NINETEEN - restoring peace

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations others are from the series its self. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

nineteen - restoring peace

Two months had passed since Darichi and Ichigo had fought to save the world from Urahara. The Shinma had been unconscious since that day as his body slowly healed. Darichi and Ichigo's allies talked to the conference leaders after the battle assuring the human race that the worst was over. Ichigo's body rested peacefully in the Dungeon dojo as Isshin sat by his son's side holding his white hand. The machine that doctors hooked patients up to in order to monitor heart rate and blood pressure beeped on occassion. An oxygen tank and feeding tubes feed Ichigo air and food. Isshin could see that the IV drip needed to be changed soon. Isshin hated to see his son in this kind of shape.

"Come on Ichigo and Darichi, your both stronger than this. Come back everyone misses you, especially Orihime. She come by to drop off flowers as she often sits by your side holding your hand just like this. She tries hard not to break down in tears when she sees you like this. Renji, Tōshirō, Grimmjow, Byakuya, and Yoruichi wish that you get better soon as they have gotten almost everything straightened out with the government about the Daemons. Nothing new as of yet has happened involving the Daemons as I guess that it is because they have witnessed the power that your capable of first hand." stated Isshin as tears began to streak down his face. "Please come back Ichigo, don't leave me alone." Isshin whispered before he got up to change Ichigo's IV drip.

Meanwhile in the vast space of the mindscape, a being flew as it had finally found a bruised and battered Ichigo just at the edge where the two worlds collided. The being landed besides Ichigo picking him up gently. The being carried the unconscious Ichigo laying the teen down next to his other half whom began to stir. Darichi's eyes fluttered opened as he expected to see either Zangetsu and/or Ichigo but whom he saw surprised even him. Darichi slightly turned his head to see Ichigo laying besides him. Darichi then turned back to the being as he was flooded with warm healing energy. Sharp jars of pain washed through him before it vanished.

...How...? Darichi began to ask as he couldn't even form the sentance.

It is nice to see you again too Darichi, have you been taking care of my son? the being asked as Darichi just stared at Masaki in complete shock. It took him several more minutes before he had noticed the angel wings coming from out of her back. Darichi slowly sat up turning to Masaki.

You have been watching over us the entire time. But why are they sending an angel to help take care of us now? It is not like them to offer assistance. stated Darichi.

After witnessing the acts of bravery that you have both shown, they felt that maybe it is time that they stopped sitting on the sidelines. You and Ichigo have sacrificed much to stop Urahara from destroying the world. Now fimally we can have peace. replied Masaki.

Before we destroyed Urahara, I could have sworn that I saw him smile. stated Darichi.

You weren't imagining things. Urahara was infected with a disease that usually infect Daemon Lorde's. This disease cost him his sanity. You see Urahara was an ancestor to one of the Daemon Lorde's in the far past. Even though Urahara was completely human, the disease affected his mind and thought to the point where he believed what he was doing was the right thing. stated Masaki. Ichigo let out a long soft moan as his eyes slowly began to flutter open.

"...Mom...?" he asked weakly as tears began to stream down his face. A part of Ichigo still felt guilty over his mother's death. He still couldn't remember what happened that day as he knew that Darichi was protecting him from that memory. Masaki gently held the teen in her arms after he sat up right.

Its all right Ichigo. It wasn't your fault because of what you were born as. I did in my heart what any would have done, protect their child. I don't want you to feel guilty about my death and to hate what you are so I had asked Darichi to keep that memory from you. stated Masaki as Ichigo wiped away the tears from his face smiling at his mother finally noticing the wings raising a questioning look.

Heaven has sent her to help us get better considering what we did. We have almost completely depeleated our energy to defeat Urahara. As demon-gods we come from two worlds, Heaven where the angels reside and Hell were the demons live. We are given the duty to protect the realms seeing that we come from the three worlds combined. Usually Heaven leaves us to our own devices as they see if they have to create a new Shinma. I guess with what has happened and what we have become, they won't have to. stated Darichi.

"What happens to Zangetsu? I remember seeing him shatter while in sword form." asked Ichigo.

He's resting. As a soul and spirit to your zanpakutō, he can never truly die. As for you Darichi, I prefear your other look much better. stated Masaki as she touched Darichi sending power into him causing the Shinma to scream in pain. Even Ichigo could feel it as a bright light blinded his vision.

When Ichigo reopened his eyes, he was staring at the face of his father whom looked relieved to see that Ichigo had finally awoke. It took Ichigo a little while to regain his bearings realizing where he was.

"Hey dad." stated Ichigo.

"Welcome back son." stated Isshin as he tried hard to hold back his tears. Isshin ran a few tests on Ichigo while unhooking him from the machines. Isshin gave his son a clean bill of health as he told Ichigo all that has happened while he had been unconscious. "So what happens now?" asked Isshin.

"Now we have to talk to the world leaders and lay down new laws between all of the races. Don't bothering to ask." replied Ichigo as Isshin just shook his head.

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