Chapter 6- Everyday life with a Mantis

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I stretch as I get off the plane having slept through the flight back. My muscles still half asleep and my eyes watering.

"Hi Y/N!" Smith calls me over to her, being the only way of getting Cara back home. "How was your holiday?" She asks as I stand in front of her.

"Better than expected. I don't appreciate you leaving me to be molested though." I whisper the last part and walk past her towards the coach to take us home. "Are you okay babe?" Myrda asks hugging onto my arm.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I turn to face her, seeing that she looks somewhat worried.

"Have you decided who you're going to marry?" She avoids eye contact. Despite being such proud creatures, dragons are actually pretty useless with emotions.

"No, I'll talk to everyone about it when we get back. After I try to explain to Kate what happened in England." I sigh, but Myrda looks disheartened at my reply.

"What is it?" I say before Cara and Samantha interrupt us.

"Let's go already. I need to tell Kate about our trip." Cara drags me towards the coach.

It worries me that she's grown so close to Kate, the two most rapey of the lot. Their team up could mean bad news for me and my dream of becoming a wizard.

"I hope May is alright. She's been stuck with Kate for a week." I chuckle lightly entering the coach.

At the back of the coach I can see a girl baring a striking resemblance to a Praying Mantis right down to the clawed arms. "Smith, are we not the first pickup you've made?" I ask not taking my eyes off the girl.

"Ah, no she's just a run away. Left all three host families we've left her with. I was hoping you'd have a go." Smith states oh so predictably.

"You've already modified my house haven't you?"

"Perhaps." Smith smirks causing me to sigh and sit down.

"Sure, I'll have a go. But this is costing me a ton." I complain.

"You do realise the organisation will pay for everything, right?"

"Wait what?!"

-Time Skip-

"Hun!" Kate shouts swarming me in tentacles. "Who are they?" She grits her teeth and increases her grip on me.

"Smith said they're to stay with us." I gasp through the writhing mass of tentacles.

"But I don't want to share you with anyone else." She growls, I can see May asleep on the sofa, so peaceful. Unlike the angry Kraken. "I am Nero. I will be staying with you." The Mantis girl bows without her expression even slightly changing.

"I'm Samantha." Sam says brightly in her revealing outfit. Not lessening Kate's grip on me. "And for your information, he's mine." She pulls me from Kate, embracing me in her slimy chest. Pushing her off me I back away from everyone.

"No, I am my own person. I don't belong to anyone...Yet." I take a moment to breath while I can. "I am going to start dating each of you. If you want to, then eventually decide on who to marry." Unbeknownst to them I'd spoken with Kim after my return and he's using the exact same strategy.

"Really?" Kate asks.

"Well yeah. I've been thinking about it since we left for England." I yawn "But that'll start tomorrow. I need to sleep after that plane journey." I head up stairs to sleep for the next twelve hours.

-Time Skip-

"Mr L/N?" Someone shakes my shoulder trying to wake me.

Nobody calls me that. Groaning I open my eyes to the beautifully yellow eyes of Nero.

"Oh, hello Nero. Did you want something?" I question trying not to start the day with rape.

"We've run out of milk." She says coldly.

"I'll get some later."

"I've already poured the cereal." Again her expression doesn't change despite the tragic circumstances. "I suppose we do need more food. Will you come with me?" I stand up and grab a shirt that smells, okay.

"Let's go. Can you grab the bags for me?" I say taking my coat. Apparently Nero has clothes with her as suggested by the jeans and green t-shirt she's wearing.

"Are we ready to go Mr L/N?"

"Call me whatever you like. God knows the others do." I smile gently.

"Then I will call you Y/N. If that is appropriate." She says formally.

-Time Skip-

"You're very by the book aren't you?" I chuckle leaving the supermarket.

"All Mantis' are this formal, Y/N. It's our nature. Just as stupidity is a human's."

Is that a smile?

"Hey, I'm human." I say defensively.

"Exactly." She mutters walking ahead.

"Slow down. You're not allowed out, unaccompanied."

"Are you sure it isn't you who needs the company?" She remarks.

"Ah, so you do have a sense of humour." I grin.

"No, I simply state what I see." She turns away from me without saying another word.

After a short walk we're standing outside the house carrying the heavy bags. Yet Nero seems to have little trouble carrying her fair share. "Nero are all Mantis as strong as you?"

"No, it takes training." She takes my bags off me and takes them to the front door.

"Quite the team we make." I say warmly. Maybe I can get her to settle in a home so she doesn't have to keep moving from place to place. "I did most of the work." She turns to face me. Her eyes widen.

"Y/N, DUCK!!"She shouts.

"Where?" I question turning around in time to see a dark shape grab me by my shoulders. "Help!" I scream girlishly as I'm carried away by a feathered assailant.

Author's Notes- Slightly shorter than usual but I wanted to end it on a cliff hanger. So you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happened. Zenith Out...

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