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Yujiro Usagiyama(But never says his last name)

Nicknames: Yuji, Yama(people calls him that after he reveals his last name), Lil Brat(from his sister), Demon(from other people)



Birthday: September 5th

Hair/Hair Color: High top dreads as some of the back is tied up as the lower part of his hair are faded. Hair is mainly black as some part of his hair is white due to his mother's genes

Eye Color: left eyes is black(father's genes), Right eye is red(mother's genes)


Casual Outfit:

(yes he have the ring that his sister gave him as a birthday gift)

Personality: he's an very trustworthy guy as if you tell him an secret he'll take it to the grave and never tell anyone, his respect people unless they very bad or annoys him as he does have an anger issue but is working on it as it takes more time for him to lose his cool but he can be unstable at times, he always keeps his past an secret from others expect the ones who does know, while he was locked up he was still educated as he is smart. He is very supportive of his friends and gives out some somewhat good advice. Have an netural emotionless face due to years of supressing his rage but will change his expression

Likes: his family, hanging out with his sister, food, spicy food, videogames, jazz music, music, fighting, sleeping, controlling his rage, meditating, training

Hates: losing control, perverts, cocky people, egostic people, seeing his sister and friends hurt, tea(just don't like the tatse), villains, his rage consuming him

Quirk: Berserker

Type: Emitter

Quirk Range: Short


 When his quirk is activated, his physical stats increased as long he's in that state. When fighting if he get hit with physical attacks his strength, defense, and his endurance  will increase the amount if damage he takes up to an to the max of 50 so people tends to take him down quickly. If enrage more his body started to heat up and his punches started to emit somewhat flames.


- Consecutive Strike: Multiple strikes of his fist in an rapid pace.

- Air Assault: punches the empty air in front him while creating a shockwave that flies towards his target and hits them from afar. These airborne shockwaves can be created multiple times in quick succession and can be unleashed in the sky or on the ground. (akaza move)

- Beast Kick: Will deliver an powerful kick towards the person as his foot would be on fire due to the speed he need to pull the move and can be use as an counter move.

- Disorderly End: Punching rapidly at the target, making large aftershocks.

Ultimate Moves:

Annihilation: He crouches with both his arms at the side of his body poised to strike. He then lunges forward, creating two powerful circular shockwaves from the palm of his hands which he uses to strike his target with tremendous force.

- Wrath of the Dragon: Destructive Punch: When his rage is reach it's mark he will runs at top speeds and delivers on powerful punch that will kill the person in one go if he was attack enough and if not will leave them on the verve of death.


Can't always control his quirk and if stays in his enrage state for too long he'll fight everyone he sees friend or foe.

Innate Human Abilities: 

Super strengths, enhanced durability, enhanced speed, enhanced endurance, reflxes, agility 



Name: Yuri Usagiyama

Hero Name: N/A

Quirk: Absroption

Age: 41(Deceased)

Daisy Usagiyama

Hero Name: N/A

Quirk: Rabbit

Age: 45(Deceased)

Rumi Usagiyama

Hero Name: Miruko

Quirk: Rabbit

Age: 26

End Of Bio

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