Chapter 3

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"Um... what's happening to me?!" Daisy exclaimed. Now everyone was looking at her. Reactions were flying around the church. Some of the younger audience whipped out their phones and started recording the event. Many of the older people were watching in horror. One lady fainted and collapsed on the floor. The preacher grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number before jumping through the colorful glass of the window, shattering it.

"Daisy? What's going on?!" Gidget cried, craning her neck back. It was at this moment that Daisy realized that everything was shrinking around her. Standing behind his best friend Max, best man Duke Mutt mumbled breathlessly, "She's growing..."

"Everyone evacuate the church!" Pops howled. Spinning his wheels as fast as he could, he led the charge towards the front doors. Actually, they were the only doors. They weren't for much longer though as a stampede of frightened people rushed out, knocking the doors off their hinges. All the while, Daisy continued to grow. She soon broke through the church's roof. As the building crumbled around her, Daisy heard a buzzing sound. She turned to her right.

Helicopters were flying towards the normally peaceful Brooklyn countryside.

"Gidget! Pops! What do I do?!" Daisy shouted. She was really terrified right now. She had no idea what was happening. Good news is that she finally stopped growing and glowing. But that didn't mean everything was okay. Everything was definitely not okay. People were screaming, her heart was racing and those helicopters were coming closer. To make matters worse, they had weapons pointed at one target and one target only.


"Daisy, run!" Gidget screamed at the top of her lungs. However, her warning came too late as Daisy felt something prick her in the left arm. Turning her head to look, she found a little tranquilizer dart embedded in her skin. And there were even more coming. It wasn't long until she had about a hundred tiny green dots all over both of her arms. It was right there when they finally started having some effect on her. Feeling sleepy, Daisy's knees buckled underneath her as she crashed to the soft green grass.

Right before she lost all consciousness, the last thing Daisy heard was a man shouting, "Take her away, and be quick about it before she wakes up!"

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