Chapter 7

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"Man, why do humans have to ruin all the fun..." Chloe muttered, frowning. Heaving himself up on the table, Snowball transformed himself into a soldier as he cried, "We monsters will not tolerate this tyranny any longer! Let the revolution begin!" At that moment, a whole bunch of soldiers entered the room. Every single one of them was armed with a gun. Morphing back to his original shape, Snowball mumbled, "Okay guys, take it easy. I was joking."

"Blasted Americans..." Ozone grumbled, standing up. Grabbing some of the garbage, he headed towards the door that led to his cell. Chloe took her fish along. Back on the floor, Tiberius hissed when he saw the guns. Then he dragged the deer carcass with him to his cell. Snowball, having eaten all of his carrots, took nothing with him. A helicopter entered the room with a giant light. Seeing it, Norman squeaked and followed it. Once the monsters cleared the room, all of the soldiers lowered their weapons and all of the doors closed. All but one. Flying around with his jet pack, the general looked at Daisy and murmured, "So, how was your first day?"

"Um... who or what are you and can I go home?" Daisy asked, her voice trembling. Actually, her whole body was trembling. The general rolled his eyes in annoyance. Clearing his throat, he answered, "Well young lady, I am General Rooster Welsh. I run this here facility and you are our newest... um... newest resident." Turning away from Daisy, he ordered, "Follow me." Without another word, he started flying away. Hugging herself, Daisy quietly followed him out of the room.

"Now you've heard of Area Fifty One, correct? Here's the difference between that place and this place," Rooster started talking, "Area Fifty One is fake, it doesn't exist." Turning to face Daisy as they walked through the hallway, he continued, "And this place doesn't have a single alien cuz they don't exist. But monsters do exist, as you just saw. It's my job to round up these monsters and hide them away from the public eye."

"I'm not a monster!" Daisy whimpered. Raising an eyebrow, Rooster commented, "Right, and I got a sixth toe on my left foot. Listen here um... Miss..." Noticing the pause, Daisy informed the general, "It's Daisy Shih."

"Miss Shih, I will admit. You're not as monstrous as your fellow... roommates. But you're not exactly human anymore," Rooster explained calmly. Still flying backwards so he and Daisy could see eye to eye, he went on, "We can't have you running around. In fact, we can't have any of you running around. You will be staying here for the rest of your life." Stopping at an open cell door, he motioned for Daisy to enter. Tears running down her face, Daisy didn't bother protesting as she went into the room and sat down on the floor. As the door started closing, Rooster called out one more thing, "For what it's worth Miss Shih, I truly am sorry."

Alone in her dark cell, Daisy curled up on the floor and cried quietly.

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