Episode 2: April 4, 2022

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Junko: Welcome back everyone to Monday Night FMW!

Ann: I'm Ann Takamiki!

Junko: And I'm her best friend-

Ann: Still not friends...

Junko: Junko Enoshima! And tonight we got a card for you! As we get ready for our first ever PPV, FMW Fatal 4-Way! Where both the Woman's and World Heavyweight Champions defend their titles against three other superstars!

Ann: There will of course be contender matches. One of which is Oshiro vs EDF!

Junko: That's right! Oshiro called EDF out last week! They're gonna be making their in-ring debut tonight! And whoever wins will be in the Fatal 4-Way against Roman Reigns!

Ann: We'll also have the Jurassic Express taking on The Jobbers! But before that, Triple H will be here tonight to discuss what he did last week and why he did it.

Junko: Last but not least we'll see the new Woman's Champion in action... ne-


Junko was immediately interrupted as The Miz walked towards the ring. He stepped into the middle of the ring with his own mic. He looked around at everyone before speaking.

Miz: Last week, I was cheated out of a title I rightfully deserve. Given to a man who doesn't even know what it means to really be a champion. I'm referring to that man out there, that coward MJF! This random guy thinks he can make it big time, but the guy barely has a spine to make up his own character. He makes it seem like he's such a unique bad guy when all he really is and will ever be is The Miz 2.0! So MJF, I'm calling you out. Give me a rematch for the intercontinental title at Fatal 4-Way and if you don't, I'll give you hell like you never seen coming.


Junko: That was so rude! The nerve of this guy interrupting me!

Ann: Well, The Miz has just called out MJF! Will MJF accept his challenge? We'll have to wait next week to see.


Junko: Anyway, like I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted, the Woman's Champion will be taking on Jobba right now!

Mahiru: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, the FMW Woman's Champion... Dr.Britt Baker D.M.D!

Britt Baker started heading towards the ring. Already in the ring was her opponent, Jobba, who had no entrance. The ref was in the ring and rang the bell. Jobba went for a clothesline, but Baker ducked under it, grabbed Jobba by the hair, and slammed her to the ground. 

Jobba tried to get up, but Baker stomped her face back into the mat and went for the pin.

Ref: One! Two! Three!


Mahiru: Here is your winner... Dr.Britt Baker D.M.D!

Baker took her title and grabbed a mic as she held the title belt high.

Baker: Of course I'm the winner! I was destined to win just like I was destined to hold this title around my waist! And whether it be four superstars or more, I'll make sure nobody takes this from me! I'll be holding this belt for as long as I want!


As soon as Baker was done, Charlotte started to come with a mic.

Charlotte: Stop stop stop stop stop! Baker... I thought doctors were supposed to be smart. Unless you couldn't remember, you never pinned me for the title! In fact, if you hadn't shoved me out of the ring, I would have had that match won! But here's your chance to get one over princess, because I've already pulled a few strings and guaranteed my place in the Fatal 4-Way match!

Baker shook her head in disappointment.

Baker: Why am I not surprised that daddy's girl needed to use her name to get a free shot at my title.

Junko: Hey! Hoooold up!

Junko suddenly stood up from the announce table and grabbed her mic. She quickly got into the ring.

Junko: I won't deny that Charlotte got what was pretty much a free ticket for the title. But I won't just stand here and let you mock the guys in the back and say she gained an opportunity solely thanks to the fact that she's a Flair!


Before Junko continued, Sakura headed for the ring. She rolled inside and grabbed a mic.

Sakura: Wait! Um...

Charlotte: Great. Here comes the other Jobber.

Sakura: If Charlotte's going to get another chance... then I want one too!

Junko: Goddammit, what's with you guys coming out here and interrupting me? 

Sakura: Huh? Um...

Junko: Charlotte came up last week and gave a pretty good point. Technically she wasn't pinned for the title. You on the other hand... last I checked... you tapped out and lost your chance for the title.

Sakura: I-

Charlotte: You heard her kid. Get in the back of the line.

Junko: However!

Junko raised her finger in the air.

Junko: If you really are that determined to get another match, you'll have to prove yourself in order to get into the Fatal 4-Way. Next week, you take on an opponent of my choosing. Whoever wins gets to fight for the title!

Sakura had hope in her eyes, though Charlotte and Baker looked a little disappointed.

Sakura: Alright! So, who's my opponent?!

Junko pointed ahead.


Ann: Holy crap! It's Tina Armstrong!

A blonde girl walked toward the ring with a smile on her face.

Ann: A second-generation women superstar! Former DWA champion and first-ever female wrestler to enter the Dead or Alive Tournament!

Tina stepped into the ring and had a staredown with Sakura. 

Junko then sat back at the announce table before the girls left.

Ann: How did you...?

Junko: Hm? I didn't do anything. That was already planned by the boss. All I did was think ahead.

She tapped on the earpiece she was wearing.


Junko: Anyway, back to business! Because the Jurassic Express is here!

Mahiru: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Accompanied by Christian Cage, the FMW Tag Team Champions... Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus... Jurrasic Express!

Junko: You heard that right! Your tag champs! That boy and his dinosaur!


Mahiru: And their opponents! Accompanied by Tad... Jobbr and Jobbe... the Jobbers!

Junko: And here comes The Jobbers! They're... um... well they're something!

Ann: Is that Elevator music?

Junko: Well they are brothers. They have a sister who lost her match against Britt Baker earlier.

They walked into the ring and the ref rang the bell. Jobbr and Jungle Boy were in the ring first. Jobbr went for a clothesline but Jungle Boy got behind him, grabbed him, and hit him with a Suplex. Jobbr jumped up and quickly tagged in Jobbe who stepped into the ring and ran at Jungle Boy, jumping up and hitting him with a dropkick. Jungle Boy was pushed to the corner and Luchasaurus tagged himself in. He stepped into the ring and Jobbe ran at him. He went for a clothesline but Luchasurus grabbed him by the neck. Jobbr went to the top rope and tried to go for a splash, but Luchasaurus caught him by the neck too. He lift them both up and slammed them down with a double chokeslam. He went for the pin.

Ref: One! Two! Three!


Mahiru: Here are your winners! Jurrasic Express!

Junko: And there we are! The winners of this match! Yeah, let's hope The Jobbers get a bit better...

Christian grabbed a microphone as he began to speak.

Christian: You see, that is the power of a champ! As long as these guys are in my care, nobodies taking these belts from Jurassic Express-


Ann: Oh, these guys might have something to say about that!

Junko: Their leader Reaón! The King Of Dinosaurs K.O.D! And the Knockout Free Spirit Ángel! Together these three make up Team Mexico!

Ramón: Hold up! I wouldn't wanna make that challenge if I were you. Ya never know who'll be out to take it!

KOD: Grrrawr...

Ángel: Right, you could be challenged by someone like us.

The trio approached the ring but then someone else's music played.


Ann: Newcomers!

Junko: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... Devil's Ammunition! Cody Johnson! Ace Sniper! And Nathan Orton!

Cody: Hold up, if we're talking about guys who can take those belts, I know I'll be busy taking a belt from a certain tribal chief soon... but I have two guys who can take those titles off your hands for me.

Ramón: Whoa there, back of the line amigos. We were here first.

Nathan took the mic.

Nathan: Sorry, that wasn't a request.

He dropped the mic and they began to get closer. But Junko spoke up again.

Junko: Sorry guys, as much as I wanna see you all beat each other to a bloody pulp, we're running low on time. So how about this? At PMW Fatal 4-Way... it will be a Triple Threat Ladder Match! Jurrasic Express vs Team Mexico vs Devil's Ammunition! For the Tag Titles of course.

Both Team Mexico and Devil's Amunition smiled  as they liked the idea of that. The Jurrasic Express, however, weren't the biggest fans of the idea.

As they all began to leave, Triple H's music played.


And with that, The Game, Triple H, entered the ring with his iconic entrance.

Ann: And here comes The Game! The man who attacked Cody Rhodes last week!

Hunter grabbed a mic and began to speak.

Triple H: Now, a lot of you might be wondering... "Why did you attack Cody Rhodes"? Well buckle up because your about to find out. Here I am in the back wondering when I'm getting my shot at the title. After all, I'm one of the greatest superstars of all time. But when I look on the TV I see a man who left my business mocking me. A man who left and disrespected me! Who took my throne and spat on it! I saw a man who left because he was too selfish to be grateful for what he has! That's the man I saw getting a title shot before me! So... I took actions into my own hand. And Cody, I can promise you this... you will never get close to that title for as long as I breathe.

Hunter dropped the mic an was about to leave. But as soon as he turned to face the Titantron, he saw what was going on in the back.

The Titantron showed a bunch of referees and officials rushing into the office of Vince McMahon. Including Mikan who was trying to get a bloody Vince out his office. Triple H quickly got out the ring and rushed to the back to check on his Father-In-Law.

Ann: What the world?! Did Cody do this?!

Junko: Nope! Cody Rhodes is not here tonight!

Ann: ... Then... did you?

Junko: Not necessarily... but lets just say if Hunter interferes in Cody's matches again... "he" will take him out.

Ann: Who's he?

Junko: Puhuhu! You'll see!

Ann: Right... well it's time for our main event! What was just a challenge has now turned into a contenders match! Whoever wins will enter the Fatal 4-Way against Roman Reigns for the World Heavyweight Championship!


Mahiru: The following contest is scheduled for a one-fall! Making his way to the ring, Oshiro!

Oshiro came out and made his way to the ring as his music played.

Junko: Here comes a man who plans to shut his opponent up!

Ann: The little brother of Asuka and married to Kairi Sane! He's a two time NXT Champion and 2 time ROH champion! Three time IWGP Heavyweight Champion and protoge of Minoru Suzuki! This guys got it all!


Junko: But can he beat a God!

Mahiru: And his opponent! Making his way to the ring... the great... EDF!

Junko: Confidence and arrogance at its peak! EDF is a 5-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion and 5-time Universal Champion! He's also won the AEW World Championship 4 times! Which of these two men will win their debut match?!

The two men looked at each other and circled around the ring. Oshiro went for a kick but EDF caught it and Oshiro kicked him in the face with his other foot, causing EDF to stagger. Oshiro hit him with a dropkick hat pushed EDF into the corner. He went for another dropkick, but EDF caught him by the neck and slammed him to the ground with a chokeslam. He quickly went for the pin quickly.

Ref: One! Two!

Oshiro kicked out at two which frustrated EDF, who got up and started stomping on him. He got in the corner as Oshiro started to get up. EDF went for a Superkick but Oshiro managed to get behind him and lock him in a sleeperhold.

Ann: Oh! Oshiro's got him!

EDF fell to one knee before standing back up. He ran backwards, slamming Oshiro into the turnbuckle, but Oshiro wouldn't let go. He ran and slammed him into the other turnbuckle but Oshiro still held on. EDF dropped to the ground and Oshiro got a better grip of the sleeper hold. The ref held EDF's arm up and it dropped.

Ref: One!

He held up his hand again and it dropped once more.

Ref: Two!

He held up his hand a third time, but this time EDF grabbed Oshiro and leaned back, getting his shoulders on the mat.

Ref: One! Two-

Oshiro was forced to let go as he kicked out. They both started to get up and EDF hit him with a Superkick, knocking him to the ground. He went for the pin again.

Ref: One! Two!

Oshiro kicked out, this time rolling EDF up for another pin.

Ref: One! Two!

EDF kicked out this time. As they both got up EDF kicked him to one knee and was about to go for a Pedigree, but Oshiro got out of it. He kicked EDF down to one knee, lifted him upside down, and slammed him back down with a Gotch Style Piledriver. Oshiron quickly went for the pin.

Ref: One! Two! Three!


Ann: He did it!

Oshiro rolled out the ring before EDF could grab him as he raised his hands in victory.

Mahiru: Here's you're winner... Oshiro!

Junko: There you hear it! Oshiro will be in the Fatal 4-Way against Roman Reigns at our first ever PPV!

Ann: There will be more matches like this next week! It has been announced that the leader of Devil's Ammunition, Cody Johnson, will take on the America Nightmare Cody Rhodes to see who else gets in the men's Fatal 4-Way! And Ángel will be making her in-ring debut aginst R-Mika for a spot at the Woman's championship!


Junko: And speaking of Champion! Here comes the United States Champion, Seth Freakin'Rollins!

Ann: Earlier today it was announced that Jon Moxely had been injured in his match against Seth for that title. Meaning right now he's having the time of his life!

Seth grabbed a mic as he got in the ring.

Seth: Ahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen! Your United States Champion! Seth Freakin' Rollins!

The crowd booed as he kept the smile on his face.

Seth: Now if you guys didn't hear, a certain lunatic got injured after trying to take my spot as champion. It only makes sense right?! He wasn't even close to matching the greatness of Seth Freakin'Rollins! ... And you know what? This title's gonna be around my waist for as long as I want because I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! I'm the best in the world baby!


Ann: Oh!

Junko: Talk about the Best in the World, and he will come! CM Punk is here!

As she said that, CM Punk stormed into the ring. He got in and had a staredown with Seth Rollins. The two of them were silent for a bit before Punk grabbed a mic and spoke.

CM Punk: You want to talk about being the best? Then why don't you prove it and face me at Fatal 4-Way!

The crowd cheered as CM Punk dropped the mic. Rollins held up his title with a smile before rolling out laughing.

Ann: What a match that will be! CM Punk vs Seth Rollins! At FMW Fatal 4-Way!

Junko: Sadly we're out of time. But don't worry! We got a lot more next week on Monday Night FMW!

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