Ten: Logan/Virgil

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AN Y'all are gonna hate me, but I am sad so writing helps but this angst is...insane. Good luck.


Roman finally caught up and grabbed his arm.

"Logan!" He turned Logan around and Logan glared at him.

"Did you really just leave Virgil alone with Remus!?" He shouted. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Says the one who left both me and Virgil back there alone with him. We don't trust him, but we needed to get him out of that hell hole! We were going to just have him thrown in prison anyways..." Logan looked away.

"You still trust him to be left alone with Virgil you idiot!" They both looked back towards the car.

"Okay yeah that was a dumb idea..." Roman rubbed his arm and then looked back at Logan. "But you need to understand, even after all he's done...we needed to get him away. We would be bad people if we left him..."

"I'm not going to help you Roman, not now, not ever. He's a fucking psychopath! Roman he fucking almost killed Janus and Virgil! He almost killed you! How can you sit here and tell me it's best we got him away? You should have left him to fucking rot." Roman sighed.

"Logan you need to calm down..." Logan glared at him.

"Calm down? Calm down!? Roman how can I trust you right now when MY RAPIST IS IN YOUR FUCKING CAR!?" Roman winced and backed away from him.

"Logan, please." Logan shook his head as he continued to storm off away from Roman.

"No, don't do that. I'm not going to sit there and help that-." Logan stopped and immediately grabbed romans arm dragging him behind a tree. His heart racing.

"Logan what-." Logan gestured at the women who were walking together and searching for someone.

"Well, well, well." Someone shoved Logan and Roman forward. Logan looked back and froze.

"Shit." Logan grabbed romans hand. "Run!" He went to drag Roman but one of the women suddenly blocked their path.

"Aww scared? Come on Logic, you know better than to run." She laughed. Logan shook his head.

"It's Logan, and you can't control me anymore! You don't have my son anymore! He's free from you! I don't care what you do to me anymore!" Logan held romans hand and glared at the women around them.

"I'm sorry, did you just talk back to me?" She growled.

"So what if I did? You can't threaten Virgil he's far far away from you!" Roman squeezed his hand and Logan looked at Roman.

"Run when I say." Roman whispered. Logan shook his head.

"No, fuck that! Roman no!" Logan looked at the women around them and back at Roman. "L-Let Roman go."

"Logan!?" Roman gasped. "Fuck that! You are not going back to them!"

"As if Logic has a choice, he either comes with us or we burn you alive." Romans eyes widened and he looked at Logan.

"Don't." He was pulled away from Logan and he screamed.

"STOP IT! STOP!" Tears flowed down his face as they tied Roman to a tree. He screamed and kicked but nothing worked, he couldn't get away.

"Then come with us Logic, you have one last chance at this." She struck a match and smirked.

"Please...please put it out I'll come with you just please don't hurt Roman!" Tears flowed down Logan's face as he stood up from the ground. She chuckled as she chucked the match to the ground. Fire filled Logan's vision and he screamed. He ran for Roman but hands pulled him back. He screamed all he heard in his ears was Roman screaming. He fell to the ground as he started crying heavily. The fire around him was spreading. He screamed and screamed. They just set Roman on fire, and it was all his fault Roman was gone. (Yeah romans totally dead guys...haha)


Virgil and Remus both popped up at the sound of Logan screaming. Virgil smelt fire and immediately looked at Remus.

"Somethings wrong..." Virgil went to go out but suddenly heard voices and froze. "Oh fuck.."

"Hey little shit! Come on out anxiety we know you are in there!" Virgil looked at Remus.

"Stay." Remus rolled his eyes and then grabbed Virgils arm.

"Fuck staying put. You are not going out there alone." Virgil smiled at that.

"Aww Remus who knew you actually have a heart." He laughed and opened the door. Remus glared at him.

"You are seriously...okay yeah I get your point." Remus looked towards the women and saw one of them holding a crying Logan down on his knees.

"DAD!" Virgil went to run but Remus pulled him back.

"What exactly...where's Roman?" Remus asked. Logan looked up and was about to say something when the women behind him placed her hand over his mouth.

"Hush now Logic." She hummed.

"Where the fuck is he!" Virgil shouted. Oh god Patton and Janus were going to kill him.

"Over there." One of them giggled as she pointed towards the trees that were burning. Virgil looked at Logan who was crying even more.

"Oh god..." Virgil backed away.

"ROMAN!" Remus stormed towards the fire. Virgil gasped in shock as he ran away screaming. Virgil looked at the women.

"Come on now logic, say goodbye to anxiety." She shoves Logan at Virgil and Virgil shook his head.

"Dad don't..." Virgil started to cry. "Please you can't.."

"I dont want them to hurt you..." Logan kissed Virgils cheek. "Not like they just did Roman..." Logan looked at the fire and started crying again. "I'm sorry. Just go home okay? Promise me you won't come back, ever."

"Can't promise that I won't break that." Virgil hugged Logan tighter. "I love you."

"I love you too." Logan kisses Virgils cheek as he was dragged away. Virgil looked at his feet as he cried. Why do bad things keep happening to them? Can't they just be happy?

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