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"You're one of the very few survivors of worlds greatest tragedy. Congrats.

Contamination in the stratosphere has mutated the weather, causing the danger levels of storms and weather to be intensified.

Tornadoes are radioactive and faster, they are also much larger. It's almost as if giant blades were hidden in the wind.

Hurricanes are larger as well, and much more powerful. They can uproot malls just by passing by them.

Earthquakes are capable of slipping the ground open in one shake, and last much longer then regular ones.

The Suns rays are farther and the world much colder, so the world is shrouded in a constant freezing temperature.

The moon no longer exists, so every night is pitch black and it's unwise to travel at that time.

Despite this, seasons carry on normally.

However, animals were also affected by these changes.

Birds have all died off, having froze to death up in the sky.

Sheep and rams now have several eyes and produce no wool.

Horses have multiple legs and no hair.

Snakes are giant-sized, the smallest being the size of a young adult alligator.

Pigs and boars have larger horns and less fat.

Chickens have no wings, and lay eggs rarely.

Alligators all froze to death in their watery homes, along with crocodiles.

Fish have nearly indestructible scales.

Goats are much more aggressive and have paws instead of hooves.

There are very few cities with places still standing, and forests and caves are the only semi-safe places. The mountains are unsafe to travel to, it's likely you'll fall off or freeze to death.

Human nature becomes much different, and it's likely they'll be much more aggressive in the face of tragedy. Be careful who you trust.

Each person is marked by a Tattoo in the shape of a number, with a certain skill or two of theirs inked beside it. The society will be determined by those tattoos. Really makes you think, doesn't it? After all, you have no memory of ever receiving those, correct?

This is the way society is organized;
There is three main leaders, each with the tattoo '1' and the skill 'leadership' above {insert skill here.}.

There is six second-in-commands, two for each leader. They all have '2' and 'Guidance' tattooed on above {insert skill here}.

There is five planners, who organize the society and the places they sleep, eat, times they scavenge, etc. They have '3' and 'Organization.'

Then there are the 'Travelers', who explore the land out farther if the groups migrate, marked with '4' and 'travel'.

Next is Medics, who heal the injured, marked by '5' and 'heal.'

After that, is the Warriors, who fight any threats and protect the colony, marked by '6' and 'strength'.

The hunters, who hunt for the food they eat, marked by '7' and 'stealth'.

Then the builders, who build homes and things, marked by '8' and 'heavylifter'.

Of course, there's Scouts, who scope the area from above to watch for threats, marked by '9' and 'observation'.

Each person can have two jobs and four skills at the maximum, one job on each arm and two skills on each arm.

Those who refuse to join the colony are called Outcasts, and can be regarded as allies or enemies.

Now, you should get on your way. Good luck, survivor."

Since the tattoos are sorta confusing, I'll give you a visual representation. Tattoos are always on the arms.

For somebody with two jobs;
JOB: 3, Organization
Skill: Goal-oriented, Resourceful
Job: 6, Strength
Skill: Powerful, Loyal

For somebody with one job;
Left or right: 9, Observation
Skill: Thoughtful, loud

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