Finish This Show

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"Guys for real, I really need to go" Jeno said trying to push Chenle and Donghyuck away. They had been like this all morning ever since Jeno came down very early for breakfast wearing a school uniform.

"Why can't you skip for today?" Chenle pouts at him clinging even more as Donghyuck nodded agreeing at the younger.

Jeno sighed and scrunched his nose making Chenle pinch his cheeks "I can't skip the first day back in school after a month of semestral break" he tries to squeeze out of the hug but to no avail.

Mark, Lucas and Jisung were out for a mission and Renjun was at the kitchen.

"Guys" a voice calls out, Jeno can feel Donghyuck and Chenle stiffen and looks at the direction of the voice, Jaemin was there in a casual outfit, white button up polo shirt and black jeans with a pair of sunglasses hanging on his collar.

"Jeno's going to be late, you can join me picking him up after school later" walking over as the two boys pulled away pouting.

"We'll miss you Jeno hyung" Chenle said

"Yeah! And if someone messes with you, I can be your bodyguard" Donghyuck beams at him.

Jaemin rolls his eyes grabbing Jeno's waist "He's not leaving forever, just for a few hours" guiding Jeno towards the door keys in hand "he'll be back ok?"

Donghyuck sighs and dramatically cries onto Chenle's shoulder "we're giving him to the demons! We're bad friends!" The younger patting his head quite hard and waves farewell to the couple.

Jaemin opens the door for Jeno as the brunet kissed him on the cheek "Thank you" he smiles back and closes the door once Jeno settles on his seat and walks around to the driver seat.

He starts the car as Jeno chuckles looking out the window seeing Renjun with a knife scolding Donghyuck about something as Chenle was still waving, he waved back smiling and looks back at the front view.

The car ride was comforting, it was silent, a comfy one where all you need is the presence of someone you're in love with. His school came into view as Jaemin parks near the gate.

"If someone does something, tell me ok? And be careful,  no other boys alright? Also–" Jeno laughs at him and grabs his hand.

"Yes, I know, no boys, be careful, tell you everything and I'm yours" Jaemin lifts his hand kisses his knuckles "Don't worry, I'll be out for a few hours and will be back in your arms ok?"

Jaemin sighs as Jeno places his hand on his cheek, still intertwined with the Mafia's hand as the latter leans in to the touch "I love you"

Jaemin smiles and kisses his wrist "I love you too" Jeno leans in as Jaemin meets him in the middle and connects their lips.

The sound of ding! Interrupts them and they pull away, Jeno looks at his phone seeing a message from Felix



Where are you?

Don't ditch me now, I'm stuck with seungkwan whining about this vernon kid being a bitch

But also being a perv

He doesn't know which is better

Shit help me! He's tryna steal my milktea

Asshole, Nonooooooo

Jeno laughs shaking his head and sending a quick reply


Sorry just arrived, I'll be there in 5


Bring milktea or come with me if you don't have some

Bitches really stealing shit from me

Fuck them cuz I took all the pearls

"Who's that?" Jeno snaps out of it and turns to look at Jaemin, jealousy all over his face as he raised an eyebrow.

"Just my friend and classmate, don't worry about it mk?" He pecks the jealous boy's cheek smiling.

Jaemin softens but tries to cover it up "mhm" he kisses Jeno's knuckles again "I'll pick you up later ok?" Jeno nods at him and opens the door.

"Bye baby, call me ok?" Jeno throws his head back laughing at his boyfriend, it's funny because a few minutes ago back at the mansion, Jaemin was the one telling the boys that Jeno will be fine and would come back in a few hours.

Now he was the one being clingy and protective "yes Nana, I'll keep that in mind" swinging his backpack onto his shoulder "bye daddy, love ya" he smirks and playfully turns around slapping his left buttcheek as it visibly jiggles and swings his hips side to side, leaving Jaemin choking on air.

"Fuck you Lee Jeno!" Jaemin screams as Jeno giggles and turns around.

"Would love to!" puckering his lips smooch as he winks and walking off inside the school.

He walks towards his classroom and sees Felix panting and hair all over the place like he was back from war "THERE YOU ARE!" Felix screams and hugs him tight.

Jeno chuckles and pats his back "where's Wonwoo?" Felix pulls away and rolls his eyes.

"Mingyu dude pulled him into a room, guessing the janitor's closet since one of the janitors went there and quickly came back pale like they've seen a  ghost"

The brunet laughs and places his backpack on his seat besides a guy named Dino who coincidentally reminds him of Donghyuck for being a fan of Michael Jackson.

Felix takes a seat in front of him and starts to talk about how his semestral break was shit because his uncle Heechul kept dragging him to places so they could bond.

Class started not too long and they both went quiet and listened to the professor.

Lunch was...ok? Jeno doesn't know, I mean he likes the food and he's with his friends, but some dudes and other girls are trying to ask for his number or anything that would try to get into his pants.

He has though shared what was happening in his life to his friends and told them to keep it a secret, they swore not to tell anyone and Jeno was thankful for that.


School has finally ended and Jeno was nervous.

In his biology class they had been grouped into 4, he was thankful for the other two since it was Felix and Joshua, but the other one...not so much.

This kid named Kai was in their group, he was known to be a playboy, he likes to flirt–alot and that's what was making Jeno nervous.

Jaemin would be all protective mode on him, what he was worrying about is he might torture Kai or something. Kai's not a bad person though, He's simply just a playboy, He's pretty nice if he doesn't flirt with you all the time.

They walked outside and saw a mob of students blocking the gate, they were all screaming and some of them were recording on their phones.

Jeno turns to Felix "what's going on?" The other boy looks at the gate and then at Jeno shrugging

"I honestly have no idea" he said frowning he missed some tea to shit about. Joshua looks at his phone and furrows his eyebrows

"Uhm,  there's a dude with blue hair wearing a casual outfit and has shades on, He seems like he's waiting for someone" he mutters describing the person he sees in the video.

Jeno widens his eyes "blue hair?" He asks again for confirmation, Joshua nods and shows his phone as the video played, indeed there was a guy with blue hair wearing a casual outfit and shades as he waits for a certain someone.

Idiot. Jeno rolls his eyes and grabs Felix's wrist as Joshua and Kai tag along behind them, "excuse me, coming through" he mumbles pushing past a few people blocking the school entrance.

Some guy bumps into him making him fall and letting go of Felix's hold, he would've hurt his bum or something if it weren't for a familiar pair of strong and comforting arms catching him by the waist and the familiar feeling of a broad chest came in contact with his back.

"You alright?" He looks up and sees the one and only Na Jaemin looking at him with worry, his shades now sliding down to the tip of his nose as his head was blocking the sun.

He nods and stands up straight, Jaemin's hand still wrapped around his waist as his other one was in his pocket "Say sorry" Jaemin says directly at the guy that bumped into Jeno.

The guy widens his eyes trembling as he looks at the Mafia and then at the protective arm around on Jeno's small waist, "I-i'm sorry Jeno" He stutters and bows continuously at him.

Jeno turns red from embarrassment as the mob of people that were screaming was now gazing their attention at him squealing and whispering, some were still recording and he could see others have their jaws drop.

He looks at his group mates and sees Joshua and Kai mouths gaping as Felix was slapping Joshua's bicep squealing as well.

"It's ok" Jeno waves the guy off stopping him from bowing and gives a small smile "I'm alright ok?" The guy nods and scratches his neck nervously as Jaemin was still glaring holes at him.

Jeno notices and taps his boyfriend's chest "Stop that" Jaemin looks at him and softens, he smiles and kisses his forehead as the mob of people were cheering loudly making Jeno blush.

"Let's go now" embarrassed and signals his group mates to come forward, Jaemin laughs at him and squeezes his side.

The three boys walks towards them with Felix leading the way and skipping with a smile, "heya! I'm Felix!" He beams at Jaemin as the latter nods and smiles at him.

"Sup, I'm Joshua" taking his hand out for a handshake as the blue haired boy took it gladly.

"Hi, I'm Kai" the last boy smiles as Jaemin nods as well, he turns to look at Jeno who was still blushing as people were still recording them and whispering to each other

"Shall we?" Jeno nods hastily as he nudges at Jaemin's side to the car obviously wanting to leave the fucking place, the latter laughs and pulls him into a hug.

"Jaemin" Jaemin hums as Jeno felt his chest vibrate from the sound, again Felix was squealing in the background

"We need to go now" the Mafia pulls away and lifts his chin up, Jeno's cheeks heats up and looks at him with doe eyes

"Let's finish this show" before Jeno could say anything, Jaemin leans in kisses him on the lips, without hesitation he melts in to the touch and wraps his arms around the boy's neck kissing back.

Hearing the sound of cheering and people screaming at them– hell even Felix punched Joshua's bicep this time and Kai dropped his milktea– it only made him even more excited and deepens the kiss opening his mouth.

They finally pull away as Jaemin's phone in his pocket vibrates, panting and cheeks flushed, Jeno whines and smacks his chest clearly back to being embarrassed, Jaemin laughs and pecks his nose

"I would love to continue this darling, but I don't want people seeing what's only meant for me" smirking and gesturing Jeno's friends to follow them as he leads the way with Jeno mumbling how embarrassing he is.

They opened the door of the van as Chenle screams with Donghyuck slowly clapping at them "wow" he said, smirking "now that's a show, Fuck Mark's Kardashians bullshit, this is way better"

They laugh as Felix, Joshua and Kai goes in the back seat joining Chenle. Jaemin sits at the passenger seat making Jeno sit on his lap as Donghyuck starts the car.

"Mark's ass hurts again, so I have to fucking drive" Donghyuck whines and clips his seatbelt on, Chenle laughs at him.

"Weren't they on a mission?" Jeno asks confused as his friends in the back were having a conversation with Chenle.

Donghyuck rolls his eyes "yes, they were" he makes a turn to the left "but Lucas being a bitch fucked Mark after they won, Jisung had to call us for backup"

Jeno grimaces in disgust and leaning his neck to the side letting Jaemin pepper him with soft kisses, "hey can we grab some food?" He asks sheepishly.

Chenle squeals along with Joshua and nods as Donghyuck looks at the front mirror and sighs "fine" he makes a turn to the right instead of going straight ahead "this is Mark's fault anyways"

They went into the drive thru and order some food, Donghyuck ordering the most "why are there so many?" Joshua asks genuinely confused.

Donghyuck grabs the last paper bag the cashier handed out and says a quick "adios bitches" before driving off "well for starters, I'm hungry"

Joshua hums and nods at him chuckling at the sight of Felix slurping the shake way too fast and winces at the brain freeze "Renjun, my boyfriend, is mad. So this is just an apology from me"

"What did you even do?"

Donghyuck chews on his lip "I watched straight porn instead of Gay and he started nagging and hitting me with a carrot" Chenle snorts at him clearly witnessing a midget hitting a tanned bitch with a carrot.

"Oof" Joshua comments as Donghyuck nods pursing his lip.

"How was your day Jeno hyung?" Chenle asks his mouth full of chicken nuggets getting crumbs on the floor.

Jeno hums "it was ok except at lunch" his friends nodded agreeing with him, lunch was kinda annoying today.

"Why's that?" Chenle slurps his coke

"Nothin' just some guys and girls asking for stuff" Jeno replies feeling Jaemin tense up

"Oh?" Donghyuck said taking a fry Jeno offered as he focuses on the road "Like what?" He mumbles

The brunet sighs "just– useless stuff, all they wanted was to get in my pants or someth– Ow!" he yelps suddenly when he felt Jaemin's soft kisses turn into a harsh bite.

The Mafia pulls away as Jeno rubs the spot on his neck wincing "why did you do that?" He pouts whining and turns to look at Jaemin.

The others were in their own worlds, even Donghyuck was joining in the conversations and telling Chenle to shut up when the younger teased him about Renjun cutting his dick off.

"Did you?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow, looking at him strictly

"What?" Jeno furrows his eyebrows "of course not! Why would I?" Jaemin nods and kisses him longingly.

They pull away breathless "uhm? Explain? Please?" Jeno asked confused

Jaemin nuzzles into his neck and starts to leave pepper kisses again, "Just wondering, you're mine ok?"

Jeno rolls his eyes at his boyfriend, possessive motherfucker he thought. "Jaemin"  he plays with the boy's blue hair "of course I'm yours, I now that mk? If someone tries to get with me" he shuffles on the mafia's lap a bit "I'll tell you" biting his lip as Jaemin bites his neck again but softly this time.

Jaemin hums and grips onto his hips tight as Jeno plays with his hair now sitting sideways, no one was looking at them nor giving their attention towards the two, they were just their own little worlds–

"Ngh~" Jeno places a hand up on his mouth as he tugs at Jaemin's hair "J-jaemin!" He bits his palm as Jaemin sucks harder on his neck humming at him as he licks the spot.

"Don't do that!" He squeaks as Jaemin gropes his ass and plays with it, he could feel the latter smirk as he pants when the boy doesn't stop.

He groans on the way home he'll get revenge soon.

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