A Warrior is Called

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In an oasis, all was nice an flourishing. Everything was clam and peaceful. Animals and people living in harmony.

???: Long ago, people didn't know about monkey king. There was only demons. 

Then suddenly a ground rip open, a red glow came from the fissure. Flying winged snake demons flew into the sky. Then a massive hand appeared from the crack. A portal to the netherworld.

???: A one that shine before them, was the Snake King, Sith

Out slithering from the fissure was a white and purple giant snake, wearing a crown, armor and wielded a massive spear. With one swings he tears oasis from beautiful scenery, to a scorching the land into a barren waste.

???: the demon snake king has drove everyone to their knees, except for two 

Then sudden a massive light shine from sky. Catching the Snake king eye, he looks, seeing a figure on top a mountain. The figure brings forth a staff and leapt  towards the snake at blinding speed. He strikes, sith blocks with his tail, the force sends everything flying. The demon snake begins his vicious attacks. Using bud spear to try a cleave the figure head, but it dodged  each one of his strikes. Changing into a bird it flies up, changing back to throw his staff at the snake. Knocking snake back.

???: facing sith was  the hero, known from the west, challenging the Snake demon king to stop his reign, but the king, Sith, had fought far more warriors then this monkey

Sith leapt forth from the ground an fires at the hero. The hero dodged various attacks until he is grabbed by snake minions. Allowing sith to crush the hero under his tail. Grabbing the hero he pulls him to his face an laughs.

???: the hero was at the mercy of sith or so sith thought

From the ground another figure burst forth an uppercuts sith. Freeing the hero sith looks around, to see a figure a the hero on a pillar.  The figure helps the hero up.

???: the hero mighty brother, the warrior, arrive just in time, help land the final blow.

The warrior brings forth his staff. The two attack the snake king. Landing multiple fast blows that sith wasn't prepared for. Their last strike sends sith into a mountain. 

???: with their combined attack the warrior and the hero unleashed a massive beacon of light, seen everywhere even in the celestial realm. The attack has sent Sith into the netherworld, destroyed, never to be seen from again. The warrior and hero did it, they defeated the greatest demon. Their names will be known across everywhere. So beginning their journey to become-

Then we see a book of kid reading it as he closes it.

???: Legends. So what you think dude

???2: it was great, the hero is so cool, the way he beat up that snake demon

???: what, the hero was getting handed, it was the warrior who beat him, it's in his name

???2: no way the hero win

???:  warrior

???2: hero

They continue bickering until we hear a sound. Then we see someone wake up. He groans an yawns.

???: ughh, why did I have that dream again, [sees time] oh snap I'm late

They teenager leaps out of bed an gets changed. He then rides his hover board to the meeting place. Surfing around the city he lives in. He makes it to a fight club. 

Security: you late

???: yeah yeah I know

He walks inside an gets change. Putting on boxing gloves and shorts, he heads to ring to meet his contestant 

Annoucer: ladies and gentlemen, the underdogs has arrive. The six fist of fury, MAK.

MAK: yeah, let's rumble

The bell rings as he fights the opponent. The opponent was new and was trembling as MAK gave a toothy smile and steps to the fighter. He lunged at him deliver 5 punches and an uppercut sending the fight flying, landing on a stretcher.  The crowd cheers as MAK released his battle cry. Later MAK was eating pizza and contacts his friend. 

???: hey dude, saw your match, you killed it, as usually 

MAK: thanks, so how's back in the home city

???; oh it's been good, ups and downs

MAK: yeah hey I got to run, there some dune races Im gonna compete in.

???: sweet, I'll be there soon

MAK left the chat an curves off. Arriving at the dunes he gets in his car an readies himself.  The race begins and MAK is ahead of the pack. He keeps the lead until Sunday he decides to play dirty an creates a dust devil.

MAK: hey, can't you play fair for once

The dust cloud cause MAK to head down the wrong road, more sinister an smells of evil. MAK was driving until it fell into a hole

MAK: I hate this 

Car crash and explodes, sending MAK flying an rolling across the ground. Sliding to the edge of the floor, he looks up an groans, noticing something.

MAK: oh man

???: sith, sith, sith, sith

He sees snake clones or robots chanting something. In the center, was a pit full of green water.

MAK: oh I wish I did not go dune racing weekly 

He sees snake clones marching to him. MAK sneaks off. Getting closer to the pit he sees large figures, one resemble a rhino, a bat, and a Female snake.

???: how much longer do we have to wait

???: calm down red horn, don't get you horn in a twist

Red horn: say that again sycthe, or this horn with be in you chest

Sycthe: hah, as if you could hit me

Red horn grabs him about to crush him. But the lady snake stops them.

???: Silence you two, my brother will make his return.

Both: yes lady boa

Lady boa: now, we gather here to bring back our lord an master, the true king of the netherworld, commence the awakening, of the Snake king,

The snake clones start throwing in bones, snake bones. Into the pit. MAK watch as nothing happen. Then a beam of light came from the pit. Scaly hands came from the the pit, as out roar the Demon Snake King, Sith.  Sith body was covered in scars.

Lady Boa: yes, my brother has return

Sith:[inhales sharply, exhales deeply] flesh, Air, an Bone, I have return to the living world. Centuries....I have been sleeping... due to those, primates, who stopped me long ago

MAK:[whispers] okay... so that story might not be so false 

 MAK sneaks closer. Sith slowly made his way out the pit. Red horn and Scythe helped the Sith.

Sith: the years have been kind to you my generals.

Sycthe: yes my lord, you should be most pleased from what we've uncovered 

Sith: an that is

Lady boa: follow us 

Sith follows them deeper into the cave. MAK surprisingly follow not sure why. Then he sees a larger room with more snake clones, and a cauldron.

Lady boa: the so called hero and the warrior that bested you are know now as, Monkey King and Six-Earred Macaque, they have made quite a name for themselves in the present an they defeated the lady bone demon

Sith: bah, that demon was so obsessed with destiny, I'll decide what happens, now what to do with the monkey king and macaque 

Sycthe: what they don't know, is that with have gain traces of their dna, an thanks to the celestial realm, have ways of summoning them an absorbed their power into you

Sith: making me the most powerful being in all the realms.

Lady boa: claiming your rightful place as their king

Red horn: it will be glorious 

Sith: indeed, start with the hero, Monkey king

Snake clones brings forth the ingredients. They throw it into the cauldron. Red horn chants the scroll,  things begin to glow a the cauldron shakes. Out comes forth a beam. Off might.  Eyes come from the been. Sith smiles as out comes. A monkey cloaked in smoke. Immediately chained by the 

Sith: yes, we finally meet again Sun wu-

Out the smoke is.... Macaque. Coughing from the smoke. 

Sith: what!!!!

Macaque: woah where am I [sees sith, and laughs] oh I don't believe it,  Sith, how you doing bud, netherworld treating you find.  

Sith: macaque!!!

MAK:[gasp] as in the Six-earred macaque, as in the warrior from the legends, the only one who could rival monkey king[squeals, and sneaks closer]

Sith: what happen 

Scythe: ugh, you lazy snake clones, you put in the ingredients for macaque, not Wukong

Red horn: idiots 

Sith: no matter, I will enjoy draining your powers from your lifeless husk

Macaque: took you centuries just to come up with that line. Cause honestly I'm not-ahhhh

He then feels his powers being taken, being concentrated into his shadow staff. Before entering sith.

Sith: now this is entertainment 

MAK watched as his idol was getting by his powers stolen. It made him angry. Then a snake clone spots him.  It goes to attack him, but MAK Judo throws him into more clones. Am he watch as the snakes resembled themselves.

MAK: oh no

He runs off, Red horn notice this an walks off. MAK is tubing on the high floor being chased by snake clones. Then red horn burst through the wall an in front  of MAK.

Red horn: we have a little rat in our den

MAK goes left before he heads down an edge of the ground. He looks an gets corners by the snake clone an red horn. 

Red horn: no where to go, lord Sith, I found you your first meal before taking over the world.

Sith looks as did everyone else.

Macaque: who's the kid

Red horn: nowhere to go, 

MAK: well, I love to stay and be eaten, but, I got better plans

He then jumps off the ledge an into the air. He unknowingly jumped into the direction of the energy. Benign consumed into it.

Sith: no

Macaque: kids got guys

MAK screams inside the power then it creates a shockwave, sending them back a frees macaque, using this chance to escape. Everyone looks to their dismay, as the power is sucked into MAK. Eyes close his summons the Macaque staff. 

He grabs it, as it changes, becoming like that of the monkey king's. But it luscious gokd, is placed with shining silver imbedded with spikes, at the end. He lands down an opens his eyes.

MAK: wow, did that just happen 

Lady boa: impossible 

Sycthe: the same thing happened before

Red horn: oh that's not good[hides]

Sith:[growls an glows with anger] is this, some kind of crew joke. Bring entombed for a millennium, a the first chance at power, it's robbed, by some, some welp... I'll devour you whole

He leaps at MAK as did his minions. MAK steps back a creates another shockwave.  Sending them back he then goes into his shadow.

MAK: woah[appears in another location] cool. Cya 

MAK runs off. Snakes clones attack him but he knock aside by the staff. Sith roars as red horn attacks him. He dodged his attack then he is grabbed an thrown down by scythe. He gets up as all of then looms over him

Sith: this game ends now

MAK: first of all if you think I'm gonna let you take this staff, an use my favorite legend as a tool. Then forget it's

MAK roars and charges. then smoke monster appears from his shadow, destroying everything a launches into the sky.  Sith roars in fury.

Sith: scythe, hunt them down

Scythe: my pleasure 

He pressed a button a the something glows as something flys into the sky.  In the finest MAK was unconscious, as he gets up groaning.

MAK: ugh, how did I do that. More importantly, where am I 

Then suddenly he hears a noise. He sees in the distant, a massive jet bat like thing coming at him. Piloted by Scythe.

Scythe: little rat... you have something of ours 

MAK: oh come on

He rides off with his hoverboard. The jet closes on him an begins to fire, MAK dodged the the shots as well as maneuver through pillars. The Jet doesn't move as it crushed each one nine to pieces.

Scythe: if you think some rocks will stop you'll stupid then I thought

MAK: how about you get out of that jet and I'll show you 

Scythe: I don't think so

He continues firing. MAK then sees a canyon an smirks, he flies towards it leading the jet in. Using the staff to tear apart the rock walks. Causing the rocks to fall onto the jet. It eventually crashes. 

MAK: eat that demon rat

He flies to the ends of the canyon. But then he's an epilation an looks back to see a car chase after him. 

MAK: oh come on

Scythe: why all you surprised, is demons would never drive something without one complex transformation 

MAK races to the end of the canyon. Scythe closes in with missiles locked on. The reacher he end as the ride up a massive rock slab. Not knowing a purple green blur descended to them. Just as the missile fires and just before they it a glowing transparent spider descended before them, it fires a web catching a detonating the missiles. Then the spider lands ahead of MAK and changed to be  drone ship resembling a spider. It opens its hangar door an MAK hears a voice.

???: get in dude

MAK: that voice, Cole

He flys inside just as the car jumps.  But the ship flys off.

Scythe: oh come on

His car crashed as he flys off. On the ship, it shores across the sky's. Inside MAK looks around.

MAK: okay, Cole did some redecorating 

Cole: hey buddy, come up here

MAK runs to the pilot seat. There he see a glow coming from the seat c an multiple spider arms, he draws closer, staff at the ready,

MAK: Cole

The figure stopped what it did an spun the chair.  Looking at MAK he was speechless to see a purple skin green a black curly hair creature. He screams an attacks the figure.

Cole: woah woah woah hey it's me cole, what's with the stick

MAK: wait, that voice. Cole

Cole: yep, now what's with the stick

MAK: what the hell happen to you

Cole: well funny story

A brief story

MAK: you telling me that you were turn into a spider demon by the spider Queen an her venom

Cole: yep, I go by stunt crawler now, consider myself a ninja spider

MAK: you take 2 years a martial are training an you consider yourself a ninja

Stunt: well it's better than most. So what's with the staff

MAK: oh this yeah well get this, it's the staff of the Six-Earred Macaque 

Stunt: yeah I don't believe it, an I've seen a guy wield a staff of the monkey king. But you, no way

MAK: oh really

He then shows him the staff, as it glows dark purple. 

Stunt: okay, that works. So what's with the guy chairing you

MAK then tells him what happen.

Stunt: so, The Demon Snake King, is resurrect and is trying to absorb the power of the monkey king but instead summoned macaque, but you got in the way an somehow absorbed all that power

MAK: yeah, I don't even know how I was able to do it, it just felt natural 

Stunt: well, I think it's obvious what we need to do

MAK: yeah

MAK: fight

Stunt: run

Both: what

MAK: these guy steal the legends power an are about to do the same to monkey king once they regroup, we should throw everything we got at them 

Stunt: what we got are two guys who barely know their strengths, an a ship. A grim what I seen they'll be hunting you. We need to get stronger cause if the dsk finds you, he eat you. 

MAK: fine, what should we do now,

Stunt: train you, an lucky for I know someone who can help. Hold onto your staff.

They off into the sky. Not noticing a eagle was eyeing them 

We see it fly after them. 

Boom that's it for the chapter. This is only the beginning  for MAK and his pal. An he finally gets to me macaque, only wish it was in Better circumstances.  Next chapter, of the movie, training gets a lot harder in, Training to be a Warrior.

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