Chapter 29

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"Hello America, breaking news this morning," news anchor Leonard Poodle stated. Setting down some papers, the handsome looking young man continued with his broadcast, "A UFO has been sighted hovering over Brooklyn. Yes, that's right. There is a UFO in the United States of America, the only country in the world that UFOs ever seem to land in." Just then, someone rushed over and whispered something into his ear. Shocked, Leonard stuttered, "Um... okay... more breaking news. The alien onboard the UFO has some news to share with us."

"Greetings humans, it is I, Lord Sergei," Sergei's face appeared in red on the TV screen. In fact, his scary face was being broadcast on every single screen in the world. People watched in horror as the terrifying alien informed them, "I am about to become the ruler of your pathetic planet Earth. At some point today, I will unleash my robot army upon you. I will admit, most of you will not survive. Those of you who do will be enslaved. Now I want you to keep in mind that I mean you no harm and that this isn't personal. I just have to do this, it's just my business and my business alone. Good luck surviving the next twenty four hours."

The screen switched back to the news. However, Leonard was no longer sitting at the desk. The camera panned to the right to reveal that the news anchor was running away, along with a whole bunch of other people on the set. "Run for your lives!" Leonard screamed. The cameraman, believing that was a very good idea at this point in time, ran away and accidentally knocked over his abandoned camera. The screen then turned to static.

Watching all of this on a giant TV screen in the top secret bunker, President Mel slowly turned to Rooster and asked hoarsely, "General, where are your monsters right now?"

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