Hero Training

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3rd Pov

As All-Might was explaining on how it would work, as everyone would be randomly assigned an partner, to simulate on how heroes can never know who they'd be working with and would be working on strategies on the fly. 

Tsuyu: So without basic training?

All-Might: This is a real battle to understand those basics! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up.

Yujiro: *eyebrow's raised* Robots? *then realizes* Hm, that exam my sister told me about.

Momo: How will wins and losses can be determined? 

Bakugo: Can we beat them up anyway?

Ochako: Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?

Iida: How should we split up?

Aoyama: Isn't this cape crazy?

Yujiro: .........'I should of stayed in the contianment. The fuck is this damn class?'

All-Might: *struggles answering the questions* I'll answer questions! *pulls out a piece of paper* Now listen here. The situation is that the villain have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get to the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the weapon the whole time or catch the heroes.

Izuku: This situation feels very American!!

Yujiro: *looks at Izuku* The fuck?

All-Might: Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!

Iida: They're being decided so haphazardly?

Yujiro: Pros always do this with one another from different agencies. To work better with one another and to be better heroes. I'm surprise they haven't taught you guys that yet.

Iida: I-i see. *bows to All-Might* Please excuse my rudeness!

All-Might: It's fine! Let's do this quickly!

Soon everyone drew their lots. As Yujiro was paired up with Momo making them Team H

All-Might: The first team to fight will be....These guys!

All-Might then pulls out Team D and Team A.

All-Might: Team A will be the heroes and Team D will be the villains. Everyone else, head towards the monitor room.

Everyone(expect Yujiro): Yes sir!

Yujiro: *gives a thumbs up*

After some time......


In the monitor room after Team A and Team D went at it. Now it's time for the results ad All-Might looks at the other students.

All-Might: Well, even if I say that, the MVP  for this battle was Young Iida!

Tsuyu: It's not either of the winners Ochako or Midoriya?

All-Might: Hmmmm....well...Why is that? Does anyone know?

Momo: *raised her hand* Yes, Mr. All Might. That is because Iida adapted the most to the context of the training. From watching the match, it appears Bakugo acted on his own because of an obviously personnel grudge. And as Mr. All Might said earlier, it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors. In the same way, taking into consideration the damage he received, Midoriya's plan was also rash. As for Uraraka... she let her guard down mid-battle, and her final attack was too reckless. Id she treated the paper-mache as a real weapon, she would not have been able to do something so dangerous. Iida had prepared for his opponent's arrival and assumed it would be a fight over the weapon, which made him late in responding to the final attack. The hero team only won because they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They were practically breaking the rules.

Yujiro: Fucking hell....Now I know how's the smart one here.

All-Might: W-well, Young Iida also has parts of him that could be more relaxed, but well. *gives a thumbs up* That was correct! Alright everyone, let's change locations and start the second match. Tackle this training after thinking about what we just talked about.

Then the second match went and then the third and the fourth and now it was Yujiro turn with Momo as they was going against Team E, Eijro Krisihima, and Mina Ashido. As Yujiro was leaning against an building with Momo right next to him waiting for All-Might to start.

All-Might: *through comms* Fifth Match! Team H will be the heroes, and Team E are the villains! Start!

Yujiro: *gets off the wall* Hm, alright let's go.

Momo: *looks at Yujiro* You have a plan? You don't even know their quirks. And we don't know yours too.

Yujiro: Let's keep it that way. I do have a plan. My plan is that you distract them, and I beat them up. Plain and simple.

Momo: That plan won't work at all.

Yujiro: Girl, just trust me on this.

Yujiro then walks to the building he was leaning on  and slammed his hands onto the wall and started going up the wall as Momo just sighed and went inside and quickly dodges Mina's acid attack and created an shield from her body and blocked an attack from Kirishima which knocked Momo a bit back.

Mina: Where's your partner Momo? He got cold feet?

Kirishima: *chuckles* Not very manly of him.

All three of him hears something breaking as they saw Yujiro busting through the top of the building and slammed his fist into the ground making Kirishima crash to the nearest wall.

Yujiro: *stands up*Told you my plan would work.

Momo: *looks behind him* Watch out!

Yujiro quickly turns his head and dodges Mina's acid and blocked Kirishima's harden fist as he headbutted Kirishima and clenched his fist and punched him hard in the gut knocking him through the wall. Momo looked in shock by Yujiro's strength as he grabbed a pillar and rips it put of it's foundation and launched it at Mina who runs out of the way. As Yujiro looks at Momo.

Yujiro: What's your quirk?

Momo: I can create things.

Yujiro: Create me a small pole.

Momo: What?

Yujiro: Just do it.

Momo then created an small metal pole from her body and gave it to Yujiro as he holds it and aims it at Mina as he throws it to the right thus hitting Mina in the face making her groan.

Mina: Ow.....

Yujiro: There we won. And I also disabled the wires on the bombs too.


After all the training exercise were finish and All-Might congratulates everyone for a job well done but told Yujiro to be more easier on his classmates as Yujiro agreed. School was done as Midoriya walks back into the class and saw the other students still there.

Kirishima: Hey it's Midoriya! Good to see ya back, super!

Izuku: Huh?

Kirishima: Man, I don't know what you were saying during that match. But you were all fired up, huh?

Sero: I can't believe you held your own against Bakugo, he's super strong!

Mina: You did a great job at dodging!

Aoyama: You were far from elegant but I suppose-

Mina: *jumps* And the dodging was like, whoa!

Izuku: H-huh?

Kirishima: Hey, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. We've been going over training results while you was at recovery.

Sero: Hi. I'm Hanta Sero.

Aoyama: More importantly, I'm Yuga Ao-

Mina: I'm Mina Ashido! And I gotta say, your dodging was awesome!

Tsuyu: *walks next to Mina* Tsuyu Asui. But please call me Tsu.

Izuku: Umm.....er...

Mineta: *appears* And my name's Mineta!

Mineta was then hit by a book as the book was thrown by and Yujiro.

Yujiro: Shut up. You is annoying.

Tokoyami: I agree with the new guy.

Iida: Tokoyami! Stop using that desk as a chair. And you! *Points at Yujiro* Don't harm your classmates.

Yujiro: Just being honest here....*sits on the ground and got into an meditating pose*

Ojiro: *looks at Yujiro* He's....something...

Jiro: Yeah.

Iida then started his rants as the door from the back of the class opens up revealing Denki and Ochako as Denki was trying to ask Ochako out she rushed towards Izuku.

Ochako: Hey Deku! Why didn't she heal you injuries? 

Izuku: Oh uh, well it has to do with how much stamina I'm using.

Ochako: Stamina?

Izuku: Um, Uraraka. Where's Kacchan?

Yujiro: The fool kept on ranting and yelling. I was about to clean his clock but he left. *gets up* And I'm taking my leave. I'll see you people tomorrow.

Yujiro then walks out of the classroom as the others watched him leave.

Kirishima: He's weird but he pack an mean punch.

Mina: *shivers* You tell me, I though I was dead when he threw that pillar at me.

Izuku: H-he's that strong?!

Sero: Yeah...Probably the strongest out of all of us.

Two Hours Later....

As Yujiro got off the train and was walking for a few minutes he stopped in front of a house as he walks up to it and knocked as the door open revealing his sister, Rumi.

Rumi: You remember where I lived. Good.

Yujiro: Yeah yeah. *rolls his eyes and walks inside*

Rumi: So how was your first day?

Yujiro: It was okay. Punched someone through a building and thrown an pillar at someone as well.

Rumi: Please tell me you didn't kill them.

Yujiro: I didn't kill them jeez. They're alive and kicking.

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