Chapter 5

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"It's okay, I come in- WATCH IT!" the cat headed man shouted. He said that last part because Daisy was now trying to whack him with the spoon. Missing every single time, Daisy discovered that the weird creature was now hanging onto her spoon for dear life. Looking over at her with his big green eyes, the cat seemed to have read her mind as he muttered, "Don't even think about it." It was too late though as Daisy started smashing him against the table. After getting several good whacks in, the young woman watched as the British accented man murmured, "Ouch..."

"Cool! Hey, can you teach me how to fight someone with a spoon?!" a voice called out. It was the same one that spoke earlier than the others that Daisy heard. Backing away from the metal table, the young woman suddenly fell after tripping on something. Sitting up, she inspected the bottom of her sneaker to find a squishy white substance on it. Peeling it off, she was trying to figure out what it was when two blue eyes appeared. Smiling at her, the substance exclaimed, "Hi there, how's it going?"

"Oh my god!" Daisy screamed, throwing the blob away. It hit the edge of the metal table, slicing it in two. One half fell to the floor while the other rolled over to the British cat headed man. Panting heavily, the blob morphed two arms raised towards the ceiling as he cried, "Oh the pain! The torture! Goodbye cruel world!" Rolling his green eyes, the cat headed man muttered, "Snowball, you're not dying. Now how about you go reattach yourself?" No longer acting like he was dying, the blob named Snowball got up and remarked, "Oh right. Thanks Dr. Ozone."

All of the sudden, Daisy felt something bite her hand. Flinching, she moved her hand away from danger and looked down. Pacing back and forth on the floor on hands and feet, a new creature snarled angrily at her. Two wings jutted out from his shoulders and he had talons for hands and feet. His head was that of a bird of prey, specifically a red tailed hawk. Rising up so he was standing on two legs, the creature spoke in a raspy voice, "Alright rookie, here's the deal. You don't mess with me and I won't consider tearing you apart." As if to prove his point, he lunged forward and snapped at her hand. Screaming, Daisy kicked the bird in self defense. Crashing into the wall and collapsing in a heap, the creature wheezed, "She broke the deal... get her boys... avenge me..."

"She?" Snowball murmured, morphing a hand to scratch his chin. His eyes lit up as he let out a gasp and cried, "We have another female in the group!" He transformed himself into a rabbit and started bouncing up and down excitedly. Next to him on the floor now, Ozone rolled his eyes like he did earlier. Daisy watched in sheer terror. She had to be dreaming, she had to be. She was about to get up on her feet when she saw a fourth figure climbing up her leg. Stopping at the knee, the cat-like creature looked at her inquisitively. Narrowing her eyes, she growled, "She won't last long here."

"I don't know... she beat the crap out of Tiberius-" Snowball started to say. He was interrupted though as the bird monster screeched, "I was not beaten!" Clearing his throat, Ozone commented, "Well, technically she did..." Just like that, the males quickly got themselves involved in a very heated argument. Huffing, the feline monster looked up at Daisy and explained, "I'm Chloe, leader of the Monster Squad. And you, my friend, are our newest member apparently."

"I'm not a monster, I'm human," Daisy pointed out. Raising one eyebrow, Chloe meowed, "Have you looked in a mirror recently sweetie?" Noticing the look of confusion on the young woman's face, the cat like creature snapped her fingers. A moment later, someone tossed the spoon over. Holding it up so she could use it like a mirror, Daisy gasped. Her hair, once dark brown, was now light brown with white streaks. Looking down at her body, she discovered that she was in an orange jumpsuit. It took her a few seconds to realize that everyone in the room was normal sized. She, on the other hand, was a giant.

That's when the screaming began.

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