Monstercat 004- Identity

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"So, what do you usually enjoy doing?"

Monstercat was now sitting down with the four, trying to find out more about them. However, he had since run out of questions to ask, so to keep things from becoming awkward, he kept asking as much as possible.

"Music," they all said simultaneously, shocking Monstercat.

Monstercat had always been a music person. Every night, when it was completely dark with the exception of the shining moon, he would sneak into an abandoned building, the building that was right next to his home. Inside, he had set up a miniature studio, where he would produce his own music. He always loved to share his music, and thus would always sign into the music website that was always up on his computer to share. One day, though, that all changed, that day he was taken from his home against his will...

"We specialize in a type of music called Electronic Dance Music, or EDM," Muzzy said. "We tend to stay low, though, because for some reason, people don't really like it all that much..."

"Yeah, everyone's always assuming that EDM is associated with drunk parties, so everyone hates it," Varien chimed in. "It's not."

Monstercat was even more shocked now than he was before. Stammering, he spoke.

"Y-you guys make EDM?" They all nodded in agreement. This sparked a fire in his heart and sent him flying up to his feet. "I love EDM!! Every night, I would always share my music with the world, and it was always EDM."

"Woah, neat!" exclaimed Fij. "Always a pleasure to find a new fan in this world of pop songs."

With their newfound knowledge of each other, Monstercat and the four artists incessantly chatted about EDM, from favorite songs and genres to technical aspects. Monstercat realized something that night.

This was where he was meant to be.


The night progressed, and the fire gradually died down. As the artists were about to settle in for the night, Monstercat noticed that they had neglected to point out a specific part of him when they were first examining him.

His eyes.

His large, white eyes, the eyes that took up most of his face. Even though he did live the lonely dumpster-cat life, he would run across a few stray people that would wander near his home. Whenever someone made eye-contact with him, they always gazed in awe at the tiny cat with moon eyes. Some would bend down to stroke him, others just stand nearby. However, every person always noticed his unusually large eyes. That is, until he met these four. They said nothing.

"I have to say, I've never seen such a creature as you," remarked Ephixa, as if reading his mind.

"I'll say," Fij chimed in. "I've never seen a cat that was all mouth and no eyes." He looked over at Monstercat, who stared at him as if he had two heads.

"W-wait," stammered Monstercat. "How did you describe me again?"

"All mouth and no eyes," replied Fij. The others nodded in agreement. Now he stared at all of them as if they had two heads. He turned away briefly, utterly confused and seeming somewhat weak.

"Yo, cat," said Ephixa. "You okay?"

"I...I don't understand."

The four looked at each other confused. Then, Muzzy decided to speak out.

"Hey, it's getting a bit late. I'm going to go in for the night." The others soon fell into agreement. They all walked off, all except for Fij. He just watched Monstercat, who was slowly walking over to the little lake that was close by. With hesitation, Fij turned around and headed to his tent.


The night sky sparkled with stars. The lake was surrounded by lightning bugs, all glowing with bright luminescence. Monstercat slowly approached the glowing blue lake. He realized suddenly that he was still in his spacesuit. Carefully, he pulled off the oxygen supplier that was connected to the back of his suit, followed by the top half of the suit. He plopped down on the rock he was standing on, neatly folding the top half of the suit and placing it on his left side with the supplier on his right. His heart pounded in his chest, and warily, he leaned over and stared directly at his still reflection in the turquoise water...

...and a cat that was all mouth and no eyes stared back at him.

His heart sank, and he cried out. To him, he didn't look like the unusual, yet cute, kitten that always charmed those who walked past anymore.

He looked like a monster.

All mouth and no eyes...

'W-what happened to me?!' He thought in agony.'I-I'm hideous! I'm not myself anymore...'

He desperately thought back, trying to figure out when this could have happened. He traveled back, back to when he crash landed, back to the escape, back to the fight, back to the capture...

The capture.

'That must have been when I was changed,' he thought. 'There isn't any other possible place I could have changed.'

He looked back at the foreign cat that stared at him through the water. This cat, as he had seen before, had no eyes. Just a large mouth, a mouth with four very large, very sharp teeth. The cat had a semi-long body, one that was almost bean-shaped. This cat seemed to be a bit chubbier as well, a feature that Monstercat wasn't very fond of.

He picked up a twig and stuck the end in the water, sending waves rolling across the surface and disrupting the foreign cat. He tried to make sense of everything he had just seen, but found it hard to. He had not just lost his eyes, but his identity. He had lost his very essence. For a solid few minutes, he depressingly sat on the flat rock, swishing the stick through the water, trying to figure out his identity.


"It's so great to see you. I never thought anyone would find me."

In the darkened camp, a medium-sized bird walked up to someone, someone who appeared to have triangular eyes. With his arms crossed, the person looked down at the bird with an outstretched wing, and hesitantly grabbed hold and shook his wing in friendship. He spoke.

"As am I glad to see you. It's hard to find anyone in this massive forest."

They were interrupted by a sound coming from nearby, a sound that sounded like a wail. They paused and looked around, but all they could see were tents...and a cat. At least they thought it was a cat. They couldn't really tell as its back was turned to them as it was sitting on a rock. The creature seemed to be depressed, so they left it be, not wanting to disrupt it or poke into any personal business.

"Hey!" called out a voice from behind them. The two turned around to find another person...with a paper bag on his face.

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