Chapter 6: We are Venom

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Venom struggled against Riot who just growled at him and began absorbing the Venom symbiote into himself. Venom refused to give up though and he snapped forward, biting Riot's head which caused him to let out a shout and he backed up a bit, tripping from the beam and falling down to the base of the bridge.

The soldiers behind the spotlights watched as Riot stood up and they opened fire, having no idea who Riot truly was. Venom took this chance to slink over to Cole who slowly turned her head to the approaching symbiote, coughing up blood and weakly moving her right arm to meet Venom.

Riot roared and spikes protruded from his body, the spikes released and fired of towards the soldiers, killing almost all of them. Riot looked down to see that Cole had been absorbing Venom and he stomped over to them, grabbing the Venom symbiote and raising it up away from Cole.

"I don't think so, weakling." Riot stated and Venom started biting and clawing at him at a futile attempt of survival.

Cole had managed to absorb enough of Venom's symbiote to repair most of her injuries and she crawled away from them and past the spotlights. She grabbed the wheel of the tank and used it to pick herself up, leaning against it with legs ready to give out at any moment.

"Venom...can you hear me...?" Cole asked, taking deep breaths with each word.

"Cole..." Venom muttered to her telepathically.

"Do me?" Cole asked, climbing up onto the tank and pulling out the dead body of the soldier inside "Venom...?"

"Yes." Venom finally stated as the symbiote kept fighting off Riot.

Cole smirked as she fell into the tank and positioned herself upright on the seat, turning the cannon to aim at Riot and the Venom symbiote.

"Venom...move!" Cole shouted and Venom made his way onto Riot's arm.

"Don't run now, weakling. I have won." Riot stated.

The Venom symbiote grinned "Boom."

Cole fired the tank and Riot turned to get hit point blank by the shot and the side of the bridge exploded as the Venom symbiote had jumped away from the blast and through the hole of the cannon, making his way into the driver's seat and back into Cole.

"Good to have you back partner," Cole said as all her injuries healed with Venom's help "Now let's finish this."

The lid to the tank popped out and Venom jumped out and onto the rocket, climbing towards the entryway door.

"Launch in T-minus 1 minute." An automated voice stated through the intercoms.

Suddenly a silver tendril wrapped around Venom's neck and pulled them down to one of the pillars holding the rocket.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO!" A half burnt Riot shouted as he formed blades on his arms "DIE!!!"

Venom moved to the side to dodge a slice from the blade and they flipped back to stand and face Riot.

"Oh shit!" Cole exclaimed, noticing the blade.

"You were right, we're screwed." Venom stated as Riot lunged at them.

"No, we're not! Not this time!" Cole shouted as they dodged another slice and formed a shield to block them.

"Then what do we do!?" Venom shouted, feeling the pressure Riot was bringing with his attacks.

"I'm so goddamn tired of losing! It's time we win." Cole stated and Venom grinned.

They used the shield to tackle Riot back then lunged at him, clawing at him as Riot fought back with his own bladed weapons. Venom wrapped his tendrils around Riot's arms and raised him up then slammed him down, ragging him on the ground then flinging him away at the ocean but Riot shot a tendril at Venom and used it to lunge at Venom with a powerful tackle. They started to tumble and both symbiotes were fusing into one another as they ripped each other apart, sticking to any surface they made contact with.

Riot scratched Venom in the face and Cole punched Carlton in the face to which he returned and Venom punched Riot. Riot impaled Venom with multiple spikes and he retaliated by digging his claws through Riot's chest and tearing it open as Cole kept punching Carlton's bloody face.

"You're nothing! You will never beat me, Cole!" Carlton shouted.

"Die like the weakling you are, Venom!" Riot shouted.

"Cole can't beat you, but that's not who I am anymore." Cole stated as the rocket started its launch.

"I am weak but I know someone stronger than you could ever be." Venom stated as their fight moved onto the side of the rocket as it flew in the air.

"I am not nothing! I am not alone! I am not Cole! I am a monster!" Cole and Venom shouted as they formed into one and a blade formed on their arm "We are Venom!"

Venom sliced Riot's head off and grabbed Carlton before it could reform. They dragged him up to the top of the rocket as it flew and held him by the neck, changing the blade into a sharp spear.

"Have a nice life." Venom stated as Riot reformed and roared at them but Venom didn't care as they stabbed the spear right through the both of them.

They slammed them down the rocket and through it and it started to malfunction as they drilled right through it. The oil within the rocket spilled out and flowed down to the bottom of the rocket which ignited it and it exploded in a fiery blaze.


The next day, Niles sat in front of the burnt out fire as the bus was driving towards him from the city. It came to a stop and parked, Larry getting out with a bag of donuts and a newspaper in hand. He took a seat next to him and handed him the newspaper while digging through the bag for a donut.

"Looks like things have gotten much worse for our friend." Larry said as he handed Niles a donut.

"Cole Winters is now regarded as an enemy of the state. Wanted for hundreds of murders, the disappearance of a Dora Skirth and the untimely death of Carlton Drake along with the destruction of Life Foundation and NASA technology. She has become a priority, known to be highly dangerous and any sightings of her must be reported immediately." Niles read aloud and he chuckled "She sounds like a wild one. Jane and her would get along swimmingly."

Larry sighed "I can't believe you're so eager to let a murderer in the house. She sounds like a monster."

They heard an earth shaking thud from behind them and turned to see Cole walking through the dust, eyeing her with surprised looks on their faces.

"Don't believe everything you read." Cole stated, taking the donut from Larry "And we don't sound like a monster, we are a monster."

"Who's we?" Larry asked.

"Not important." Cole responded, looking at Niles "You wanted us. Well, here we are."

Niles smiled "Didn't think you'd join us so soon."

"Yeah, well, we've got nowhere to go so..." Cole said as they shrugged "But just so you know, we are not to be messed with, are we clear?"

"Crystal." Niles said with a nod.

"So is this 'we' thing gonna be a constant thing with you?" Larry asked.

Cole smiled snidely "We like it this way."

Larry rolled his eyes "Great."

"Well then, shall we head out?" Niles asked.

Cole dropped the donut on the ground and Larry let out a whimper as she walked behind Niles and started pushing him towards the bus. Larry stopped mourning the donut and depressingly stood up, following them to the bus.

"Where are we going anyway?" Cole asked.

"Simple my dear," Nile responded "We are simply headed to our doom."

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