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Hello guys i am back there is another short part well wait for the next part ☺️ i am going to update it tomorrow only if i got 5+ votes



She is the daughter of Mr Kim Joon he is a business partner of Mr Jeon and she is also a friend of Woo

[Actually once in a party they both met and exchanged a few words although they are little but being in a mafia family they both know why and what they are doing and from that day she started calling herself his friend so don't think that woo is inocent 👿⚠️]

Back to present

Little ane was shivering badly after looking at her as she don't like her because she always hurt her and warn her to stay away from Woo

Taeyeon: Hello there... Ane what are you doing here. It is not pleasant at all to see you here..

Taeyeon said sweety and maintaining her bitchy atitude so that the guards don't get suspicious about her speaking badly to their queen because their master aka Woo doesn't like if anyone make his angel cry

Taeyeon:I was just kidding cuto you know na i just love messing around don't take it seriously baby

Little Ane:Y-es i kn-now u-nnie

She spoke nervously

Taeyeon: now should we go inside and meet

A guard suddenly spoke i between them as he doesn't want to die yet because the words she is going to say are harmful poisonous and dangerous because it is the ______ of him

Guard:Mam sorry to say but he is in a meeting and told strictly not to distrub him

Taeyeon: okay i will... Wait here till his meeting gets over and i hope Ane would stay with me right Ane


She big doe eyes looked at the guards for permission when suddenly a guard nodded at her

Ane :Ye-s un-nie i wo-uuld lob to st-ay with y-ou ...

She said while strutting badly she was felling bad about it but what she can do it's not her fault right thinking about this her eyes got teary but she controlled her tears and went inside with her

Inside the hall

Here little Ane is bitting her lips harshly as she tries her best to not cry as she is being mocked by taeyeon because taeyeon also knows what kind of meeting he is attending

When suddenly the guard came inside the hall and told her that his Meeting is done and they can meet him now

Taeyeon said the guard to leave as she stood up to go to meet him as she signaled one of the maids to do the work she gave her

After she went a maid came towards her

Maid: miss why you didn't go to meet him

little Ane:me

She said while pointing at herself

Maid: yes you miss why didn't you went to master he was calling for you

Little Ane:Ohh r-eally i w-ill go rig-ht no-w

Maid:ok Miss

Saying this she went to his room as she was about to enter his room she heard something really horrifying

Ane :ahhhh no no

When suddenly she woke up from her sleep in which she was again dreaming about him

My cure and my pain

I let out a sad chuckle as i thought about the saying

"A Gardner who loves the roses is a slave of thousand thorns"

She felt the same she loved him but loving him also made her a slave of pain .. but she won't back away because she knows that if she have came this far she can and she will go further also...😭😭



What are those words ?

Why do the guards think that they are dangerous ?

How are those words related to Woo?

Why is Ane is so scared of her
Why is she here?


If you are a shy reader then atleast vote because no one actually does that and if think that you guys are not liking my story then

If you want to see jungkook in your dreams 🙈then vote or i will tell my Namjoon oppa and he will shave your eyebrows

I might take it down in June so please vote comment and follow me...

Love you all,💔❤️

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