Monstercat 006- Embrace

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"W-what...on earth...w-was THAT DRIVING."

Fij had finally reached the Lions Gate Bridge after crashing over every rock he possibly could, which eventually made Monstercat quite nauseous. While the artists were a bit shaken up, they all couldn't help but laugh as the cat desperately tried to push open a locked door and escape.

"Haha it's okay, bud," he heard one the artists say. "Here, I'll open the window for ya. It's getting a bit hot in here anyways."

The window was opened, and wind rushed into the truck, drying the remaining fur that was still damp on the cat (most of his fur, though, was more damp with sweat now than it was with water). The towel had since fallen down around him on the seat, since the cat had been constantly changing positions to keep from getting sick. The towel wasn't doing much drying sprawled on the seat.

Fij drove the car over Lions Gate Bridge, the waves of the water rolling below. The city was bustling with people. As they were driving, they noticed someone walking down the street.

Someone who looked like a Roman soldier.

"Hey, that guy looks like one of us," Ephixa said. "Maybe we should go check him out and see what he's doing."

"Besides walking?"

"You know what I mean."

Fij turned the truck around and headed back toward the person. The mystery person stopped at a corner, and Fij took this opportunity to pull up beside him.

"Hey!" he called, leaning out the window. "Who are you? You don't seem to me like your an average person." The person turned to him, and noticing that there was a bunch of people and a penguin in the car, he smiled and decided to reply.

"Hey there," he said. "My name is Rogue. You're right, by the way. I'm not your average person. Wondering why? Well, don't kill me for saying this or anything, but I'm an EDM artist, and a very proud one at that." The others in the car smiled at him.

"Well, good thing we ran into you!" replied Tristam. "We just so happen to be EDM artists, too. Why don't you come join us?" There was no hesitation on Rogue's end, and he started toward the truck. He was about to open the door, that is, until he saw Fij make a motion for him to head to the other side. Peering in, Rogue gave a small smile, chuckled to himself, nodded to Fij, and made his way to the opposite side of the car...which happened to be the opposite side from where the cat was.


"Well well, look who we have here. Nice to meet you, weird, floating pixel heart."

The others watched as Ephixa began talking to the floating heart outside their home. Not the weirdest occurrence they'd seen. Ephixa was an interesting character sometimes.

"Well, I guess we can leave the penguin there for now," Fij said. "Let's go ahead and go inside." With that, the artists opened the doors...and out fell the sickened cat. Monstercat groaned and looked up at the others that were beginning to gather. He gave a weak smile as they laughed, and he eventually began to quietly laugh with them. Tristam helped him up, and with the artist supporting him, Monstercat got a first glimpse of the building in front of him.

It was a medium sized building, brown-gray in color. It had two stories, and the 1st story windows were barred. The windows higher up were all open. This building seemed unusually familiar...

"This is where we all stay," Stephen explained. "It's not much, but it's great for us few friends. I'm pretty sure we've got enough room to fit you and a couple of new friends in." He gestured toward Tristam, Rezonate, and the floating heart when he said this.

"PEGBOARD NERDS!" Ephixa yelled, startling everyone. "THIS LITTLE THING IS PEGBOARD NERDS!"

"Wait, Pegboard NERDS? Wouldn't that imply that there's more than one person?"

"Ehh, probably. I don't feel like finding out right now so I'll ask later."

As Fij opened the door, Varien turned to Monstercat, who was attempting to walk on his own.

"Hey," he said. "Why exactly were you wading through the river? You sent ALL of us into a frantic search. Even Tristam and Rez."


"Hey, his back was turned. I've never seen a cat that looks like him! Give me a break!"

Monstercat smiled and laughed. From what he had learned just in his short stay with the artists, he had pieced together that they had a tendency to goof off. A lot. Oh, and tease each other. That too.

"Well," he began, remembering that he had been asked a question. "I don't know if any of you guys actually knew what was going on, but last night, I lost myself. Literally. When Fij mentioned that I was all mouth and no eyes, my mind began to tumble into turmoil. You see, before I met you guys, I was living the dumpster-cat life. Whenever other people would see me, they would always stare in awe. Why, you might ask? Well, they did that because of my eyes. I was born with unusually large, white eyes, eyes that took up the majority of my face. Everyone thought I was really cute because of my eyes and tiny body. At least, I think they did. Anyways, it shocked me when Fij mentioned that. When I stared at myself in the water, it felt like I had died inside. I was staring at something new, something that wasn't me. Eventually, I just kind of lost it, and I decided to walk off somewhere else to calm myself down."

"That's when I found the river we had crossed over to reach the campsite once you guys found me. I remembered that one of you mentioned that you were from Vancouver, and I thought that if I traveled far enough, I could go home. So, I stepped into the river. Wait, no, I lied. I fell in. First fall of- EPHIXA STOP LAUGHING. STOP IT- 63 that night. Throughout the night, I traveled down the river with a small flicker of hope that I may find my way back home. Back to where I belong. Not that I don't want to be with you guys, don't take that the wrong way! I just wanted to be alone for a while and clear my mind. Falling through a river did well at that because eventually, I kind of forgot why I was in a river in the first place, so I just kept on going. When the sun came up, I saw a bridge, and when I reached the edge of the river, that's when I realized that I really had walked back home. Well, closer to home." The others stared at him.

"Geez, that was deep," Varien said. "Sorry about asking you that."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Monstercat replied. "Besides, it feels good to get that off my chest."

"Say, maybe if your feeling up to it, we could always head out and explore Vancouver later. I mean, if you want to." Varien looked at him.

"Woah that would be awesome!" Monstercat exclaimed. "I would love that!"

"Hey," Ephixa popped in with a smirk, turning to Monstercat. "I'll come too. Just don't barf on me."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh as Monstercat growled and laid a hard punch to Ephixa's arm.



The street was glowing with lights. Every building was lit. The convertible, borrowed from an artist, strolled down Water Street, passing people walking off on the sides. Monstercat stared up at the sky, and his eyes met with the glow of lights coming from the Vancouver Lookout.

Off to his left was a Tim Horton's, and to his right a phoyo shop. Behind him were two advertisements, one for a pair of headphones by Beets (haha very funny), and the other for a 4-star comedy called "Hooray Beer!"

Fij was driving once again, and the cat was poking his head out from the top of the car. Tristam was on Monstercat's right, gazing at the lights.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Ephixa said, joining them in their gazing. He was holding the floating heart in his hands (or wings). Rogue joined them and laughed as he stared at the numerous lights.

"Yeah," Rogue said jokingly. "Could be brighter, honestly."

"I wasn't talking to you, doofus."

"I'll say," Monstercat chimed in. "I never thought Vancouver could be so beautiful. When I was still off and about on my own, I never actually ventured out this far. I had thought about it many times, but I never actually followed through. Heh, now that I think about it, I think the only light I actually had was the overhead light above my 'home.' I was always too afraid to venture off, as I was worried I wouldn't find my way back. This is the first time I've really ever seen a view such as this, and it really is beautiful. I'm so glad this is my home." He smiled and turned to the others surrounding him.

"Well," said Ephixa. "Something tells me you won't get lost anymore. Not with us around."

"Say," said Fij from inside. " I noticed something and I was wondering if you knew anything about it, Monstercat. One night, I walked into one of the empty rooms in the back of the building, and I saw a sheet that seemed like it was covering something. When I peeked under it, I found this tiny little music studio set up. It was close to the back door, the one that leads to the dumpsters. Do you happen to know anything about that?"

Monstercat's heart stopped. He stared down at Fij from the top of the car. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"W-wait," he managed to say. "Y-you saw that?"

"Yeah. In the back of the building we stay in. The same one we took you to."

"Fij...that building...that studio..."

"...that studio was mine. That's where I lived. That's my home."

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