The Meeting

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Jonathan from the moment he woke up knew today is going to be a weird day, but he wasn't prepared for this...
It was another normal Monday morning, the birds were chirping their happy tunes and the sun was shining brightly, starting another day. Jonathan, as always, was asleep in his light blue bed. He was having an amazing dream when suddently...


Jonathan opened his eyes, still half asleep. He didn't want to get up, but of course the alarm clock had another plan.


"You beep one more time motherfucker and i swear to god..." Jonathan said, glaring at the alarm clock with hatred. There was a silence for 1 good minut before Jonathan smiled, happy that the alarm clock shut up. But the moment he closed his eyes...


"Oh my god!" Jonathan quickly sat up, grabbing the baseball bat that was next to his bed. With one swift moment, he hit the alarm clock, breaking it imidiatelly. He stared at the broken clock for a second before he sighed.

"That was the 3th one this month...oh well." He put the baseball bat back where it was and than got up from the bed. He quickly got dressed up into his black pants and light blue hoodie
that was little too big for him but he didn't honestly care. After that he made his way into the kitchen but not for breakfast, he is not a breakfast person. The only reason why he is there is to feed his dog, Teddy.

"Hey Teddy! You hungry?" Jonathan smiled as Teddy started jumping around, barking happily. He put some dog food into the bowl and water as well, of course. He pet Teddy who happily started eating, after that he started to clean up the kitchen.

Maybe you are asking why isn't he getting ready for work? Well the only logical answer to that is, he doesn't work on Mondays! Now, the only reason to why is he awake so early is that, his family is coming over for dinner and he still need's to cook and clean up the house.

When Jonathan was nearly done with the kitchen, he heard a sound coming from the living room. In all honesty, it scared him. He and Teddy were the only one in the house and they were both in the kitchen. Jonathan grabbed a knife, he doesn't want to risk his life!

He slowly started walking to the living room, Teddy following him. He quickly jumped into the living room, pointing the knife at the intruder. It was 3 boys? They all looked the same age as he, but there was something different about them. They...didn't look like humans.

Now Jonathan was scared even more than before. "W-Who are you?!" He yelled at them, the boys quickly stand up, looking at him. Jonathan eyed them one by one.

The first one was really fucking tall, maybe even taller than Nogla. He skin with some black spots here and there. His hair was black, he also had a beard. He had two large, dark red horns on his head and a tail. His eyes were...creepily red to say at least. His style of clothing was...well he looked like he would be a...prince or something?

Anyway, the second one looked way more friendlier, except the fact that he was tall like the first guy. Seriosly! Why is everyone a giant?! He was really pale. He had blondish hair or were they brown? Honestly Jonathan didn't even know. He had a little, light purple wings behind his back. No they were not on his back, they were behind them. His eyes were like Jonathan's, blue, but darker. He had a...weird white clothing? It looked like something a weird guy from church would wear.

The last one was smaller than the other two, but still taller than Jonathan. So he is still a giant. He was really really pale and had some...metal on him here and there. He had  light brown hair. He had some wierd device on his left arm, it looked cool thought. One of his eyes were friendly green but the second one was just a pitch black, if that's not creepy, Jonathan don't wanna know what is. His clothes looked like he was in an army or something.

Now, Jonathan was panicking on the inside but who wouldn't?! Infront of him was some one eyed demon, an angel and some wanna be robot! How is that normal? "I will ask one last time! Who are you?!" Jonathan said, trying to act brave but since he is shaking like a leaf, don't know if that plan really works. While the demon was snickering at him, the angel slowly made his way to Jonathan with a friendly smile.

"Don't worry, we will not hurt you." The angel said before he looked at the demon. "Well im not sure about him.." He continued nervously. Jonathan looked at him, was this guy serious? "If this is your way of calming people down, than you suck." The demon said with a smirk. "No one asked you so shut your mouth." The angel said as he glared at him.

Jonathan looked at one to the other before he spoke, now calmly. These people doesn't seem dangerous just....weird. "What are you doing in my house?" The 3 boys looked at each other before they looked at Jonathan. "We honestly don't know. This was the only place that i could teleport to." The robot said, looking at his device in the process. "Same here, this was the only place my magic could take me to." The angel said while nodding his head. The demon nodded his head also, looking at the angel.

Jonathan was really confused and the boys could see it. So the robot decited to say something. "I know you are confused but so are we. Trust me." He said with a friendly smile. "I'm NGT01 by the way!" The robot, "NGT01", continued. "NGT01? What kind of name is that?" Jonathan thought, but shrugged it off. Whatever, it's a robot, what should he expect.

"Im Araqiel!" The angel said, grinning happily at Jonathan. "And Im Lucifer." The demon said, smirking. Jonathan was looking at them before he sighed, he should introduce himself too. "Im Jonathan and, uuuh, welcome to my house?" He said with a nervous smile. As he said that, Araqiel's eyes light up. "Does that mean we can stay here?! Thank you!" He said excitedly, hugging Jonathan. "What? I-I didn't sa-" He was trying to say but was cut off by Lucifer. "So where is the kitchen?" Lucifer asked as he exited the room, trying to find the kitchen.

"What's this?" NGT01 asked, making Jonathan look at him. NGT01 was looking at the TV, rather confused. "Oh...uhm that's a TV." Jonathan replied as he got away from the hug from Araqiel. NGT01 looked at him. "How does it work?" Jonathat grabbed the TV remote before turning the TV on. While Araqiel and NGT01 were looking at the TV in amazement, Jonathan quickly ran after Lucifer.

When Jonathan got into the kitchen he was met with Lucifer and Teddy, who he guess ran after seeing the 3 boys, having a staring contest. There was a silence before Jonathan fake coughed, making Lucifer look at him. Lucifer was just staring at him, seriosly what's with this guy and staring? "C'mon. We need to talk" Jonathan said, petting Teddy who ran to him. The demon smirked. "Why should I listen to you?" He asked, smirking even more as Jonathan glared at him. "Don't tempt me." Jonathan growled out. Luficer laughed but started walking to the living room, Jonathan following.

Araqiel and NGT01 were watching some cartoon but Jonathan turned the TV off, making the two whine. "We need to talk." Jonathan said as Lucifer sat down with the other two. "About what?" NGT01 asked confused. Were they serious?! "About you staying here!" Jonathan said with a glare. "You just can't stay here!" The 3 boys's eyes widened. "B-But we have no where to go!" NGT01 said sadly. Jonathan glared harder. "Why should i care?! I don't know you!"

Araqiel stand up. "Look, i know you can't really trust us but please! We need someone who will teach us about the human world before we go out. We really don't want to bother you but if my magic sent me here that means i am suposed to be here. So please let us stay here, at least for a few days." He said, looking at Jonathan with pleading eyes. Jonathan was looking into Araqiel's eyes before he sighed. "Fine, but just for few days." He replied, looking away.

The 3 boys's faces light up. "Thank you!" NGT01 said relieved. Jonathan looked at them. "First thing need some more human names." he said, smiling slightly. Lucifer whined. "But i like my name!" Jonathan laughed a little bit before he looked at Araqiel. "Let's start with you, angelman." Jonathan smiled happily, eyeing him up and down. There was a silence for a few minuts, with worried Araqiel. "I got it!" Jonathan sudentlly yelled, scaring all 3 of them. "Your name is from now going to be Bryce!" Araqiel, i mean Bryce, smiled. "I like that." Jonathan than looked at NGT01, who looked back at him. "Your name is Ryan." He said, making the robot smile. Jonathan than looked at Lucifer. "And you are going to be Luke!" The demon nodded, accepting the name. "Not bad, not bad at all."

" clothes..." Jonathan said, trailing off. Bryce looked down at his clothes before he looked at Jonathan. "What's wrong with these clothes?" Bryce said, confused. Jonathan looked at him. "Well it's not really human like..." Jonathan looked around, everything was clean and he still had a lot of time to cook the diner. "Okay...Im going to go buy you guys some clothes." He said, grabbing the TV remote and turning the TV on again. "Meanwhile you can watch, i will be back soon." He continued, giving the remote to Ryan. He quickly explained what some buttons do before he leaved the house, leaving the boys alone.

After 20 minutes of shopping, Jonathan got finally home. The guys were still watching the TV. When Luke noticed him he quickly turned around to face him. "Hey! What is this called?" He said, poiting at the TV. Jonathan looked to where is he poiting before he smiled. "We call that cartoons." He replied. Luke tilted his head in confusion. "Cartoonz?" As Luke said that, Jonathan snickered. "Eh, close enough." Jonathan than show them the bags with clothes. "Okay guys, there you go. Go change right now." Jonathan said with a smile. The guys quickly grabbed one bag each before they ran into different rooms.

After a few minutes the guys came back and Jonathan must say, they look good! Bryce was wearing a dark purple t-shirt, that somehow hide his wings and black pants. Luke had a red hoodie, black pants, red beanie that is hiding his horns and he had an eyepatch too! Ryan had a grey sweater, dark grey pants and some sord of a grey pirate bandana, covering the pitch black eye. "You guys look awesome!" Jonathan said with a big smile, making the 3 blush. "What next?" Luke asked. Jonathan looked at him. "Well now nothing but we need to think about how are we going to hide your skin...but that can wait for now. You guys do whatever you want for now, i need to go cook the diner and find something for lunch.." Jonathan said as he started walking out of the room. He could hear the guys yell "okay" with made him smile for some odd reason. As he started cooking he tought about what just happend today, he doesn't really know why did he let the guys stay here... He just trust's them for some odd reason. Hopefully he made a good choice.

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