Chapter 10

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"Mr. President, I suggest you be careful now. We're dealing with something... much bigger than any of us," the commander pointed out sternly. Three agents of the secret service following him, President Mel Pug took off his sunglasses. Putting them into his pocket, he replied, "Commander, I think I know a giant robot from outer space when I see one. And this definitely looks like one." The two men slowly looked up.

A four hundred foot tall alien robot sat before them.

"Sir, I suggest you take one person up with you, for your safety," the commander advised. Nodding his head, Mel turned to his left. Seeing his childhood friend, he declared, "I'll take Lieutenant Buddy Dachshund with me. I trust him with my life." The commander quickly beckoned the soldier over. The two friends shared a fist bump before they began the long climb up some stairs that would bring them face to face with their robotic alien friend.

"I officially hate stairs..." Buddy whimpered some time later. Mel was completely out of breath next to him. Clutching his side, the president mumbled, "Why couldn't we afford an escalator or something?" The pair arrived at the top of the stairs. Buddy stayed back panting while Mel approached the podium set up on the platform. Looking up at the robot, he gulped nervously before looking down.

There was a keyboard on the podium, waiting to be played.

"Right... here we go..." Mel whispered to himself. Cracking his fingers, he tested out five notes. Getting the robot's attention, he made a peace sign with his left hand. Noticing that, Buddy murmured, "Did you seriously just use the sign from that old sci-fi film?!" Not turning around, Mel replied in a hushed voice, "Maybe." Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he looked back down at the keyboard.

And he began to play.

Music filled the air. No one made a single sound as they silently watched the President of the United States of America jamming out while he played Unity on the keyboard. And he was playing just like the greatest musicians in the world. Guess two years of music class in college really paid off. Some of the soldiers couldn't help but tap their feet to the rhythm of the music. Finishing up, Mel held his hands up in the air, reaching for the sky. He and the robot made eye contact that lasted for a little while before the robot closed its single eye.

Everyone gasped.

"Well done Mel- er, I mean Mr. President," Buddy praised his best friend. A smile on his face, Mel sighed in relief. Turning around to face the gathered soldiers, he spread his arms out and declared, "It's alright everyone, we have nothing to fear-" The president was interrupted as Buddy shouted, "LOOK OUT!" The pair quickly moved out of the way just as a metal tail slammed down on the keyboard and podium. The robot, which now looked like a giant robotic monkey, stood up. Running down the stairs with Buddy on his heels, Mel jumped into the arms of his secret service agents. "Commander!" he cried, "Do something violent!"

"FIRE!" the commander shouted. The air rang with the sound of bullets and missiles being fired. All hit their target, the giant alien robot monkey. All of them had no effect on it. Frustrated, Mel grabbed Buddy's pistol and started firing while shouting, "Say hello to my little friend! Hope you enjoy eating lead!" His jaw dropped as the robot actually ate the bullets. Shocked, Buddy murmured, "Huh, guess it does eat lead."

"Get the president out of here!" the commander ordered. Turning to his troops, he continued, "Retreat!" Mel was safely loaded up into a helicopter while all of the soldiers quickly turned tail and fled. The giant robot monkey, in the meantime, decided it was time to pay New York City an unintentional and unappreciated visit. With that in mind, it headed towards the Big Apple miles north.

"This could be a problem..." Mel mumbled.

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