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cubfan135 was slain by vex

Grian paused as the message came into chat. Nothing else had happened from the meeting. He'd thought Cub would've easily shaken Scar off.

Unless he didn't want to.

And then another thought came to mind. 

Cub's spawn was the joint base.

You whispered to Keralis1: GET OUT

You whispered to Keralis1: CUB'S SPAWN IS THERE

Keralis1 whispered to you: he's fine. Don't worry. You don't have to worry about him 

The first thing the group had decided upon escaping Scar-land was that Grian was banned from the non-hybrid base. Even he accepted this, seeming almost grateful for the space and peace. But it was growing increasingly lonely, and increasingly hard to convince them he hadn't planned the deal to be intentionally awful. 

He glided down into Grumbot's cave to see Keralis and Cub there, talking. The newly-respawned vex had gained similar features to Scar - wings, pointed ears, and a bluish hint to his skin. He turned sharply as Grian landed.

'Cub. Are you... leaving?'

'Uhh, yeah. I can leave.' Something in Cub's tone made Grian frown, before the vex took off, flying from the cave and out of sight. Keralis still hadn't even acknowledged that Grian was there, starting to walk off.

'Keralis, wait.'

'I don't want to talk to you.'

'Seriously, I messed up. Really, really badly messed up. And I have a plan to make it better...' But Keralis just continued on past, entering the non-hybrid base and disappearing. 

It wasn't long after Cub's death that things went from worse-than-worse to even-worse-than-worse. Grian had managed to mostly convince Wels he was alright, but still wasn't allowed into the new base. Which, if anything, provided an early warning of Ren's arrival.

Unrestrained to number, he'd brought a wider menagerie of hybrids with him... Tango, Zedaph, Cleo, Joe, Iskall, Bdubs, Martyn, Xisuma and, of course, the reunited Convex. 

'What do you want?' Grian greeted them by saying, as they landed in front of him. 

'The alternate deal.' Ren replied, crossing his arms, staring at the open rift behind Grian.

'This isn't how things work, Ren. You got Cub.'

'We didn't get Impulse.' 

'I made the deal.'

'You said I got Cub and Impulse, or to go through the rift. Those are the deals you had to choose between.'

'You got half of deal one.'

'So I get half of deal two as well.' 

 'If you want to stand in the portal for the rest of the season that's fine by me.' 

Silence. Ren let out an annoyed breath, turning to Martyn. 

'Or the third option is always that this didn't count as the actual deal, it's now off, and we now get all of you.'

'No. We agreed the deal.'

'And now you broke it.'

'They broke it! I didn't break it. It was...' a sigh of frustration. 'It was their fault! And you got Cub!' Grian signaled over to where the vex was standing. 'That's half the deal, not none of it!'

'Fine. Cub, Scar, find Impulse and bring him here... Zed, Tango, you go too.'

'What now? Are you going to get me instead?' Grian's step back betrayed his confident tone.

'Cleo, Joe, get him.' Ren stared Grian down at the pair attacked. Spider web quickly pinned him in place, and an arrow stuck in his shoulder. The king approached.

'Stop trying to be smart with me, Grian Xelqua.' He growled. 'And fulfil the deal.'

'That's for them to decide.' He pointed towards where the others were. 'I've basically been exiled from their group for making this deal.'

'Well now your exile has a purpose.' 

Right then, as if on cue, the Convex brought forth a struggling Impulse.

'We have done as you've commanded, our fair and powerful king Ren.' Declared Cub with a cold smile.



'I'm- I'm not behind this! I swear to Notch I'm not!' 

Ren stepped towards the struggling hermit.

'If you try anything you're dead,' He swore. Grian struggled against the spiderwebs binding him, one hand trying to find a sword in his inventory. Cleo had another arrow aimed at him.

'Don't try to escape, Grian.' She warned. 'It won't end well for you.' 

'Ren, let me go and I'll allow whatever deal you want.' His attempts at bartering fell on deaf ears as Ren continued to approach Impulse.

'I'm not going to do what you say. Whatever you do to all of them to make them join you it's not going to work on me.'

'You don't know what I can do, Impulse.'

'Where's Pearl? Continuing the resistance even though you're supposed to be friends?' Ren blinked, trying to hide the truth. 'They're not on your side Ren. They'll- never- be on your side.' 

'STOP LYING!' Blood splattered as Ren punched Impulse, breaking his nose. Bdubs let out a growl, sniffing, stepping closer.

'Don't want to anger your little warden boy, Ren.' Warned Grian with a smile. 'You'd better start being quiet.' 

'Shut up.' Ren's growl rose as he turned back to the winged hermit. 'Your little shenanigans won't help you escape.' 

'The thing is... you can't watch me and Impulse at the same time, Ren.' Realised Grian with a laugh. 'And you can't attack both of us.'

Tango was slain by Welsknight

Ren stopped at the message came into chat, hands clenching into fists. 

'We know how to fight, Ren. We're not idiots.'

'Impulse, we're definitely idiots. But we still know how to fight.' Grian corrected, finally getting a sword from his inventory and cutting the spider webs free. 'Sometimes.' 

Stressmonster101 was slain by Zedaph

Zedaph was slain by Hypnotizd

Even though the king was distracted, Grian cut around him, running instead for Scar. The vex dodged, but let go of Impulse, who drew his sword as he faced Cub. Ren yelled for reinforcements, and Iskall ran in with a zombie-ish groan. But both sides had assistance, and Wels ran out of the non-hybrid base, followed by Hypno and a particularly insane Stress.

'Whichever naughty geezer sent Zedaph and Tango after us is gonna pay.' She declared loudly, quickly turning Bdubs attention from Ren to her. He charged, but Wels was faster than the half-warden, drawing a bow and firing. By this point Grian had Scar in a corner, though Cub was besting Impulse, turning to help his fellow vex with an arrow. Distracted, Grian couldn't dodge it, and Scar gained a momentary advantage as he fell back, hurt, swiping with his claws. Xisuma and Martyn hadn't moved, overwhelmed, judging the situation, until Hypno got too close to the latter trying to fight Ren.

Hypnotizd was blown up by Inthelittlewood

Inthelittlewood blew up

'Don't get close to Martyn or he'll explode!' Warned Grian a moment too late. But, as it turned out, the deaths gave a momentary advantage as well as the creeper hole, since Hypno appeared again a moment later, joined by Keralis. Scar had changed weapons from claws and maybe sword if he felt like it to Hotguy bow and flew into the air to gain maximum velocit-ay, giving Grian a chance to help Impulse, dragging Cub away from him and forcing the second vex to fight him. Ren was punching at Hypno and Keralis with all his strength and anger, while Xisuma stayed watching from afar and Iskall now joined Bdubs in fighting Stress. By this point Martyn had returned, flying down on an elytra probably borrowed from Scar. He landed far away from everyone else, his aim something different from fighting. 

The rift.

'Ren! Over here!' He called. The king turned, and there was nothing Hypno and Keralis could do as he ran past them, towards his friend and the massive tear in reality. Grian followed closely behind, but was hampered by Scar successfully hotguying him.

'NO!' Impulse yelled, but it was too late as the pair jumped into the rift. 

Rentheking left the game

Inthelittlewood left the game

'I'm going after them.' Grian declared, avoiding a second hoyguy-ing and jumping in after. 

Grian left the game

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