Prologue: Two Monsters, One Dream.

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It was a peaceful day in Monstropolis as a school bus was heading for Monsters Inc. as most of the kids were singing a song.

🎵"The neck bones connected to the head bone. The head bones connected to the horn bone"🎵

They made it as they all got off, one of the kids roared at another, making the other scream.

The first one teased them. "I scared you!"

The second denied the fact. "No you didn't."

Then their teacher, Mrs.Graves, came out. "Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. Uh, no pushing, no biting and no fire breathing!" She instructed. And, rather ironically, a student breathed fire causing Mrs.Graves to sigh in annoyance. "What did I just say?"

She proceeded to count the kids. "Seventeen, eighteen...Okay. We're mission two. Who are we missing?" 

She heard a knock on the bus door and a light gentle tap as she remembered the two. "Oh. Mike Wazowski and (Y/n) Mothman."

The bus door opened to reveal two six-year-old monsters: One of them was green with one eye in the middle of his face with a retainer. While the other was the same height but had wings for arms and large innocent red eyes and a little white scarf. 

Mike waved at the bus driver. "Thanks, Joe. Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle." 

(Y/n) added his opinion in a whisper. "Hope it goes well." And proceeded to straighten his scarf.

"Sorry guys, guess I didn't see you." Mrs. Graves apologized. 

Mike nodded but was still happy. "That's okay. When we were on the bus, i found a nickel! I wish i had pockets." (Y/n) only nodded meekly as he pulled his own nickle from his scarf.

"Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your field trip buddy." Mrs. Graves stated. 

Mike tried to find a partner. "Jeremy, you and me?" And failing. "Okay, no biggie." He then went up to other kids. "Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire? Great choice. She's a good egg." He then tried the last monster. "Russel." The monster gave him a blank look as Mike tried to remind him. "Mike? Wazowski? We car-pool? We're cousins." But Russel soon picked a different partner. "Okay. Good catching up. Well, (Y/n), guess it's me and you again."

(Y/n) nodded. "Well, we're best friends, it makes sense." He said in a clearer volume due to the lack of people near them. They locked arms erm...arm and wing, and walked towards the entrance. They looked behind them to see their teacher slowly coming towards the duo. 

Mike called out to her. "Come on, Karen. You're falling behind." 

She gave a light laugh in response. "Please don't call me Karen."

They all entered as one of the workers started giving them a tour. "Now, stay close together. We're entering a very dangerous area. Welcome, to the scare floor."

"Wow!" The kids exclaimed except (Y/n). Mainly cause his dad brought him here multiple times where he personally met some of the best scarers in the business.

"This is where we collect Scream Energy to power our whole world. And can anyone tell me whose job it is to go get that scream?" The worker questioned.

The kids answered with excitement. "Scarers!"

"That's right!" The worker said. "Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar?" He wondered.

"Me, me, me!" The kids shouted as they raised their hands. 

Mike tried to grab his attention. "Oh! Sir! Right here! Little green guy two o' clock!" 

All the kids started demonstrating their roars as (Y/n) hovered above the ground beside Mike gently flapping his wings. Mike let our a roar as all the kids turned too him, seemingly astonished.

"Wow!" The kids whispered.

Mike smiled until he realized the kids were looking at something behind him. He slowly turned around to see scarers coming their way.

Mike was surprised. "Woah."

One of the most famous scarers, Frank McCay who (Y/n)'s met, came up to them. "Well, hey there, kids. Are you on a tour with your school?" He asked.

"Yeah!" The kids answered thrilled to meet a real and famous scarer.

"Well, hey, you're in luck, because I just so happen to be a scarer. I learned everything I know from my school, Monsters University." Frank said showing off his hat.

"Whoa." Mike whispered.

"It's the best scaring school there is." Frank stated.

"You wish! Fear Techs the best." Another scarer said as he jokingly took of Franks hat only to hand it back. 

Frank let out a chuckle. "Okay. You guys watch us and tell me which school's the best. All right?" He pointed at his hat as he whispered. "MU is." 

He gave Mike a smile and pat (Y/n)'s head, then walked up to his station.

"Lets go, everybody! West coast coming online. Scarers coming out." The monster on the intercom stated.

Mike got a little closer until the worker stopped him. "Oops. Stop right there. Don't cross over that safety line. Human children are extremely toxic." He replied.

After they stepped back, the kids started to push him back. "Whoa! Hey guys, watch the eye! Ow!" Mike said after he hit the floor. 

(Y/n) went up too Mike and helped him up. "You ok?" He whispered. 

"Yeah. Do you think you could fly us to where we could see better?" Mike wondered.

(Y/n) shook his head in disagreement. "I'm not strong enough to lift a person yet."

"Ok, we'll figure something out." He reassured.

(Y/n) nodded in agreement as Mike tried to suggest something. "Excuse me. Fellas. How about we do tallest in the back?" He said trying to look underneath them and through their legs. (Thank god the monsters, somehow, don't have privates..) 

"Look, he's going to do a real scare!" One kid exclaimed.

"Cool. I want to be a scarer." A yellow one mentioned.

"Yeah, me too." A pink one added.

"Come on guys, we wanna see." Mike remarked as he tried to look.

"Out of the way Wazowski. (Y/n) belongs on a scare floor, you don't." The yellow monster said.

Mike frowned as (Y/n) flapped upwards to get above the students. Mike noticed someone pushing canisters toward the scare floor. This gave him an idea.

"Brian! Do not step over the line." Mrs. Graves said.

"Mrs. Graves, Micheal went over the line." A different student informed. 

Mrs. Graves looked to see Mike standing behind Frank, as he was about to go into the human world!

"Micheal!" Mrs. Graves shouted as (Y/n) flapped beside her panicking. 

As soon as Frank opened the door and entered, Mike did as well as the door shut. He watched Frank move sneakily through the room as he stayed out of sight. Then they noticed a light turn on in the hallway. The two monsters hid as the parents looked to check on their child. 

"See? I told you. He's fine." The mum assured.

"Well, I thought I heard something." The Dad remarked.

They shut the door and Frank continued his routine. He lightly scratched the bedpost, waking the child up. He rose up and the child screamed, filling the canister. 

Frank walked out to see a whole team of paramedics with fear written on all their faces. "What?"

He looked behind him to see a smiling Mike. The paramedics asked him if he was okay and that he could've been hurt, but Mike was just happy to see what a Scarer can do up close. 

Frank put his hat on his head as he approached the monster child. "That was real dangerous, kid. I didn't even know you were in there."

Mikes face was downcast until a small smile appeared on Frank's face. "Wow. I didn't even know you were in there. Not bad, kid." He said lightly chuckling. He placed his hat on Mikes head, which was a tad too big, and gave them a wink. 

(Y/n) flapped over poking Mike. "You should be more careful." He whispered as Mike nodded in response.

"Micheal, what do you have to say for yourself?" Mrs. Graves asked sternly.

"How do I become a scarer?" Mike Asked With A Wide Smile.

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