Chapter Four: Let's Go Fishing

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Over a few weeks at Area Fifty-Something, things have been going smoothly around Team Monster and their latest teammate. At times, he would be with the team, or instead, he would be sealed up inside one of the specialised facilities that is only accessible by either Monger, Team Monster, or Braedey's parents.

Coverton has attempted many times to try and learn as much as he could about Braedey's innate powers and abilities, and maybe formulate a diabolical plot to try and take over the planet, maybe by using Braedey as a doomsday weapon, but each time he attempted to, either Susan, Naomi, or Monger, would pull him back, and beat him up, telling him that the facility Braedey trains inside is strictly off-limits.

Most times, Susan, Naomi, Dr. Cockroach, and maybe even Monger, would enter the facility, and see how Braedey is, and how well his body is coping with the rapidly changing conditions, and assist him in different situations that might come up in the future.


A week later, Braedey was at the obstacle course, walking through the tyres, climbing up the rock wall, run along the tightrope, racing past and under the swinging pendulum axes, and sliding underneath the lasers. Each time he passed the course, he would clock his time around the course, and try and go faster and quicker than he did before.

Over by one of the many large hangar doors, Link and Dr. Cockroach were observing Braedey's movements and his speed, as he went through the course time and time again, each time getting either 2.3 or even 4.9 seconds ahead of the last time.

"Gotta hand it to the new guy; he's got serious spunk." Link commented, as Braedey clocked in a time of 1:01 on the course.

"At this rate, he'll be faster than B.O.B." Dr. Cockroach added.

Link walked up to the course, as Braedey finished another run, and the time was now 0:58 seconds. "Hey, Braedey. Why don't you take a little break from the course, and have something to eat?" He asked.

Braedey sighed, wiping some sweat off his forehead. Then, his claws retracted, as his teeth returned to their original position, and his strength set itself to a normal human setting. "Okay, then. Let's take a break." He replied, and followed both Link and Dr. C out of the obstacle course, and off to the cafeteria.

As the three friends made their way, they saw Susan speed walking towards them, but her face displayed a stern and angry expression, and Braedey could tell she was not happy about something.

"Hey, Susan." Braedey walked up to the platinum-hair beauty, who stopped once she saw him along with Link and Dr. Cockroach. "What's going on? What's the matter?" He asked.

"It's my ex-boyfriend, Derek." Susan fumed. "He's been wanting some inside images of the base, along with the aliens, and even wants to try and get back with me."

"And you're not having any of it, are you?" Braedey replied with a smirk, and crossed his arms across his chest.

"That's right." Susan then had an idea. "Maybe I could use a bodyguard, in case something goes awry."

"Definitely." Braedey smiled, revealing his sharp teeth.


A little later, Susan was a mile away from the base, whilst Braedey was wearing all black, hiding his entire appearance. The two walked over to where there was a news van, and there stood Susan's ex, Derek Deitel. In Braedey's opinions, he looked dumb as anything, and heck, even his hair was ridiculously stupid. His suit was also ridiculous, especially in that colour.

"Susan, is that, you?" Derek asked, looking at his ex. "You're, you're normal!"

Susan seemed offended. "Normal?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

Derek then started to circle around Susan, like he was a hawk or something. "Yeah, you're not a fifty-foot giant abomination anymore." He then got closer to Susan, after circling around her. "Now, why didn't you tell me baby?" He grabbed Susan's hand. "Now, we can totally get back together: for reals." He then touches a part of Susan's hair. "Might fix the hair, though. But, other than that, you're totally normal again. Sweet!"

Susan huffed in annoyance, pulling her hands away from Derek. "Derek, I've always been normal, even when I'm ginormous." Then, she grew to her 50ft height, grabbing Derek in the process, while he screams. "But first, I want you to meet Braedey."

"Who's Bradley?" Derek asked, as the monster brunette walked up, whilst Susan dropped Derek in front of him. But then, the man in black grabbed him by his suit jacket, making him look at his now glowing yellow eye, whilst a gust of wind blew off the hood to reveal his face.

"The name..." Braedey reared back his right fist, which was now wrapped around in his thick lizard skin. " Braedey." With that, he sent a sucker punch to Derek's face, knocking him out, and he fell limp. He then threw Derek back into his van, along with his camera equipment, and slammed the back doors shut. "Man, that felt good."

"Looks like it from here." Susan commented, returning to human size. "So, what now?" She asked.

"We'll leave him here in the van, and when he wakes up, he'll have to leave." Braedey grunted, and with that, he and Susan left the news van, and walked back to the base.


At the base's cafeteria, General Monger was with B.O.B, and the two were having hamburgers for lunch. Monger was at the table, whilst B.O.B was next to him, his burger on a tray in his hands.

"Nothin' beats a good American lunch with a piece of beef between two roasted buns." Monger commented, as B.O.B smiled.

"Ain't that the truth, General." Link agreed, as he too had a burger, along with two others on his tray.

At that moment, Braedey and Susan walked in, the former removing his cloak and cover, and the latter looking relieved and relaxed. Braedey headed over to collect some lunch for the two, whilst Susan stood nearby the others.

"Your ex problem dealt with, Susan?" Link asked.

"Done and dusted, thanks to Braedey's lizard fist." Susan replied, showing a small smirk, whilst looking over at Braedey. But, as she does so, she noticed the Japanese writing on the chest of his jumpsuit glow in a bit of a brighter red colour than normal, then watch it fade back to its normal state.

She raised an eyebrow slightly at this. 'That is strange. I've not seen anything like that before.' She thought to herself. She sighed. 'Maybe it was my imagination.'

At this moment, Braedey looked over to Susan, who seemed to be holding her own meal, and was ready to eat. But, thanks to his insanely powerful sense of smell, along with his eyesight being more accurate than any creature in any part of the world, he can see that the burger has been contaminated by something.

"Susan, wait! Don't eat that!" He yelled, but it was too late.

Susan took a bite out of her meal, and swallowed it. She looked over to Braedey with a raised eyebrow, and placed her food down. "What's the matter?" She asked. "It's only my lunch."

Braedey sprinted over, and threw Susan's lunch in the bin. "That meal had been contaminated by some kind of organism!!" He yelled to her. "I could smell it from where I was."

Susan then heard the sound of grumbling, and felt embarrassed that it was coming from her. She placed both hands on her slim stomach, and looked down at it. She then lightly moaned in pain, as she suddenly felt something rise up. She felt oddly weak on her feet, and started to stumble a little, but Braedey stopped her from falling over, and gently placed her against the wall for her own safety. Then, she moaned, as her rosy cheeks changed colour to being as green as a leaf. Finally, her cheeks puffed up like a balloon, and she looked like she was about to puke.

"Clear a path, STAT!" Braedey spun on his heel, grabbed Susan in a fireman's hold, carried her over to the woman's bathroom, and closed the door behind her, letting her go and do her business.

"Braedzilla, what in the name of Uncle Sam is goin' on here?" Monger demanded, and the answer he received a second later was the sound of Susan throwing up in the bathroom. "Oh..."

"Someone contaminated Susan's meal with some kind of organism, and it resulted in this." Braedey explained, pointing to the woman's bathroom door, and the sound of Susan's puking continued.

"But, who would do something so crude?" Naomi asked, as she and James walked in the cafeteria.

"One word, Mum: Coverton." Braedey snarled loudly, his teeth and claws deploying, and armed to strike. "General, permission to dissect and eradicate." He demanded.

"At this point, I would say 'no', but today, I'll make an exception-" That was all Braedey wanted to hear from Monger. He growled out loud like a lion combined with a leopard, and sprinted away on all fours, heading to Coverton's quarters.

"Okay. When did Braedey just become a crazed supercharged alien-killer monster super soldier?" Link asked in confusion, but he then laughed in excitement. "But, I'm not gonna miss Coverton being torn apart like paper in a shredder."

With that, he, Dr. Cockroach, and B.O.B headed off to see what Braedey intends to do, whilst James and Naomi stayed behind to take care of Susan, and clean her up. General Monger headed off to the War Room to see what's happening around the world.


Inside of his quarters, Coverton was currently communicating to his leader, the Coverlord, via a green mist floating next to him. He was talking to his master about his recent discovery about Braedey's monster powers, and wondering how he could control him and his powers.

"The newest member of those monsters is a complete mystery, Grand Coverlord." Coverton reported. "He seems to possess the powers of a powerful creature that once existed on Earth long ago, and he can morph his body into a humanoid version of sorts of the creature."

Suddenly, the sound of something pounding against his alien door made him turn off his message to his master, and he turned to the door. To his shock, he saw the door become dented inwards, and finally, the door was ripped open, and it was by Braedey.

The brunette's eyed mirrored that of a beast ready to strike, combined with that of a psychopath on a killing spree armed with a humungous chainsaw, armed and ready to strike anyone at full force. His yellow eye glowed even brighter than usual, indicating his beastial instincts have taken over, whilst his blue eye also glowed alongside, also indicating he was in command. His arms and legs were wrapped in thick muscles, whilst also having toughened lizard skin, and finally, his teeth and claws were more pronounced than before, his tongue licking along the tips of the teeth, which had traces of blood around them.

"Coverton!" Braedey bellowed, his voice making the whole room shake from the sheer volume of the voice. He threw the door away, and he stalked his way into the room. "I know what you did. You made her entire system grow sick."

"Wh-Wh-What are you talking about?" Coverton stuttered, looking for a way to escape the wrath of this beast-boy. "I have no recollection of-"

"YOU CONTAMINATED SUSAN'S LUNCH AND MADE HER THROW UP!!!" Braedey roared out, his loud roar making Coverton scream like a girl.

At that moment, before Braedey could lunge at the alien, the alarm echoed throughout the base, at the same time the others arrived. The brunette sighed in frustration, and returned back to human form. He eyed Coverton, and snarled deeply, giving him a threatening warning. With that, he followed the others to the War Room.


Once in the War Room, everyone gathered around the table, and looked to the main screen. The screen projected what was a huge cannery ship, but the Bridge and stern of the ship had been ripped off by something big, and the ship was barely floating.

"It's a Japanese cannery ship." James deduced.

"Reports show it has been sunk in French Polynesia." Monger explained. "And that's not the only thing that has gone missing. A report has come in from Panama about another cannery ship has gone missing."

"Then, let's go fishing, and find ourselves a ship." Braedey announced, and Team Monster, excluding Susan, cheered out.

"Go, Team Monster!" B.O.B called out, much to Link's amusement.

Susan, who had just finished with her puking, walked into the War Room, and she looked slightly okay, albeit looking a wee bit pale in the face. "What.... what's going on?" She asked timidly, and Braedey soon brought her up to speed about what was going on now, and they headed to the plane.


An hour later, the cargo plane soared across the skies above America, heading to Panama. The reports of the cannery ship going missing were denied, because news crews have reported of a ship with the same description has been pulled up onto a beach, and has been marooned there since the light of dawn.

This did make everyone raise an eyebrow at this new piece of information. How can a cannery ship be pulled up onto a shoreline?? This indeed made Naomi and James think about a type of possibility of something that might be out there.

Soon enough, the military cargo plane arrived at the shoreline of Panama, and landed a few miles away from where the ship is supposedly beached. The teams all climbed into Area Fifty-Something Jeeps, and drove down a dusty old trail to arrive at the site.

"So, three years digging up old fossils in Arizona?" Susan asked James, looking back at him from the front seat she was sitting in. "So, how did you come across Naomi?"

"I actually met her whilst I was on break in the Summer." James explained. "I was rock climbing the large mounds, looking for more bones of a raptor, and I found her looking at the fossil of some kind of creature. And soon, we both began to look for fossils around the world, and resulted in where we are now."

"That's nice. Like a dream come true." Susan commented, and sat back forward, and looked to the Jeep where Braedey, Link, Dr. Cockroach, and B.O.B were.

"I think we're almost here." Braedey told them, looking ahead, and saw two little copters hover past them, and heading to the nearby beach.

As the Jeeps pulled to a stop, Team Monster and Team Alien looked on in shock of what they saw. It was a 300ft long cannery ship, standing as tall as a 6-storey building, and was in a reddish and white colour scheme. But, the most noticeable thing about it, was the humungous claw marks that were ripped through the starboard side of the cannery ship.

"Sweet Mother of Monger." Monger commented, looking at the claw marks. "Look at the size of them."

"Interesting." Braedey added, and began to take a closer look at the marks, walking up to the ship.

Susan walked over to the ship, and shivered a little at the sight of the humungous cuts in the steel construction of the cannery vessel. "What could be so big and so powerful to cause this kind of damage?" She asked to herself.

Monger then noticed some news reporters driving up and getting their equipment, and threw a large crate over Vornicarn and Coverton. "Stay quiet, and don't make a sound." He ordered, and looked to Sta'abi and Sqweep. They both look almost human, and the latter's antennae look more like a headband. "You two, just stand there, and be normal." With that, he headed off to deal with the news crews alongside with some soldiers.

"Certainly not too hard." Sta'abi announced, then she noticed Braedey observing something. Being curious, she walked over with Sqweep.

"Have you found anything, Braedey?" Sqweep asked.

Braedey pulled out a pair of tweezers, along with a test tube container, and pulled a small fragment of what could be skin off the steel of the ship. It must've gotten stuck when whatever tore into the ship, and cut its way into the hull. "I'm not sure what this might be, but it might be a good clue to find out what the thing that pulled this ship to shore might be."

With that, the brunette and two aliens headed over to James and Naomi, and handed the test tube to them. They all head back to the jet, and prepare to take a look at it back onboard.


Later, the military plane was flying through a storm out in the Gulf of Mexico. James and Naomi were looking through a microscope at the blood sample Braedey found on the ship in Panama, and were taking in some interesting information about this.

Whilst they do so, Susan was getting a checkup by Dr. Cockroach, making sure her system has been cleaned out of the contaminant. Link was fast asleep in the parked Jeep nearby, along with B.O.B. Finally, Monger was checking over some of the photos of large dinosaurian-like footprints that have charged through a small town in Polynesia, and Braedey was doing some push-ups, getting ready for what might happen. Sta'abi, Sqweep, and Vornicarn were sitting on a pack of folded up parachutes, watching the brunette work out. Coverton was still locked away in the crate, and for good reason.

Just then, a soldier walked up to Monger with a report. "Excuse me, Sir. We've just received reports of three trawler fishing ships going down." He reported.

"Why do you think it's related to this?" Monger asked.

"The trawlers were 'pulled' under, Sir." The soldier replied, getting everyone's attention, along with Link, who was now awake, and the soldier walked back to the cockpit.

Monger, Dr. Cockroach, Naomi, James, Braedey, Susan, Sqweep, Sta'abi, and Link all looked to the map, seeing where the incident happened.

"Dammit." Monger sighed. "This thing is only 200 miles off the East American seaboard, and we don't even know what it might be."

"It might be a dinosaur." Susan suggested, and the others looked at her. "What? It's a suggestion."

"Susan, even if it was true, where could this dinosaur be hiding for 65 million years, and be big enough to take out two cannery ships, and even walk on two legs?" Dr. Cockroach interjected.

"What about the traces of radioactive materials inside of the sample Braedey found?" Naomi spoke up, and everyone looked to her. "It's not from Braedey. The radioactivity isn't an anomaly. It's the big clue." This made everyone stop. "This creature cannot possibly be some kind of dinosaur."

"Then, what in the Sam Hill is it?" Monger asked in his demanding time of voice.

"What do we know of this creature?" Braedey pointed to the Polynesian Islands. "It was first sighted off of the French Polynesian Pacific. This area has been exposed to hundreds of nuclear bombing tests during the 1950's, around the same time Monarch was studying Gojira."

"Hence the radiation." Link spoke up.

"Do you think it's one of them?" Susan asked.

"No. It's completely different. It's not the same DNA that Braedey has." Naomi interjected. "We believe it's some kind of mutated apparition. Some kind of hybrid, as a direct result of the fallout on these cluster of islands."

"We might be facing a completely incipient creature." James added, looking very serious in his facial expression. "The dawn of a new species. The very first of it's own kind."

"And my best guess..." Braedey pointed to a spot on the map, right at the edge of the seaboard. "'s heading here. The City That Never Sleeps."

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