Three: logan

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Logan opened his eyes and immediately felt the chain on his ankle. He sat up quickly and tried to pry it off. His heartbeat picked up and he looked towards the door. Remus entered and Logan immediately jumped up, the chain pulling him back towards the bed a little. "R-Remus?" Logan took a deep breath and looked up at the man standing in front of him. "Where the hell am I!? Where's virgil!?"

"Relax Logan, he's at school. I only took you this time." Remus stepped closer and Logan realized too late he was backed into a wall. "If you don't listen to me I'll go back for him" Logan took a deep breathe again trying to stop his racing heart.

"F-Fine. Just leave him alone." Logan started to cry. He didn't want Remus to hurt anyone, and he definitely didn't want the man to touch Virgil. Remus touched Logan's cheek and smiled as he leaned in and pulled Logan's lips to his. Logan resisted and shoved him back only for Remus to drag him to the bed. He screamed and hit at Remus trying to get him to stop.

"You told me, you would listen to me." Remus growled. Logan started to shake.

"N-No please don't hurt him!" Logan felt another chain and looked up and saw Remus had placed a chain on his wrists. "N-No Remus please! Please don't go back for them please!"

"Sorry, and begging, aren't going to get me to stop Logan. Virgil is going to be staying with us now like it or not." Remus grabbed his Keys and went to leave the room. He turned back to Logan who was struggling against the chains.

"Remus please..." tears filled his eyes. Remus walked closer and took off Logan's glasses.

"I'll be taking these, until I say so you are not allowed to see." He walked out. Logan shook his head and cried out.

"YOU FUCKING CRAZY BASTARD!" Logan tried to get out of the chains again only to cause his wrist to bleed. He stopped struggling and whimpered. If Remus really takes Virgil there's no way he'd ever get away safetly. If he makes one step out of line and pisses Remus off Remus would probably kill Virgil. Logan let the tears fall down his face. All he wanted to do was protect Virgil and now he was back in another horrible situation. Logan started to cry harder. A few hours later Remus opened the front door dragging someone behind him. Logan struggled against the chains unable to properly see who it was, but knowing right away after seeing the purple blur that it was Virgil.

"Now, welcome home Virgil." Remus threw him to the ground and Virgil looked up at Logan who was struggling against the chains.

"DAD!" Virgil ran towards Logan. "L-Let him out of these chains! Please..." Remus shook his head.

"No way." Remus left the room.


"Don't." Virgil looked up at Logan. "This isn't your fault okay? I know you think it is but please...believe me when I tell you it isn't." Logan started to cry anyways.

"I'm going to leave now, behave." Remus left the room and Virgil immediately tried to get the cuffs off.

"Virgil stop, you'll hurt yourself." Virgil stopped and sighed.

"He took me from the house, dad." Virgil looked up at Logan. "He just walked into my bedroom and fucking kidnapped me!"

"Wait are you telling me patton and Roman left you alone!?" Logan cried.

"No, that's the thing! I remember them being asleep in the living room! I don't know where they are!" Virgil leaned into Logan. "I'm so scared."

"I know Virgil... I am too." Logan tried to move the chains and groaned when he couldn't. "I'm sorry I can't comfort you Virgil..." Virgil looked up at the chains and then back at Logan.

"He didn't...." Logan shook his head.

"No, but that's only because I resisted and then he brought you here because I resisted." Virgil curled up into a ball and leaned into logan.

"It's not your fault, he's a creep and he wanted to hurt you. That's the only thing you could have done was struggle." Virgil snuggled as close as he could to Logan and Logan felt tears flow down his face.

"If I resist anymore, he'll kill you Virg." Logan looked towards the door. "He knows I won't let him hurt you."

"No! No way!" Virgil pulled away from Logan. "You can't just let it happen again! For all we know he has everyone else too! You can't just let him hold us against you anymore! Please dad!"

"Virgil if I don't do as he says he'll kill you!" Logan shook his head and looked away from Virgil. "And then I'll have to live with the fact that someone I love was taken from me because I didn't let him have his way with me..."

" can't just do that!" Tears flowed down Virgils face. "Please I can't let you..."

"Virgil, please go hide." Logan smiled sadly as he looked at Virgil. "If he hurts you I wouldn't be able to live with myself...please." Virgil hugged Logan and went and hid the best he could. The door suddenly opened and Remus stood there. Logan's vision got blurry as Remus stormed over to his side and roughly grabbed his face.

"Where is he loggie bear?" Logan shook his head.

"You are never getting your hands on him." He growled. Remus shoved Logan down and Logan winced. His hands were still bound above his head.

"Fine, maybe you screaming will draw him out?" Remus shoved Logan further down into the bed and climbed on top of his chest. Logan shook his head.

"Don't! Remus please don't!" Tears flowed down Logan's face. Remus held a knife in his hands and he was holding it to Logan's chest.

"Roman has a permanent reminder that he belongs to Linus, even though he's I'm going to mark you up so even if you get away from me somehow you will always know who you belong to." Logan shook his head as Remus tore off his shirt with the knife. Remus smirked. "Someone's been working out..." he ran his hand down Logan's chest and then leaned down and licked down his chest.

"Stop..." Logan could barely move with Remus sitting on him. "Please just stop."

"Aww begging? How cute." Remus pushed Logan down further. Logan winced. "Beg some more."

"Remus it hurts..." Logan closed his eyes. "Please..." Remus tapped a spot on Logan's chest.

"This will do nicely." Logan screamed as he felt pain in his chest. He opened his eyes and stared at Remus in horror. He was holding a bloody knife and smirking. "Now, you will always be mine."

"Remus, please let virgil go..." Logan was crying and shaking as Remus looked down at him.

"Now why would I do that?" Remus asked.

"Please Remus..." Logan shook his head. "He's a kid."

"I've done worse, now....Virgil come on out I can see you hiding in the closet." Logan shook his head but Remus reached down and held tightly to his throat. He gasped for air.

"Remus he can't breathe!" Virgil ran out and Remus released Logan.

"Virgil no-." Remus reached down and covered Logan's mouth with his hand.

"Virgil what do you say about coming with me for a bit?" Remus asked.

"I'd say you were absolutely fucking insane if you think for one minute I'd ever go with you, but since you might hurt my dad if I don't...fine." Virgil stepped closer and Remus got off Logan.

"No! Virgil no!" Logan shook his head as he started crying harder. "Remus please you can't do this!"

"I can, and watch as I do just that." Remus grabbed Virgils arm harshly and dragged him from the room.

"NO!" Logan felt more tears flowing down his face. This was all his fault.

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