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It was just a normal day in outer space. Everything was quiet and peaceful, like it should be. Until it wasn't. A small gray planet was minding its own business, just doing ordinary planet things. An odd looking spacecraft was close by, a gun pointed right at it. The next thing anyone knew, a fiery red beam of energy was fired at the planet, destroying it in a matter of two point five seconds. Heaps of rock now floated in space, the remains of the once small planet.

One rock in particular drifted away from its brethren. It was mostly black in color. On the inside though, it glowed a soft purple. The rock spun head over heels in space, forever doomed to do so for all eternity... or so it seemed. The trajectory path of the spinning space rock led to a distant galaxy. To be specific, it was heading to one planet in particular in a certain solar system. Slowly picking up speed, the rock continued on its path, planning to make no stops until it at last arrived at its final destination.

The planet Earth, home to a variety of species, predominantly humans with a few... unwanted guests.

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