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Ok, blame the school for taking most of my free time. Also my parents, who don't listen to me. I'll try to update now, but I don't guarantee regular updates.
Plot twist: MABELS NOT GONNA BE A FLIPPIN MERMAID, CUZ SHE IS SOMETHING ELSE. And ok, Paz is a snake. April is my Pines twin oc, so they are a triplet.
Me: I hate you uncle... here is the chapter, I'll go help my uncle...

April's POV

I woke up the morning after in the middle of the forest. Everything hurt but i tried to resist the pain. I look around and see the bunker-tree "at least I know where I am..." , so I went back at mystery shack. I laught when I saw the words 'mystery hack'. I looked up and I saw the moon coming up. A full moon. Then I felt pain. I yowled and immediately after I heard a long howl and look at where it came from. Then all I saw was black.

Wendy POV

I was in front of the shack as the moon rises. After what happened earlyer I couldn't sleep. I look over where I heard a yowl, and then I start howling in pain. All I maneged to see was a brown furball. Then everything went black.

Mabel POV

I woke up on something really soft. I felt weird. I got up and looked at the ground... I WAS STANDING ON CLOUDS?!?
Ok, this was weird... I looked at my back, because I felt something strange... WINGS??? I had a couple of brown bird wings on my back. Then I hear a yowl and a howl. I look down and I see the shack, April and Wendy on the ground. I fly around the forest searching for the others and I see them all staring at each other and findind the source of the noise. I fly down to them.

Dipper POV

I saw Mabel fly down toards us so I ran to her. More like tripped. If she knew where April and Wendy were we could get them! I was only worried for them... "Hey, Mabel, I see you have wings?" I looked at her. She had brown wings and bird claws. "Yeah... I like your tiny antlers! They are soo cute! So, you can tell me who's what wile we go to the shack. I saw Wendy and April there." "THEY ARE NOT CUTE!!! We need to find a way to go back to normal. What are Wendy and April?" "I didn't look, i Immediately started to look for you guys." "I'll tell you who is what wile we go back to the shack" I then yell at everyone "Ok everybody! We are going to the shack now! Follow us!" Gideon was the only one to object. I told him that if he came with us he could kiss Mabel without killing her (yeah right! on my dead body!) so we headed towards the shack. In our little group we had:

Gargoyle Stan: a grey stone Stan with big stone wings and horns, claws and slightly glowing yellow eyes with no pupils.

Winged sfinx Ford: body of a lion with pluridactile paws (6 toes), golden-brown wings with blue and red (image above)

Medusa Pacifica: she doesn't turn people into stone (fortunately) bottom half is a yellow snake's, small yellow snakes as hair.

Vampire Gideon: very pale skin, small fangs and can turn into a bat.

Zombie Robbie: uh... he's a zombie but doesn't act all 'brains' and stuff.

Sap Soos: Soos made out of sap. He can mold himself.

Monster McGughett (don't know how to call him): red-pink skin with pointy ears, sharp teeth and claws.

Arpie Mabel ((uh... didn't know how to call her))

Deerotaur Dipper: bottom part is a deer's, deer ears and small antlers.

I finally updated! Wendy is a werewolf and April is a werecat. Yowling is the sound cats do when they try to scare when they are scared, or when they are in pain. I'll draw an image of April and Mabel together as monsters. That took forever cuz of stuff I need to do. I'll update again as soon as I can. Well. See ya peeps!

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