Chapter 1

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"Tonight is gonna be a great night guys! I can feel it!" Chloe declared, smiling. It was honestly a surprising and scary thing to see. The cat monster never really smiled and she never really was happy about anything. Watching her walk about with a huge grin on her face, Snowball asked, "Okay, who are you and what have you done to Chloe?!"

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that someone is happy about Halloween," Daisy remarked. She took a seat at the giant table in the main room. Ever since the monsters had saved the world three and a half months ago, things have changed. Rooster allowed them more access around the base - minus certain rooms and files - and to decorate their cells. That meant that the room where the monsters hung out with each other also got renovated. It was a perfect living environment for individuals such as themselves.

"Of course! Halloween was always my favorite holiday when I was a young girl in the 30s and 40s," Chloe purred. She sighed wistfully as she recalled those delightful memories. Still looking very confused, Snowball nervously mumbled, "Chloe, um... I'm not sure how to put this but... aren't you a little old for Halloween? You're like... in your eighties..." The shapeshifting blob got hissed at in response.

"Guys, how about we all settle down and not start an argument, okay?" Daisy quickly interrupted any possible fights. She never liked watching friends fight amongst themselves. It was very heart breaking. Something like that tends to crush one's soul. Taking a sip from her giant cup of coffee, she stated, "How about we come up with ideas for costumes?"

"Daisy, look at us. We're the most terrifying creatures to ever walk the Earth. We don't need costumes," Chloe pointed out. Ignoring the words of the cat monster, Snowball started listing off the ideas that were popping up into his head, "Ooh, I could be a rabbit! Or maybe a magician! A pile of books! A boomerang! The solar system! Oh wait, how about George Washington?" With each idea he named, the shapeshifting blob morphed into that object. Turning into the first President of the United States, he smiled and murmured confidently, "Yes, I think this will do very nicely."

A cheerful squeak filled the air as Norman entered the room. Riding on the winged guinea pig's head, Tiberius facepalmed and growled, "No, you are not dressing up as Elvis Presley! There's no way we're gonna find a wig in time and I don't even like the guy!" Huffing, the prehistoric bird monster flew down as he muttered, "And I fail to see why everyone likes holidays so much. Back in my day, my kind didn't care about holidays." Glaring at him, Chloe hissed, "Oh come on, would ya lighten up for once?! We're gonna be hitting the streets, scaring the living daylights out of little kids and stealing their candy! It'll be just like the old days!"

"Oh really? In my opinion, Halloween sucks," Ozone grumbled where he was busy building a new device. All eyes turned towards him as he recalled, "I was just a tiny lad back then, hunting for candy. My greatest prize that night was a swirly pop the size of my head. I was in love with the idea of Halloween, until they came. Every year the town bullies would stalk helpless children and rob them of their loot. I was often a target. Despite my careful planning and security measures, they found me. And they took everything from me. They took my costume, my pants, my dignity and my candy. As I laid in that trash can, I vowed that I would no longer have anything to do with Halloween."

"Wow, you really got upset over a bag of candy?" Tiberius questioned before adding, "Now I wanna throw you in the trash."

"Okay, we are all entitled to our opinions, no shame in that," Daisy commented. Standing up, the young woman continued, "But that doesn't mean we're not gonna have fun. We're monsters, we rule Halloween night." Snowball, Chloe and Norman cheered. At the same time, the doors opened up by an invisible source. Or more likely an invisible man as Sweetpea declared, "Yeah... about that guys-"

"Sorry monsters," Rooster interrupted as he flew into the room on a jet pack, "No Halloween for you tonight."

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