Chapter 18

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"Woah, now that's a robot!" Snowball exclaimed, a wide smile on his face. He seemed to be the only one who was happy to see it. Everyone else for the most part was worried. Daisy, on the other hand, was already beginning to feel sick to her stomach. Looking down at Rooster, she mumbled, "It's huge..."

"You're dang right it is! Good luck monsters!" Rooster declared. With that, he drove his motorcycle back into the safety of the plane. Said plane began to take off. "Wait, don't go!" Daisy cried, "You didn't say anything about it being huge!" All of the optimism that had been in her earlier had now quickly evaporated. Just then, a blue light fell upon the monsters, coming forth from the robot monkey's eyes. It had probably just scanned them or something.

"I guess it saw us," Chloe remarked. Ozone and Tiberius nodded their heads in agreement. Sliding forward as the robot kept coming closer to the dock, Snowball announced, "Hi there! Welcome to Earth! We are here to destroy your big giant metal butt!"

"I... I think... I think I'm gonna have a heart attack..." Daisy gasped between breaths. She was hyperventilating badly. The other monsters could only watch as their friend had a panic attack. None of them knew what to do in this scenario. Clearing her throat, Chloe finally spoke up, "Daisy, calm down. How about you go hide in the city and let the real monsters fight?" Daisy ran off. Cracking her knuckles, Chloe purred, "Finally some action. Let's take this thing down."

The robot monkey set foot on the beach, revealing it to be much bigger than anyone expected.

"Um... any ideas?" Chloe asked hopefully, backing away slowly. His arms crossed over his chest, Tiberius murmured, "Norman would come in handy right about now." Ozone had no words to say, his jaw hanging. The robot, in the meantime, was closing the distance between it and the monsters. His head tipped back, Snowball stated, "Wow, would you look at the size of that-"

"FOOT!" Ozone yowled, finally finding his tongue. He, Chloe and Tiberius swiftly moved out of the way. Snowball wasn't so lucky as he got stepped on. When the robot went to take another step, the other monsters found their friend clinging to the bottom of its foot. "I got him guys!" Snowball shouted, "I won't let go!"

"It's heading towards the city," Tiberius muttered. Groaning, Chloe turned around and faced the remaining two monsters. "Get into the city and try to lure it back out," she ordered. Without another word, the cat-like monster headed for the sewer. Spreading his wings, Tiberius took to the skies. That left Ozone alone. Huffing, he turned and was about to start the long walk when he saw an abandoned bus.

An idea popped into his head.

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