Warm Bodies

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After Pickle's mother gave me some pajamas. She suggested I must change in her first son's room, which is the attic. It they did not require a guestroom for me, sharing the attic is the best thing to do. And yes, the first son is Pickle. Although it couldn't possibly work, I must admit she is rather cute with that green curly hair and those magnificent emerald eyes. "Taco, there's an air bed we're bringing out. You can stay in my bed" Plus that charming soothing voice. He said goodnight to me after the light died down in a millisecond. I didn't say anything back because I the more I stay here the harder it will be for me to leave. And it doesn't help that this bed smell like Pickle. It's as if he's giving a warm hug as I drift off to a slumber.

I'm in a room, this must be where my mother use to live, she's a teenager, and her family is preparing for dinner. They took two humans, male and female. They're showing my mom how to cook for the first time. So my mother's parents trap the two in their kagune and slow cook them and skin them while their still alive, naked and all you hear are horrifying painful screams as those two humans lives were slowly taken away. As horible as it sound, slow cooking makes it tast absolutely divine. But most ghouls prefer to eat them raw. Ever since that day, my mother never wanted to kill or hurt anyone, she never has to begin with.

I open my eyes to see in a house? "Good morning, Taco~" Oh right. "Hello" I say greeting Pickle back as I remember what happened. "Want some breakfast?" he said to me as a respond with "Sure okay" as soon as I said that, Pickle stands up with his bear chest and muscular body just feet away. He walks towards my direction, I don't know what to do. He's making me blush. I shut my eyes tight to blind myself from his muscular top area, but once I released my vision again, there he is... just inches away from my face, my eyes locked onto his pecks until he backed away from me holding a shirt. "Sorry, my shirt's behind you" he explained. "Oh no worries" I said still blushing like a bloody idiot, he was only grabbing his shirt to get dressed. So why am I acting like this? Why must a structural feature his face make me feel such unreasonable emotions?

"Taco? You coming down?" Pickle questioned. "Y-yes, yes, I'll be right down" I tell Pickle as I leap out of bed and lead me to a strange aroma. I've never smelled human food much but it's pleasent. And just like always, curiosity gets the best of me I practically pushed Pickle out of the way from the stairs since he was in front of me. Immediately I head straight to the kitchen to witness Pickle's caretaker and sibling mixing thick soft like paste in a bowl. "Taco" The sound of Pickle's female caretaker greeted me. "Goodmornig, miss.." "Evergreen" Taco Evergreen.  What a marvelous last name to have~ I would very much love to have it~ "Miss. Evergreen, what is in that bowl?" I spoke curiously. "Oh sweetie that's cookie mix. Wanna help?" Miss. Evergreen implied. I declined the offer to help but she insisted. "I need to get ice skates for tonight, you can add anything you want darling" I suppose I don't have a choice then. "Very well" Miss. Evergreen showed me how the oven works and what buttons to push before they all left.

Just an FYI no I do not make Lemon chapters that was just Taco's kitty crush on Pickle. I simply like having readers imagine what happens in there own way. I want both lemon lovers and clear purities to enjoy my books. 😉

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