Chapter Six: The Hunt Begins!!

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Hours later into the afternoon, Team Monster, Team Alien, along with the Martins, arrived down at the Command Centre over on the New Jersey side of New York City. As they enter the base, they all walk up into the main tent of the Basecamp, and are met up with a blonde male soldier.

"Sargent O'Neil, sir." The soldier saluted to Monger.

"Any word from the Mayor's office?" Monger asked.

"Yes, Sir. They agreed and commenced evacuation of the city." O'Neil replied. "They called in the National Guard."

"Wait? Evacuate the island of Manhattan?" Valka asked Braedey and James in confusion. "That's over 1.626 million people. Has that ever been done before?"

"I'm not too sure." Braedey replied.

"So, where's the freak of nature that attacked moments ago?" Link asks.

"We've lost sight of it, sir." O'Neil replied.

Braedey stopped, and grabbed O'Neil's shoulder, making the Sargent turn to him. "Can you repeat that, sir?" He asked.

"After it's initial attack, he... disappeared." O'Neil replied, and headed off to coordinate a few convoy movements.

"How could something so big just disappear in the blink of an eye?" Susan asked in confusion, as Braedey looks to the city.

"Maybe it went back to the Hudson River?" Dr. Cockroach suggested.

"I'm not so sure, Doc." Braedey replied, looking at the Big Apple in the distance, whilst he crossed his arms across his chest. "It's the perfect place. Many places to take shelter and hide inside, hiding amongst huge skyscrapers and tight spaces, and the water is also a great element within this area. He's there somewhere. I can smell him." He wrinkled his nose. "It reeks."


Meanwhile, inside of the WIDF News building, Jenny, Rick, Lorraine, Zoe, and Hannah were helping to move the news crews out of the building so they could perform the 10 o' clock broadcast in the New Jersey station.

As they do so, Jenny looks over to the array of TVs nearby, and saw Braedey and Team Monster on one of them. She couldn't help but feel a little bit envious of the platinum-haired woman next to the brunette on screen, but figured she was a new friend he met up with.

"Jenny, come on." Hannah called out to her. "The National Guard is ordering the evacuation of the city."

Jenny looked over at the TV, then back at her friends. "I can't go." She replied to them. "I need to make up for what I did awhile ago."

Hannah sighed a little, and hugged her friend. "Okay. But, please, be careful out there." She told her friend, and entered the elevator the others were in, just before it headed downstairs.

Jenny soon zipped up her jacket, puts on a black waterproof clock over her form, and headed off down to the Ground Floor car park to her transport. Her mode of transport was a Kawasaki dirt bike in grey and red. She started up the dirt bike's engine, raced out of the car park at speed, and with a drifting turn, she pulled out onto a clustered street of cars and people.

She stopped herself from going any further, and looked on in shock and wonder. 'Now, which way do I go?' She thought to herself. She looks over to her left, and saw an empty alleyway. 'Bingo!' With a rev of the bike's engine, she raced down in the alley, and headed off down towards the Fuller Flatiron Building.


Back over at New Jersey, the news of the city being evacuated was certainly good news for Team Monster and Alien, but unfortunately, for the Mayor of New York, Mayor Ebert, he was not happy about this at all.

"That's where we are at right now, Mr. Mayor." Monger explained to the Mayor, who looked angry.

"Now, hold on." Mayor Ebert stopped Monger. "Are you telling me, that in an election month, I had evacuated the entire city for nothing?" He stood up from his seat, and walked over to the side of the large table on the middle of the room. "Do you realise what this evacuation is gonna cost the people of this city?"

Braedey, who was sitting next to Monger, sighed in frustration. "We have been monitoring all the waters around the island of Manhattan, and we have no confirmation that this abomination has left the city."

"Yes, but you don't know for sure." Mayor Ebert interjected.

Monger leaned forward on the table, his hands held together. "We have a strong reason to believe that this creature could be hiding inside one of the buildings in the restricted area."

"But you don't know for sure!!!" Mayor Ebert yelled, demanding the evacuation to be over, and wanting to let everyone back into the city.

"SILENCE, YOU MORTAL!" Braedey roared, his size now towering above the Mayor, as he looked up at the human monster. "We are not letting anyone back into the city, until we do a clean sweep and check every square foot of the island." Just then, O'Neil walked up and saluted to Monger and Braedey. "Sargent O'Neil. What's going on?"

"Excuse me, sirs." O'Neil relaxed his salute, and looked to the two. "There's a problem with that."

"Oh, terrific!" Mayor Ebert yelled sarcastically. "More good news!" He grumbled, and walked back to his seat.

"We've run into a problem." O'Neil explained, and with that, he, Monger, and Braedey left the tent, the latter returning to normal size for the moment.


In Manhattan, around 30 or so Apache copters flew overhead of the many towering skyscrapers and streets, whilst a convoy of Hummers and Jeeps pulled up onto 23 Street.

"Okay, people! Fall in, downstairs!" O'Neil called out, as he, Monger, Braedey, Susan, Link, B.O.B, Dr. Cockroach, Naomi and James, Sta'abi, and Sqweep headed down to the 23 Street subway station.

But, once they were inside the subway station, instead of seeing an underground railway station, they saw what looked like the crumbling remains of said station, which looked like it was hit with a Hiroshima bomb.

"Oh, my God." Susan muttered in shock.

"Man, whatever this ting is, it really doesn't like trains." Link commented.

"I hate egg salad." B.O.B blurted out, then started to look and throw away some small rocks nearby.

"Lieutenant Anderson and his men found this, this afternoon." O'Neil explained. 

"We discovered the basement floor to the building above was gone." Lieutenant Anderson added.

"When he figured out that he could burrow through the subway tunnels, we realised..." O'Neil sighed. "...that he could be outside of the quarantine zone."

"Sweet mother Monger." Monger muttered to himself.

"Sargent O'Neil, how many of this subway tunnels lead off the island?" Braedey asked.

"Only fourteen, sir. We checked them all." O'Neil replied. "He hasn't used any of them."

"Good." Braedey huffed. "O'Neil, you and your men, try and find a way to seal up the tunnels. Use anything you can, but this is a must: make sure that this creature does not leave the island unless I say so."

"Yes, sir." O'Neil saluted, and headed back upstairs.

"Braedey. How are we supposed to lure this thing out into the open to take it down?" Susan asked.

"We have to find out what it likes." James replied.

"If we could find out what his thing might like to eat, then we could create a bait to lure it up to the surface, and take it down." Naomi added, much to her husband's smirking.

"Well, I think I found it." Dr. Cockroach held up what could only be the remains of a dead fish, the head chopped off.

"Good job, Doc." Braedey held a thumbs-up. "But, one fish alone won't bring it up. We're gonna need schools of fish. Lots and lots of fish."


Later, everyone at the New Jersey command centre was in full motion, moving about the tent and the command centre, and sending out commands to other people in the Manhattan area.

"Ronald. Where are they now?" Monger asked the radio technician.

"Delta Niner, what is convoy position?" Ronald asked over to someone on the other end of the radio.

"Command. They have just entered the city." A male voice on the other side of the radio replied.

At that moment, crossing the Manhattan abridge, a convoy of 12 yellow city dump trucks drove over the bridge, carrying a special cargo. Onboard the trucks was Link on the roof of the lead truck.

"Woohoo!" Link yelled out, swinging his arms around in the air like he was at a rock festival.


Over by the Fuller Flatiron, preparations were underway for the bait trap. A ring of concrete road barriers was in the centre of the square, whilst tanks, rocket trucks, sandbag barriers, along with other types of vehicles were in the surrounding area, whilst up on top of one of the building roofs, they were setting up a remote command centre.

At this moment, the rain started to fall down all across the city. Also, about two blocks away, Jenny arrived. She stopped her bike before she could go any further, and she looked over to the mass of soldiers and weapons. She got off the bike, and slowly sneaked her way closer to the Flatiron. She watched on, looking around at the multitude of vehicles and weapons they were in position.

Soon, the trucks arrived, and pulled up into position. The rear of the trucks lifted up to a 60˚ angle, and began to dump the load into the concrete ring, which was a large load of fresh fish. After all the trucks have dumped all the fish, they drove away, and now, a huge mound of fish was now there.

Braedey, Naomi, and James looked at the pile of fish, and nodded to one another. They even looked to the manholes, and they were open, so the creature can smell the bait, and lead it there.

"Let's hide, and wait for him to come." Braedey called, and the others headed off for cover.

Jenny, who was only a block away from the bait trap, groaned in disgust, accompanied with a disgusted expression, and covered her nose from the smell of fish. She looked away from the area, only to hear the sound of what might be ripping. She looked over to the road, and saw a large crack in the road. But, she heard the sound of what could be a deep growl and groan.

Suddenly, something began to burst through the concrete, steel, mud, dirt, and asphalt of the city street. Jenny ran off from her position, and dove into a city store, just as some concrete nearly clobbered her. She then peeked through a broke door window, and saw what broke through the road rise up to full height.

The creature stood 60 metres tall, and is 100 metres long from front to back. It seemed to be very dark blue on the top of the body, to the point of looking black during, a silvery light-blue colour on the sides of the body, and tan on the underside, as if to blend with an urban environment. It possessed Tyrannosaurus-like feet, having three toes tipped with sharp claws, and two long powerful legs that matched a T-Rex's design. The creature has a notably big underbite with a huge chin, whilst having teeth which are sticking out of the mouth, much like a crocodile. It also has curved, spike-like scutes, curving towards the front, described as looking somewhat like reversed shark fins, running down the sides of the creature's back, the largest being the two on the shoulders. The eyes were a yellow-orange colouration, whilst it seemed to have the stance of a Tyrannosaurus-Rex, combined with that of a Raptor.

The creature screeched out, as it shook its body, getting the rock and rubble off its back, then looks over to the Flatiron, but eyed the pile of fish there. It soon began to stomp its way through the city street, heading over to the location.

Susan, Link, Dr. Cockroach, B.O.B, Braedey, Naomi, Sta'abi, Sqweep, James, and many of the soldiers looked on in shock of the creature that walked over. It sniffed the pile of fish, and began to eat the meal provided to it. All of the spotlights shined down on the humungous beast, as it ate the meal.

"Come on, whilst it's distracted." Braedey told Team Monster, and they began to move out of their hiding place.

Suddenly, bursts of gunfire above the team went off, as the military units began unloading their weapons on it. The creature halted in its tracks, not injured in any way by the attack, but obviously annoyed. As its head came around, the soldiers all watched as its large eyes came around and landed on them. Its mouth curled in a snarl, as it bore its teeth. The lips around the teeth quivered as a growl followed. It was a tyrannosaurian-like growl. An undulating sound at first which stabilized before finishing with a sharp rise in pitch at the end. The giant creature leaned down, towards the soldiers on the rooftops, glaring at them with a snarl.

And then, a most foolhardy mistake was made.

One soldier panicked, and opened fire on the creature's nose. The giant's eyes widened and its pupils dilated, as its entire face scrunched in an aggressive manner. It's lips curled back farther, its teeth were more exposed, and its eyes fell right on the soldier whom had opened fire. The creature opened its mouth, and the nightmare of all nightmares followed. The creature's right arm rose into the air at its side, its claws opening up as its hand flared. The hand then came down on the building rooftop, smashing everyone on it. Soldiers were crushed to death instantly beneath the massive claw, as the creature nearly ripped the building in half, sending a massive chunk of it into the empty streets below as it let out another growl.

Once finished, the creature continued on its path. As a final sign of annoyance, the creature used its tail to smash the base of another building where other soldiers had fired upon it. The building shook, but did not crumble down. The soldiers on top were so scared, they almost dropped their weapons out of terror, as they desperately clung to anything they could to stabilize themselves until the building stopped shaking.

Then, the creature began to sprint away down the street, its feet crushing down on the asphalt and a few of the tanks on the street in the process, as it's roar echoed out through the street.

"Monsters, intercept that freak of nature!" Braedey yelled out, and with that, he, Susan, who grew up to her Ginormica height, Link, B.O.B, and Dr. Cockroach sprinted away down the street the monster charged down.

"Braedzilla to Monger. We are in pursuit of the creature." Braedey called to Monger at base.

Susan sprinted as fast as she could go, whilst the creature seemed like he was able to run as fast as 300 miles per hour. Link jumped from rooftop to rooftop, whilst Dr. Cockroach sat on Susan's shoulder. B.O.B slithered across the asphalt like a snake, and Braedey, with his foot and hand claws deployed and armed, sprinted ahead on all fours.

"This guy is pretty fast." Susan huffed.

"Hold on." Braedey grunted. "There's an intersection that we can try and box him in." He skidded left, as Susan and the others continued ahead.

Braedey soon began to change form, his body getting stronger and bigger over each passing moment. His claws and teeth became more and more pronounced, whilst his white skin and jumpsuit began to change into his tough hardened lizard skin. His size soon surpassed Ginormica's, and kept going, rising higher and higher. His yellow eye glowed even brighter than before, as a growl emanated from deep within his throat. It was a deep, bellowing growl. An undulating sound at first which stabilized before finishing with a sharp rise in pitch at the end.


At this moment, Susan sprinted faster than she could go, and arrived at the intersection, blocking off the North. The lizard stopped when it saw the 50ft woman, which was rather perplexing to see. Next, B.O.B appeared on the West side, and he stretched his body out wide, becoming a huge blue goo wall that reached up to the top of the 30 storey buildings on both sides of the street. At the same time, Link and Dr. Cockroach were on the South street, blocking the path with an InstaWall, Dr. Cockroach's latest invention.

"We've got him." Link laughed, but noticed the East street was clear. "Oops."

Suddenly, a loud thump echoed out of nowhere. Everyone stopped, and looked around, trying to see where the noise had come from. Then, there was another thump, and another thump. Over by one of the thick and large buildings, a large reptilian four-finger hand grabbed onto the rooftop of a building, and something started to rise up, just as a set of elephant-like feet with large shape toes on it grip on top of the roof, and as the rain made the lizard skin shine, whilst a bolt of lightning struck high in the sky behind the large form, silhouetting the humungous form, and at the same time, the tower collapsed under the weight of the creature.

The creature that stood mighty stood upright on two legs, towering at 355ft tall, and displays pure strength. It was very reptilian in appearance, the reptilian skin in a blackish colour, with thick and highly muscular legs leading into a beefy torso. The tail is 550ft and 4 inches long. Its arms looked almost like those of a human in relative size to the body, but slightly shorter. The palm of the hands 34ft and 4 inches wide. It had four claws on each, with a prominent collar bone at the base of the throat similar to that of a dinosaur. The shoulders were slightly forward, also similar to a dinosaur. On its back were three rows of spines, 89 dorsal spines in total, all in a maple-leaf design, with the centre row being the tallest. The creature's neck tapered up into a head, which looked almost like that of a bear from the front. The eyes were the same as Braedey's blue and yellow eyes. A fairly small snout leading into high cheek bones with a prominent brow ridge.

This was Braedzilla: in his pure bestial form, towering tall and mighty against anyone. His nose and lips were curled in a snarl, and his large head was rearing back.

What happened next literally shook the earth.

Braedzilla lurched forward and released a roar that everyone within nearly ten miles could swear was powerful enough to split the heavens wide open. The shriek split and shattered all of the glass across all the buildings in the city, and sent a wave of fear and panic through the hearts of the people that were outside of the island of Manhattan. The ground shook to the point where all of them fell, unable to sustain their balance. The roar continued for all of about two-seconds, ending in a sharp rise in pitch. It was so brief, yet seemed to last forever.

Several people's ears outside of the city were literally bleeding from the sheer power, and others still were out cold from the shock to the system it provided. Even worse, a few people began to suffer from cardiac arrest, just from the shock of the volume the roar produced, and started convulsing on the ground.

With Team Monster, they had their ears covered from the sheer volume of the roar, but that couldn't stop the ringing in their ears. Susan was the most affected by the noise, since her ears were more sensitive in her Ginormica size than her human size. She fell to her knees, trying to shield her ears as best as she could, and see Braedey's full form. She squinted her eyes at the sight of the creature, and couldn't believe that Braedey had this kind of creature hiding underneath his skin.

Braedzilla snarled at the now tiny lizard that stood before him. He surged forward, at a speed that nobody would think be possible for a creature of such size, and with a shriek of power, delivered a backhand to the Tyrannosaur-like lizard, and sent it flying down the street, accompanied with a loud crunch of steel and concrete.

After their ears stopped ringing, and their hearing came back, Link, Dr. Cockroach, and B.O.B head over to Susan, who was still in a foetal position, and her hands still over her ears.

"Susan?" Link gently knocked against Susan's cheek, getting her attention. "You okay?"

"WHAT?!" Susan screamed out.

"Susan, you're yelling." Dr. Cockroach gestured to move her hands off her ears with his hands against his head.

Susan then got the message, and moved his hands off his ears, only to hear the sound of a loud footstep, making her look up in shock of the sight of Braedzilla's humungous form. "Whoa." Was all she could say.

Braedzilla and the little monster charged once more, the latter jumping up into the air, only for it to be knocked by the former's sheer size, and was sent into part of the Chrysler Building. A second later, Braedzilla grabbed it, and threw the weird-looking lizard away, and it crashed against another multitude of buildings. The lizard grunted in annoyance, and charged ahead, jumping up onto the titanic lizard's left shoulder, and biting down against the lizard rough skin. Braedzilla grunted in annoyance, and slammed his left side against a large building next to him, making the lizard let go, dazed and blinded by the dust from the collision, but only for a moment. It snarled, and jumped into the humungous lizard's back, but that was a bad idea. Braedzilla fell backwards, and this made the lizard slip off the spines, and it fell to the ground with a thud. But, it was able to move out of the way, before the gigantic lizard slammed his tail down into the ground.

Dozens of buildings were demolished. Hundreds of vehicles were destroyed. The entire airport nearby was demolished. The damage was severe, but that wasn't the biggest issue. Braedzilla and the lizard had both injured one another, but neither was dead.

The lizard snarled out loudly, and with a swift kick from its feet, it sends Braedzilla into a building, letting some of the debris fall on his back. He snarled deeply, and saw that it has run off, and it was nowhere to be seen.


At the command centre in New Jersey, everyone was silent after what they had seen. When they saw the T-Rex-like animal, they were all in shock of it, but now, when they had witnessed Braedzilla in his full glory, there were no words that could even describe what they could say about his form. The battle the two monsters had made them feel concerned, but now, with the heavy rain and the smoke rising, they couldn't tell what was going on.

"Monger to field team." Monger called to his team. "What is going on out there? Where is the lizard monster?"

"It got away." Braedey's voice replied with a groan. "We're heading back to the base now."

"What the hell is the matter with you people?" Mayor Ebert was now beyond angry at the scale of the damage that has been inflicted to New York City. "Your monsters caused more damage than that goddamn thing did!"

"At least they did something you can't do." Monger interjected with a grunt.


At one of the skyscrapers, the lizard jumped up and grabbed onto the building, making it shake a bit. The creature had a few blood marks across its form, and parts of its spines have some damage.

It shrieked a bit in pain for a short moment, then it looked up to the raining night sky, and roared out into the night, lightning striking across the sky, and the roar echoing across the Manhattan sky.


Back at the bait trap, Naomi had found what was a puddle of blood from the giant lizard. She puts on some gloves, and carefully collects a little container of blood to examine later on.

"Good work, honey." James complimented his wife, and she showed a smile on her face.

Sargent O'Neil walked up in disbelief. "I can't believe it. He did all of this, and..." He gestured to the destruction left behind, and looked to the two Martins. "...we did nothing to him."

"Not exactly true." Naomi replied, looking at what was left of the fish trap, which was nothing. "We fed him a lot of fish."

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