushing some water off of his arm. Robert smiled a bit, an idea popping into his head. He stood next to River, shaking his head quickly so the water on his hair could splash towards River. River gave an aggravated sigh and Robert giggled. "Not you too." He shielded his face from the water and Robert took the advantage and grabbed his hand, dragging him out to the rain.

"Oops, now you're wet." Robert smirked and River glared daggers at him as he began to get soaked by the storm. Robert started to distance himself, still laughing mockingly. Bite the bait River, bite it.

"If I get sick, you're going to pay for this." River grumbled, starting to walk towards Robert, Robert putting steps in between them with a smile.

"It's okay, we can just shower together." River rolled his eyes.

"I was considering it, until you decided to pull me into the storm. Now I'm probably going to burn you with that bed too." Robert laughed and began to run for it, River being quick to follow. Their backyard was nondescript, aside from a couple trees and flower bed, so Robert was able to put some space between them as he ran. Winter came back into the mix as well, barking happily and chasing along.

If it hadn't been for Robert playing with Winter before challenging River, he would have a whole lot more energy to run away from River but he was worn out and being wet started to make him cold. River caught him behind a tree, bending down and lifting Robert over his shoulder.

"Caught you." River sang and Robert rolled his eyes as he got carried inside.

"I let you win." Robert spoke softly, sneezing a little.

"I told you, you were going to get sick. Bless you." River shrugged the shoulder he held Robert over, making him bounce and Robert grumbled. He went to the restroom, setting Robert to stand on the carpet they had in the restroom. "Get undressed. You're shivering, dork." He wasn't going to deny it; he was shivering and he could feel the cold almost seeping to his bones. River turned on the water for the shower, filling up the restroom with a steamy fog.

Robert peeled his clothes off and mumbled his thanks, drowning himself in the hot water with a happy hum. The heat slowly started to seep through, but that deep to the bone chill was still there. That was until he felt another heat source hug him from behind.

"I thought you said you weren't going to join me." River let out an annoyed, yet amused grunt. Robert was smug but he reveled in the warmth provided.

After their shower, Robert was fed something warm and sent off to bed while River bathed Winter. After eating and drinking some medicine for his fever, he was almost falling asleep until he felt that comfortable warmth again. Robert turned and curled around the warmth, an arm wrapping around him.

"How are you feeling?" River asked softly, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Miserable." Robert mumbled.

"I told you. Now I gotta burn the bed." Robert gave a weak chuckle, burying himself into River's neck. "Good night baby."


River gave a tired sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Robert noticed this as he walked past River's office, fabrics draped across his shoulders, arms, even a bit in his mouth. He stopped, stepping closer to the doorway.

"You okay babe?" Robert puffed the piece of fabric he had in his mouth to his shoulder, before looking back at River, who was now leaning back in his chair, his head sagging over the back of the chair.

"Yeah, I... Struggling with work." River sighed. Robert looked at him with a frown, before nodding and leaving his office. He went to his workroom, putting down all of his fabrics, before going back to River's office. He walked around the desk and pulled on the chair, spinning him so he could face him. Robert put his forehead to River's, looking him into the eyes.

"Listen, you've been working yourself to the bone with this. Take a break." River stared back at him, until he looked away with a sigh.

"You know I can't do that, Robert-"

"I don't want any excuses, you need at least one break." Robert frowned again and River shook his head, gently pushing Robert away so he could turn back to his work.

"Yeah, but right now, I can't afford one of those." River mumbled, turning back to his paperwork. Robert was left staring at the back of his chair, glaring almost. With a huff, Robert left without saying anything. River sighed. He did want to take a break, but he was so close to finishing his project, he didn't want to take a break now. He needed one more piece, but he couldn't figure out what it was that was missing.

It was nearly an hour later that Robert came back into the room, keys in his hand. "Get up." River looked up at him, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why? What's wrong?" Robert rolled his eyes and motioned him to get up.

"Shut, just get up and come on."

"I'm not going to, I'm almost done."

"You've been saying that for the past two hours, come on, get up, let's go." River glanced over at the clock that was on his desk. It was barely one in the afternoon. With a sigh, River put down his pencil and stood. He gave a stretch before standing in front of Robert.

"Alright, but this better not take long. I'd like to finish this before tonight."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Robert grumbled, turning and heading out the house. When River got to the car, Robert was already behind the wheel, one of the wheels rolled down for Winter to stick his head out. Probably a walk to the park or something. He climbed into the car and let Robert drive.

After passing the two parks they liked to take Winter to walks on, River started to frown. "We've passed the two nearest parks nearest the house, Robert, where are we going?" Robert glanced at him, staying quiet for a while.

"Don't worry about it. Why don't you take a nap and I'll wake you up when we get there. Winter already fell asleep." River looked towards the backseat, finding Winter with his head on his paws, fast asleep. In the trunk, he saw some blankets and other things he couldn't identify. He narrowed his eyes at Robert.

"Let's go home." River sighed, rubbing his temples. Robert gave a small shrug.

"It's too late. I'm driving and there's nothing you can do about it, other than take a nap." Robert left it at that, ignoring any other question that River asked, despite how increasingly aggravated River was getting.

The music was low, the AC was comfortable, the scenery was boring, the gentle doggy snores from the backseat and the car ride were starting to make River sleepy. When was the last time he had proper sleep? He had been working on this project for so long that he didn't remember.

River woke when he was getting nudged gently. "Babe, wake up." River struggled to open his eyes to the mid-afternoon sun, but his eyes adjusted after a while, taking in the surroundings. The sounds of water and small waves crashing, the smell of the sea.

"The beach?" Robert gave a nod.

"I wanted to... I know I'm selfish, but I wanted to take you away for a little. You seemed so stress out with that thing you're working on and you needed a break. So, I packed our things and convinced you to run away with me. I hope that's okay." River looked from the beach to his worried boyfriend.

"You're the best." He leaned over the center console and kissed Robert with a loving passion that he didn't want to stop, but Winter was already excited to go out to play in water. "Did you get clothes?" He asked, running his fingers across Robert's cheek.

"Of course. I did say I packed our things." They stepped out and Robert headed for the trunk, while River took in the view. The fresh air, that summer sea breeze. Winter was eager to go down to the sand and splash around in the water, but Robert had told him to wait.

After getting changed into their swimming trunks, the three headed down to the shelly beach, the overexcited Winter going ahead first and into the water. Robert chuckled and followed along, going to the shallow water to splash around with him. River couldn't help but admire his boyfriend and his dog. He couldn't ask for more.

River broke into a brisk jog, his pace increasing when he reached Robert, tackling him down into deeper water. Once the two surfaced, Robert laughed, splashing River in the face. "What the heck was that for?" He wiped his face, River wrapping his arms around Robert's waist.

"I want to thank you for bringing me out. I.. Really needed this. And I realized how much I love you." Robert gave a soft smile, leaning into River.

"I love you too." He whispered, kissing him.


: my gf wrote this for me, because I have indeed been blessed with another double shift and she surprised me with this while i was napping, i love her so fucking much 

"Ughhhhhh..." With a loud thump, Robert fell onto sofa, his bag falling out of his hand and on to the carpet beside Winter. The young puppy sprung awake as soon as the material-filled bag made contact with the lush rug, and he didn't think twice about jumping so his paws sat on the edge of the sofa. With a few pants and a quirky bark, he caught the exhausted bluenette's attention. Robert looked up from his awkward position, his bright blue eyes meeting the equally as bright eyes that the soft, white-furred pet held – Not to mention Robert's as soft hair, too.

He smiled a little, seeing some happiness ever since he woke up. River was never awake when he had to drag himself from his deep slumber and a comforting pair of arms at 5 am in the morning, when the moon was still visible. Early shifts at the bakery were run by him, and him alone. On top of university classes studying fashion and design, looking after Winter half time, and a surprising extra shift, he was drained of all energy, colour, and life by the end of day. His mother recently blessed his busy and exhausting lifestyle with a double shift on a Saturday, which sent him straight off the edge – if there even was one by this point.

"Hey, buddy." He strained to lift his arm to scratch behind the excited puppy's ear as his tail wagged. Winter responded by nuzzling his head into Robert's forehead which was rested on a pillow as the rest of his body hung off the couch from slumping onto it as soon as he got close enough to it to not fall. Winter jumped back off the couch all of a sudden, and with multiple, loud barks, he sprinted up the stairs. Robert's eyes darted to the elegant clock fitted above the fireplace of the opposite end of the room. It's only 12... River will be asleep since he doesn't have a shift today! He shot off the couch and ran after Winter, aggressively whispering for him to shut up so he didn't wake River.

It was too late, though. The groggy blond was already rubbing at his eyes and proving his habit of swearing when his sleep was disturbed. He was still unaware of Robert's situation as he yelled for Winter to "Shut it otherwise-..." and his tired mind couldn't think of a stable threat. Robert bit his tongue and clenched his jaw, literally holding Winter's jaw shut. Once he was sure the 4 month old pain was silent, he let go with a sigh of relief. He relaxed into the wall and his head rested back as he closed his eyes for a few seconds, before it was disturbed again by loud barks. Again, his eyes shot open as he now watched in horror as Winter clawed at the door. "FOR GODS SAKE WINTER I TOLD YOU ALR-" River swung open the door, half dressed, with his attention not on the dog, but on his drained boyfriend.

"Robert...?" The bluenette rushed to his feet and to River. "I'm-... sorry. I didn't mean to wake you... go back to sleep." He smiled and ushered Winter out the room. He went to reach for the bedroom door handle to close it, when River held his wrist. Robert looked at his wrist, then up at River as Winter happily trodded downstairs, happy with his success.

"River? What's wrong?"

River took a few seconds to look over his face, taking in the under eye circles, the pale skin and dirty clothes. His eyes met Roberts again and he brought a hand up to his neck. "You're what's wrong..." he shook his head and sighed. "You overwork yourself..." Robert was about to protest when River picked him up, carrying him to the bed. A small, sharp gasp emit from Robert as he was picked up, confused but... content. River reached the bed after closing the door and placed Robert down carefully. "Rest today... stay in bed with me, just... relax, please." The part time baker saw the plead in his boyfriend's eyes, and he really, really needed the rest too. He nodded silently and River helped to slide his shirt off, tossing it aside. "I'll make you something to eat." River was about to leave the bed when this time Robert grabbed his wrist. He chuckled and turned back to him. "What is it?"

"Stay, please. Can we cuddle for a bit...?"

River new that sentence was far from a question, and was more a demand. He complied, also wanting to spend time with his boyfriend. He laid alongside Robert, kissing his forehead. "You're hopeless. You can say no to work, but you never do. You're a pain to yourself." He talked quietly as he brushed a hand through Roberts hair. Robert watched River as he did so and nodded.

"Sorry..." The blonde stopped and sat higher above Robert, shushing him with a finger over his lips, before it was replaced with his lips. His hand slid up Robert neck and he gave a long, loving and much needed kiss, before pulling away.

"Hopeless." River muttered as he pulled away, and Robert responded back with a hum. "I'm only hopelessly devoted," River kissed him again.

"And so am I." 

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