Mr. Loverman

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Disclaimer: For obvious reasons, these characters are aged up.


There was nothing that he didn't like about her. Her raven hair that shone blue in the sunlight. The freckles that dusted the bridge of her nose, the way she smiled and how here eyes held a sparkle to them.

Luka Coffaine was in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

But she was in love with someone else. Her gaze always drifted to Adrien, and he could easily sense how strongly she felt for him. He wanted to tell her how he felt, scoop her up and take her away... but he couldn't be that selfish.

Luka agreed to keep his feelings to himself, deciding to pine quietly. He swore to himself to protect her, support her and love her in silence. Every day, his love for her growing daily. He was always her shoulder to lean on whenever she needed. Even if she used him, he would love her nevertheless.

It was one unexpected day where there was a rapid knocking at his door. He hastily put his guitar down and went to his door, opening it. To his surprise, Marinette stumbled in after he opened it. She fell into his chest as he caught her, her hands balling up at his chest as she sobbed softly.

"Marinette?" Luka questions, one hand at her waist and another coming to cup her cheek. "What's the matter?"

There was mumbled words as she spoke into his chest. He could feel the wetness of her tears as they soaked into his shirt. "Marinette, I can't understand," he murmurs softly, attempting to pull her away gently.

She took a deep, shaky breath before looking up at Luka, her eyes full of tears. "I can't anymore, Luka. I-I can't anymore," she whispered between sobs.

He swipes at the tears that roll down her cheeks. "Can't what?" He tries to coax the answer out of her but her tears come harder, and she's shaking her head, her legs giving out on her and she's sitting on the floor now, Luka coming down with her.

Marinette covers her face, sobbing into her hands. "With Adrien," she sputters.

Luka feels his heart clench. He had nothing but respect for the other boy, but he wouldn't tolerate if he made her cry like this. He internally sighs and he cups her face, tilting her face up to him. "What did he do?" He questions gently.

Marinette hesitates to answer because the question alone makes her tear up again. She tries to pull away but Luka keeps her gaze up. "H-He, I—" she hiccups. "I saw him kissing Kagami," she whispers.

Ah. "Marinette, I'm so sorry," Luka murmurs as he pulls her into a hug.

Marinette's sobs grew harder and she dug herself into Luka's neck. Luka sits cross-legged on the ground, gently bringing her into his lap as he runs her back soothingly.

A broken heart wasn't an easy fix. Realizing that the person you love loved someone else felt like your heart was being torn from your chest and sent through the shredder. Luka won't deny that he felt the same way when he realized that Marinette only had eyes for Adrien, but he could swallow his pride and not throw a fit. He was able to take of himself.

Marinette, on the other hand... she liked Adrien for years. That wasn't going to be neither a quick nor easy fix.

"He doesn't deserve you, Marinette," Luka murmurs, pulling back slightly. Marinette takes stuttered breaths, trying to calm her tears as she looks up at him. "He doesn't someone who's as sweet, caring and kind as you. Someone who puts such dedication into her passion, risks her life for her line of work." Her eyes widen slightly.

"L-Luka, how do you—"

He shushes her gently. "I know nothing," he coos, brushing away hair stuck to her face before cupping her cheek again. "He doesn't deserve someone as talented, passionate, charismatic, and gorgeous like you."

Even through her red-rimmed eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, her bottom lip swollen from chewing on it as a cruel form of self-punishment, Luka thought she was beautiful.

That's where Luka found himself leaning towards her, his lips barely brushing hers. It was a ghost of a touch and it drew a soft gasp from her lips that made him realize what he was doing and pulled back.

"I'm..." Luka closes his eyes, shaking his head. "Sorry, Marinette, I didn't mean it—"

"You didn't mean it?" Her whispered voice reached his ears and he opens his eyes.

"No, I did mean it, I just—" he purses his lips and sighs softly. What terrible timing... "I meant to kiss you. I just don't want to confuse your heart. Or take advantage of you in this situation."

Marinette sniffles, looking down. There was a moment of silence that grew between them before she looked up at him. "Do it again."

Luka stammers lightly. "Do.. do what?" He asks.

Marinette brings her hands to his shoulders hesitantly. "What you just did... k-kiss..." she couldn't bring herself to say it.

The need to kiss her only grew stronger but his moral compass had a bigger pull. "Marinette," he sighed. "I can't, I shouldn't."

The grip on his shoulders tightened ever so slightly. "Please?"

Luka chewed on his cheek as he thought. She looked so heartbroken, but her bluebell eyes glimmered with unfamiliar emotions that didn't fail to lure him in. "Tell me to stop," he murmured as he leaned into her lips, tilting her head slightly to better angle.

Marinette remained silent except for the small gasp that passed through her lips. Luka paused, only for Marinette to reciprocate by cupping his face and pressing him heavier on her lips. Luka sighed, quickly admitting defeat. There was no way he could hold back now.

Luka kissed her without restraints, nipping gently at her bottom lip. His tongue carefully slid across her bottom lip and she hesitantly parted her lips. He coaxed a soft whimper from her as his tongue met hers, which he swallowed greedily.

Managing to get a taste of her was a mistake, something that he should never have done because she was simply so... addictive. Now that he's had a taste, he won't be able to be easily sated.

He kissed her until his lungs burned with the demand of oxygen, and he pulled back, resting his forehead against hers as they shared breaths.

"Marinette," he whispers in mild warning.

"Again," she whispers back.

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