~Part Two: A Failed Scientist~

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"So, let me get this straight... All of this. Everything that happened was because of a stupid, pointless, fucking grudge in the fourth grade?" Oliver furiously questions. I can sense his frustration in his tone. His face is a shade or two redder than it was moments ago. Clearly, he doesn't see the actual truth, though. He doesn't see the bigger picture. Then again, he never had his eyes open to begin with. So, how could he possibly see the reasoning behind it all?
      "No., of course, it wasn't just about that. You know me better than that. Now, shut up if you want the rest of my confession." I order as I sit silently for a moment to study my brother's expression. I try to determine what he's thinking inside that kind of his. It doesn't take long to realize the truth. I pound my fist with force on the silver table out of frustration as the truth is my brother really doesn't get me one bit.
       My brother remains silent after my outburst. I'm not sure if it's a fear that growing inside of him; or if he's just really wanting to hear my confession. Either way, I received the outcome I wanted and I can finally continue.
      "Thank you." I pause for a second.
      "Now, where was I?" I pause, once again, to remember where I was in giving my execution statement.
      "Oh yeah, right. The next part of the story takes place a few years later in my life when I was in the sixth grade. It was right after we had returned from Christmas break," I announce as I drift back into the next memory lane.


6th Grade
      We were asked to complete a science project over winter break. The week we returned was when it was due.
       Of course, most of my classmates were pissed, well for a sixth grader I guess mad would be a better suited word for how they felt, when they heard our teacher announce the assignment right before school let out for the day. I wasn't, though. I'm sure you remember I didn't have many friends. So, when the time came for a project like this I enjoyed working on them to show my talent to the other students. Not that it really matter.
       I was so excited about mine. I had worked so many hours on how to show how water affected the body compared to carbonated drinks such as; soda and energy drinks.
       I stop for a moment as I look at Oliver from across the table. He doesn't have to say a word. I know exactly what he's thinking. "What a nerd. What sixth grader cares about what coke is doing to their bodies?" I can hear him think, as if, he was saying it to my face. His insult would've been followed by a snicker and then he would exit, stage as far away from me as he could be. At least, that's the way things were when we were kids.
       I grind my teeth tight before disregarding my brother's thoughts as I return to the story.
       I arrived, at school, the Monday following the end of our break being the only one who had brought in their science experiment. We had until Wednesday to present them in front of the class so I figured everyone else would bring theirs in then. I just wanted to be first to show that I didn't rush the project the night before it was due to show that I was a good student. I had the stereotype of being a teacher's pet. I didn't care, though, because it was about the only attention I received, at school.
       Well, that's a lie I got attention, everyday, in the bathroom or by the lockers; or rather in the lockers. Just being the teacher's pet was the only good attention I got, at school.
       When I got to Mrs. Mullens classroom on Monday I placed my project in the back of the room for the two remaining days as Mrs. Mullens instructed me to do so.
       The entire forty-eight hours I never thought of even checking it again. The thought that I should never crossed my mind, once. I knew my work was perfect. At least, from my point of view. I just knew the OCD condition in me would've found something out of the norm if I was to look at it, again. So, ignore what my mind was to get me to do as I did my best to stay away from it.
       The anticipation of waiting on Wednesday was flooding my thoughts for the next two days. The speech I was required to give. Every detail about how I conducted the project. It just consumed everything about my life for those long, gruesome, and what-seemed-like-a-never-ending-wait. It reminded me of the time we went on vacation and it seemed like it took a century to get there, but only an hour to get back.
       Hell, I even dreamed about it. I had the one dream where I was showing off my project and the entire class was laughing at me because I was standing in front of everyone in my underwear. I think all kids have this dream, at some point, in their life. I'm not sure what it's about being humiliated like that, that haunts a young kid's mind.
       The days seemed to drag as they passed by, but finally, Wednesday morning arrived. I pedal faster than ever before to school, on my bike; and arrived first in class that day. Well, most days I was first in class, anyways; but that day I was extremely early.
       In my excited state, I had forgotten to use the bathroom, all morning. Finally, it hit my bladder like a bat eventually hitting a ball. It was just a matter of time. It hit me just as my classmates were entering Mrs. Mullen's room.
       I sprinted out of my chair and cross through the threshold of the door. I dashed through the halls like I was running a hundred-yard dash. Even after all that I made it to the bathroom just in time. I quickly did my business before I headed back to the class much in a much more calmer state than when I left it. As I sat back in my designated sit I gave a serious thought about taking one last look at my project; but I decided against it. I thought it best.
       Four students presented their projects before Mrs. Mullens called for my name. I rushed to the back of the room to grab my project before I headed to the center of the room. I remember taking the longest, deep breath of my life- at least, at that point in my life- as everyone's eyes were fixated on me. Even Mark and his three sidekicks were paying attention to me from the back of the room. I thought it was really odd.
The thought evaporated though, when I spotted Kristina staring at me, as well.  A weird feeling began to consume my body. It was as if someone was reaching inside me and trying to tie my stomach like a tennis shoe. I had to even check to make sure that my nightmare from the night before hadn't came true.
Truth is, I should've known something was wrong when the group wasn't making fun of me; nor were the sarcastically rooting for me. Looking back on that day I should've known. I was thinking that day with my head, though. It was my heart that was in charge that day as I didn't give a single thought about Mark and the other members of the four horsemen. My heart had consumed my mind and made everything about that day about impressing Kristina.
I pulled the white cloth off the top of my project to reveal it to the class with a sense of confidence that I was going to have the best project of the decade.
Everything was perfect up to that moment. Then something worse than my no clothes nightmare struck without warning.
As I removed the cloth disaster struck faster than a no warning tornado. For whatever reason the cloth was connect to the two-liter cap of Coca-Cola. As soon as I jerk the cloth like a magician revealing his disappearing act the two-liter goes flying like a rocket into space.
The warm, dark substance pours all over me, Mrs. Mullens, and the other students. That included the beautiful Kristina. Seconds later, the room filled with a death stare from Mrs. Mullens and laughter from the other students. This, also, included Kristina.
There were four laughs that stood apart from the rest of the room. Of course, this came from Mark and his friends. Four laughs that I was all too familiar with over the course of the past two years since starting the new school. I wasn't surprised they were laughing. It wasn't that big of a deal considering everyone else in the room, except for Mrs. Mullens, was laughing, as well.
       I wasn't bothered by the disaster, at first, because I knew it would be something everyone in our class would remember for years to come. I could've even spun the truth and told everyone it was on purpose. It would've boosted my popularity over night.
       Of course, this didn't become the case because as the coke stopped its' volcanic eruption and the sticky substance stopped rolling down my face I spot the cap of the two-liter was still attached to the white cloth. I quickly examined the evidence as I seen the red cap was glued to the piece of cloth. I knew I hadn't done it because I let everything on my project completely dry before I put the cloth on it, the next morning. I even checked the glue three times. It was at that point that I realized my project had been sabotaged. I wasn't blind; nor was a stupid. I knew exactly who was to blame for this.
       A beast within took over, without any warning, as I wasted no time. I took the rest of my project, in my palm. I could feel my heartbeat rising as I gripped the project tighter. I launched it at Mark Stone's head like I was Arizona Diamondback's pitcher, Randy Johnson when he was attempting to throw a hundred-and-four mph fastball; but instead made contact with the bird as it shattered into a millions pieces.
       It wasn't long after the kids started laughing at him that he started towards me. Before Mrs. Mullens had time to react Mark was on top of me as he beat the hell out of me, again. I was once again humiliated in front of everyone. It was the second time I got humiliated in front of Kristina in as many years. My heart was torn because I had worked so hard on that project; and I had failed the test. I failed, yet again, at another thing I was supposed to be better than Mark and his companions at. I became known as a failed scientist;  and thus the second piece of the puzzle was placed in cement, forever.

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