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Monster name: Jhojira

Physiology: The monster is solely male, and only being one monster, meaning it would need to mate with a monster of a different class, or another Elder Dragon in order to have offspring. He has a large, semi-muscular body with sharp, bone-like plates on his back that goes down to the tail, which has a stubby end, shows a hunk of flesh at the side. His legs are similar to that of the Glavenus or Deviljho, with a large cut through the thigh and the knee, that goes through both the bone and skin, showing a chunk of flesh underneath. The arms and claws look similar to a Brute Wyvern, but unlike them, his arms are longer and more muscular, with three claws on each hand, and a fourth acting as an opposable thumb. His head looks similar to Kulve Taroth, in a way, but more similar to the Deviljho. The eyes are a yellowish color, the jaws have multiple bundles of teeth that are unorganized and put randomly near the front of the maw. On each side of the mouth down to the shoulders is a large cut, which shows a good chunk of flesh, with either teeth or bone showing at the start of it. His overall body color is a dark gray, with the bony plates being a beige color. When enraged, Jhojira starts to glow blue, with blue steam coming from the open flesh wounds on his body.

Monster class: Unknown/??? (formerly), Leviathan (formerly), Elder Dragon (currently)

English title: Dragon of Balance

Related monsters: Deviljho, Savage Deviljho, Glavenus, Hellblade Glavenus, Kulve Taroth, Ruiner Nergigante, Zorah Magdaros

Habitat: Just about any area findable, but can only be repelled

Size: (initially) 8549.7 cm (height, because the monster hunter wiki doesn't give a shit if you don't know if the number means height or length), (currently) 15909.5 cm

Behavior: Jhojira is docile until attacked, and when he is attacked, he shows no mercy to whoever did attack him, hunter or not. He roams the vast areas in search of nothing in particular, however, he does sometimes grab large Brute Wyverns with his claws and eats them whole. He is usually seen during the morning or noon.

Abilities: Jhojira is able to utilize his large tail as a means of swimming or swinging it into the air beside him to create a large wave of air that is capable to cut anything that isn't an Elder Dragon in half within a 100-meter radius. He is able to roar at such a volume that is able to rip through any type of earplugs like they're paper. He is able to shoot a beam from his mouth that can burn through mountains in minutes. His hide is able to stop Dragonators from piercing through, even when they hit his open flesh-cuts. He is able to regenerate, unlike any other monster, and it gives him an edge in battle. In his enraged state, all of these abilities are amplified and glow red whenever used, and can emit a large explosion that glows orange whenever used.

Other non-subspecies forms:

Irradiated Jhojira-

Overview; Irradiated Jhojira is an extreme individual that is only found in the deeper parts of the water whenever Jhojira is asleep.


Jhojira's theme-


Arch-Tempered State-



(1) Jhojira usually 'preys' on Fatalis and its subspecies, Vaal Hazak and its subspecies, and Merphistophelin and its subspecies.

         (1a) However, it is only an assumption, as he was only seen with those monsters when they first were seen.

(2) He is known to fire its beam into the sky whenever another monster tries to challenge him, as the opposing monster is usually seen to back down and bow to him.

(3) Jhojira is considered a Dangerous First-Class Monster due to his massive size, strength, and its usual 'prey' consists of two other Dangerous First-Class Monsters.

(4) Jhojira can occasionally be heard talking towards other monsters in an extremely distorted, human-like voice, and vice-versa.

         (4a) However, it seems that the voices is only able to be heard whenever hunters aren't in the area.

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