Ch 5

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It was too many days until the next meeting. No one could find where Scar had gone, including Cub, who'd been asked about it multiple times. Jevin and Pearl hadn't been seen, but after a while of burning death messages, they seemingly found a way to survive the daylight. Grian had also gone into hiding, but confirmed that he was fine, just working on his base to distract himself. Refusing to be disheartened by the first, Ren continued to call the court together to discuss his plan again. No one agreed, until Cub ended up shouting at Ren, joined by Cleo until Bdubs yelled for them to shut up. But, eventually, Xisuma found a time to gather the hermits together to discuss.

'Im sorry this couldn't be sooner.' Xisuma began. 'But I hope I gave enough time for all of you to recover from what's happening.' He looked around at the group gathered at the entrance to the Crastle. Jevin was standing back, hood over his head, as was Pearl, though she was standing with Gem and Impulse. Every time he didn't think Bdubs was watching, Ren snuck closer to where Xisuma was, joined by the rather unwilling court. Cub, like Grian, was watching the skies for Scar, who'd said he'd come but still hadn't been seen. Similarly, Doc hadn't shown up. With a sigh, X continued. 'As we're all aware, anyone who dies to a mob turns partially into it. Though the danger is, as far as we know, decreased from what we originally thought, I must still advise all of you to avoid hostile mobs under any circumstances.' 

Even Ren didn't dispute Xisuma's message, as he looked around again.

'I've looked into this as much as I can, but everything is just appearing as normal, even though it isn't. In the meantime, any theories or help on what it might be is greatly appreciated.' A pause, as though someone might speak then, and they did. With a glance as Cub, Grian raised his hand.

'Me and Cub thought it might be... vexling... convex... stuff.' Was the best he could remember and say. 

'Yeah... it's just a theory though.' Added Cub. 'And I'm not too sure on it.' 

'Anyone else?'

No one spoke for a moment. Xisuma looked around, frowning. 

Until an arrow hit him. 

'HOTGUY!' Scar glided down from the window, landing smoothly in front of Xisuma. 'What were you all talking about?'

'Mob deaths.' Xisuma kept his cool by saying. 'Can you stand with the others?'

'Oh... of course, of course. What's happening with the mob deaths?'

'Scar, are you alright?' Grian frowned as he spoke. 'You're acting... off.'

'I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be fine? I'm always fine, aren't I Cub?' 

'What?' Cub looked over at Scar from his attempted ignorance of him. 'Grian's right, you're being very... weird.'

'I'm always weird.' 

'On the king's order, please back down, Sir Scar.' Barked Ren. Scar replied by pointing an arrow at him.

'Vexes never listen to authorities, Ren.' He replied, with a fanged smile, refusing to stop threatening him. 

'Scar stop.'

As quick as a flash, Scar pointed the same silver sword as before at Cub, holding the hotguy bow by the string and letting the arrow fall to the ground. 

'I thought you'd like the chaos, Cub.'

'It's not you. They're... controlling you. Like before.'

'Stop worrying. Maybe you can join in. Who's up for an assassination?'

'Scar, stop this. You're being ridiculous.' Bdubs joined in, stepping in front of Ren. 'You were fine before... well, not like this.' 

Before he could finish, Scar turned and shot Bdubs, making his second smooth weapon change in 2 minutes. A yell. Scar shot him again, as Cub ran forwards to stop him. 

It was too late. 

Bdouble0100 was shot by GoodTimeWithScar

'Scar!' Yelled Cub, a moment too late, skidding to a stop, just out of sword-range. The bow dropped to the ground in a moment of realisation as he stood there, panting. 

'Will he be... alright?' Grian looked to Xisuma, grimacing. 

'I don't know.'

'Scar, why?!' 

'I don't know.' A confused, almost fearful expression crossed Scar's face, hidden by a laugh and a large fake grin. 'I...'

'Ren...?' Attention turned to the other hybrid at Cleo's interruption. He was just staring at Scar, a look of pure, uncontrollable fury in his almost glowing red eyes. 

'You killed him.' 

'Yeah? And?' Instantly, Scar returned to the reckless chaos. 'It was fun.' 

'Foul knave.' Spat Ren, stepping closer. 'You dare to threaten my friends? KILL them?'

'He'll respawn.'

'Scar, back down.' Urged Cub. Scar ignored, acceping Ren's challenge. 

'You're a rubbish king, Ren. And since the pesky resistance aren't stopping you, I guess I have to.'

Before he could even fulfill his threat, Ren had run at Scar, fists raised to hit him. Reckless to the end, Scar dashed closer to his enemy, fazing easily through him and skidding to a stop the other side, wings raised and hands glowing with blue fire.

'Try to stop me, dog boi.' He goaded, grinning with a bloodthirty madness. Ren attacked again, too fast for the vex to stop him. Scar hit the ground hard, but got to his feet, face grazed and sore, slicing at Ren. Dodged. Cub and Grian had exactly the same idea at the exact same time, running to stop Scar from getting hurt as he dodged past Ren. 

'Stop this! Now!' Grian yelled, wings raised as he skidded between the pair. Scar didn't even hesitate, shoving him away, to the ground. Cub barely managed to lift him up and out the way of further harm as Scar shot flames of vex magic at Ren. The king hit him back, punching him hard in the face. Spitting blood, but still not stopping, Scar hissed back. 

'You can't defeat a vex, Ren.' He grinned. 

'Scar, seriously.' Cub's attempt to stop him proved even worse than Grian's as Scar clawed right across his face. Blood, and he staggered back. A yell from the distance as Bdubs ran back into view to pull Ren from the fight. He didn't attack like Scar had, but yelled insults, breaking free from his grip and swinging for the vex. It didn't hit, but Scar's slash back with the sword did. An almost metallic growl back before...

GoodTimeWithScar was shot by Cubfan135

'Ren, stop. Please.' Bdubs insisted. He did, calming down quickly. Cub sighed a breath of relief.

'I had to do it.'

'Can we... go now?' Before the actual meeting could continue, Pearl caused a second interruption, staring up at the setting sun. Jevin nodded beneath his hood. 


'We need to go. Someone sleep.' 

'On it.' Bdubs fumbled through his inventory for a bed. It was too late.

'Pearl?' Impulse stepped closer to Pearl as she let out a hiss. Quick as lightning, one claw slashed at him. Tango was at his side in seconds, as Pearl took to the air on admittedly cool phantom wings and disappeared into the night sky. 

Huh, it's done

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