Chapter 3: We are screwed

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Screams. Gunfire. Explosions. Those were the sounds she could hear, they were all so horrible and they were sounds that would bring fear to any individual but to her, it was different. The sounds didn't bother her, no. The sounds she kept hearing were doing the exact opposite of what you might expect, the sounds were...euphoric.

Cole's eyes shot open and she woke up with a gasp, sitting up and looking around in a state of disorientation. Once her vision was no longer blurred, Cole was confused to find that she was in a room, a motel room in fact.

She got up from the bed and saw her jacket had been placed onto a chair by the bed, she picked it up and widened her eyes in shock at seeing the dried up bloodstains all over the jacket. She dropped the jacket and started hyperventilating when she saw that her hands were also covered in dried up blood.

She quickly crossed the room and made her way into the small bathroom, switching on the light and desperately washing her hands off. She glanced up at the mirror briefly then went back to focusing on her hands but froze at what she had just seen.

She looked back up at the mirror to see a reflection of herself and it was not pretty. Her shirt, arms, hands, neck, lower chin and the sides of her mouth all had dried up blood.

"W-what the-, what the fuck? What the fuck!? WHAT THE FUCK!?" Cole shouted.


"It's what one would call a massacre." A man reported as he held a mic in front of a camera while police officers, paramedics and emergency rescue teams surrounded the clearing behind the reporter "Earlier this evening, security of the Life Foundation reported a break in within their facility. Military operatives were dispatched in order to capture the perpetrator but that proved to be a fatal decision because this perpetrator had managed to not only escape but wreak havoc along the way. We bring you an exclusive interview with the owner and company CEO of the Life Foundation himself, Carlton Drake."

"Thanks for having me on these trying times Tom." Drake said with a smile.

"No problem Mr. Drake, I just bring my condolences to the brave men and women who have passed." Tom said and Drake nodded "Now Mr. Drake, who do you think would do such a terrible thing?"

"Well Tom, it's simple. Many have tried to take me down because of the revolutionary ideas I bring, not for greed but for the betterment of our society. I present a change and unfortunately many see that as a bad thing, so I believe unidentified person had a bigger agenda than just breaking and entering, seeing as they have dispatched so many brave soldiers who made an effort to bring them to justice, we could only be dealing with someone as comparable as a terrorist." Drake stated as he looked directly into the camera "But they should know that this was only a set back and whatever they had stolen will surely be retrieved, they will be brought to justice for what they have done, that's a promise."

With that Drake walked away from view as Tom awkwardly chuckled "Well there you have it America, Carlton Drake is on the search for murderer of the highest degree. Was it really one person though? Or was it a group effort? Only time will tell. 100 soldiers dead, no survivors. Whoever did this may as well be some kind of monster. This is Tom Harrelson, signing out."


Cole had watched the entire thing curled up in a fetal position, growing ever more fearful from the information she was learning. Upon finding the blood, she immediately took a shower and got rid of her shirt and jacket. She had luckily found a grey shirt in the room that was a little oversized but fit her all the same.

"Cole." A deep voice stated.

Cole got up and looked around in confusion and with an ever growing fear, hoping to find the source of the voice "W-who's there?"

"We have to go, Cole." The voice stated, ignoring her question.

"W-what? Go where? Who are you!?" Cole exclaimed.

Black ooze started to form from behind Cole and moved in front of her, causing her to widen her eyes and back up in fear. She tripped over herself and fell to the ground, continuing to back away as the ooze formed a face.

She stopped once she felt the wall on her back and the monstrous face got closer to hers. It was made of a strange black liquid-like ooze with glaring white eyes and sharp jagged teeth that were grinning at her.

"What the hell are you?" Cole whispered.

"I am Venom and you are mine." Venom states.

"Y-You killed those people." Cole says.

"Correction, we killed and ate those people." Venom states.

Cole widens her eyes "A-ate?"

"Fuel for the tank." Venom states nonchalantly "Listen carefully Cole, you did not find us, we found you. Think of yourself as my ride."

"Where are you going?" Cole asks.

"We need Carlton Drake's rocket; you remember him?" Venom asks.

"How do you even know about that?" Cole asks fearfully once Venom's face got closer to her.

"I know everything Cole." Venom states.

"You do?" Cole asks as she started to shake in fear.

"Everything about you." Venom continues.

"How?" Cole asks.

"I'm inside your head, you are a loser Cole." Venom states.

"A-are you gonna kill more people?" Cole asks.

"Yes." Venom confirms.

"Eat people?" Cole asks.

"Most likely." Venom responds.

Cole shut her eyes in disgust as the realization hit her "Ugh god..."

"That is why we are here." Venom states "Cooperate and you might just survive, that is the deal."


Dora walked through the halls of the Life Foundation labs, led by two armed guards from behind. They lead her into a glass room with Drake waiting for her which made her grow weary.

"Leave us." Drake said and the two guards nodded, leaving the both of them in the glass room and he smiled "How are you today Dora?"

"Mr. Drake please just let me explain, I was-" Dora tried to explain but Drake cut her off.

"Excuses are none of my concern at the moment Dora, I just want to know. How are you?" Drake asked.

"I-I'm okay." Dora stuttered.

"You're okay, that's good." Drake said with a nod "Were you feeling okay when you let Cole Winters into my lab Dora?"

"M-Mr. Drake-"

"Excuses Dora! I don't have time for excuses!" Drake shouted and she jumped "Where is my symbiote Dr. Skirth?"

"I don't know." Dora whispered.

"What?" Drake asked.

"I don't know sir." Dora said a little louder.

Drake chuckled "You don't know, well I guess you wouldn't. Just like how I wouldn't know where Nora would be if she suddenly disappeared."

Dora widened her eyes at the subtle threat and looked up at Drake desperately "P-Please Mr. Drake, please don't hurt my family."

"Dora..." Drake said as he stepped closer and rubbed her cheek "I would never do such a thing; I'm just stressed out from all of this, that's all."

He moved his hand to the back of her neck and gripped it tightly, making her look him in the eye "Get me my symbiote and all will be forgiven, understood?"

Dora nodded rapidly and Drake smiled as her let her go, fixing up his suit "Good to know we have an understanding. Now I'm going to go make your job easier, keep your eyes on the news and don't disappoint me."

Drake then walked past Dora who was frozen in fear but as his footsteps got lighter and farther away, Dora broke down in tears.


Cole entered a small diner and the bell to the door rang as she made her way to the counter. There were a few occupants inside the diner, people who were local to the area and some travelers like herself. Her and Venom and come to an agreement and the best way to do so was to contact Dora but her phone had broken during her escape from the lab and she couldn't remember Dora's phone number so they had to get back to her car since that's where she had left the notebook with Dora's number written inside.

"Hey, uh...could I have a coffee and a bagel please." Cole asked.

"Of course sugar." The waitress said as she writes it down "Will it be a sit in or to go?"

"So many delicious looking meat bags." Venom stated within her head.

"To go!" Cole exclaimed, gaining everyone's attention "To go."

"Okay hon, just have a seat over there." The waitress said giving Cole a strange look as she pointed to a large seat by the wall.

Cole nodded, walking over to the seat and sitting down with a tired sigh. She was seriously wondering what she had done to piss God off so much that he would turn her life into utter shit in less than two days.

"Bad morning?" A man asked.

She turned to her left and saw a man who was in a wheelchair and holding a newspaper smiling at her. He was an older gentleman with graying brown hair and graying beard with brown eyes, he wore a brown suit with black shoes.

"Something like that." Cole responded.

"Niles Caulder." The man, Niles, introduced as he held out his hand to her.

Cole looked at the hand and shook it "Cole."

"Well Cole, all I can say about bad mornings is that if your day has already started off bad then whatever comes won't be so bad." Niles said.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, Carlton Drake with the NYPD coming out with an announcement on the recent homicide case. Let's check it out" The anchorman announced.

Both Cole and Niles looked up at the TV in the diner as it showed a Carlton Drake standing on a podium with the chief of police of New York standing by him.

"We as a community have suffered a great loss and I send out my condolences to the families of those that have been going through these times of mourning but I hope this recent development will bring a bit of levity into your hearts. We have found the culprit for the murders of the soldiers and the Life Foundation break in," Drake stated as the crowd gasped and pictures were taken of him "The culprit is a person that blames me for their misfortunes, someone willing to kill a hundred people just to get to me, the culprit for all of this is Cole Winters!"

'Shit/Shit." Both her and Venom cursed as a picture of her was shown on TV.

"Well it seems I was wrong," Nile said as she looked at him while he opened his newspaper "It seems your day has gotten exponentially worse."

"What does this mean?" Venom asked.

"It means we're screwed." Cole said as every person in the diner, besides Niles, glared at her.

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