11- first mission

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-

Chapter 11 - first mission

After a full day of training both Ichigo and Naruto went to the Namikaze estate feeling drained.  They still hadn’t put away the stuff that they had bought at Urahara’s shop.

“God I feel like I can sleep for a week.  I wonder what our first mission is going to be.” stated Naruto.

“Well considering that we didn’t do any of those D rank missions because of our special circumstances.  We could be doing a C rank mission.” replied Ichigo as he dug into Urahara’s bag laying stuff onto the counter.  When Ichigo came across a cell phone with a note taped on it, a questioned look stretched across his face.  Ichigo took the note off opening it.

‘To Ichigo Kurosaki and Naruto Uzamaki, Please don’t be alarmed by this letter as I am a former soul reaper captain who has been assigned to accompany this dimension to help you both with your zanpakuto training and to keep the hollows from attacking people within this dimension.  Lately hollows have been attacking normal humans with very little or no spiritual pressure.  Ruki Kuchiki had told me about what happened to you both.  Your family is under the assumption that you are both on a trip visiting Naruto’s true family.  They have no clue about the truth.  If you have any questions for me please don’t hesitate to stop in and ask me.  Kisuke Urahara.  PS. Don’t forget to call your family to let them know that you are both all right.  And give them updates every so often.’

“Ichigo is there something wrong?” asked Naruto.

“Not at all.  You should read this.  It seems that we aren’t the only soul reapers within this dimension.” replied Ichigo as he went into another room flipping open the phone to call his family.

Ichigo had spent an hour talking to his family as after Naruto had read the letter by Urahara he talked to his adoptive family for a little bit.  After they got done they decided to go to Urahara’s shop to get some answers.  Both Ichigo and Naruto stayed within their outfits carrying their zanpakutos as they crossed paths with a girl about the same age as them who had brown hair as she wore them into two buns.  She was eyeing both Naruto’s and Ichigo zanpakutos.

“Those are very interesting weapons that you are both carrying.  I have never seen weapons like that before.  Would it be all right if I take a closer look at them?” she asked.  Both Naruto and Ichigo raised their brows in question.

*Go ahead.  She wouldn’t be able to use them anyway.* stated the combined voices of their inner spirits.  Naruto took Kitsune off of his side while Ichigo pulled Zangetsu off of his back.  The ribbon came alive unwrapping from the sword.  Ten-ten first took a closer look at Kitsune running her hand over the dark red fur near the hilt of the kunai swinging it a few times before handing it back to Naruto.  Zangetsu was much larger than her as she could barely hold onto it with one hand like Ichigo could.

“You have to tell me where you guys happened across such fine weapons.  I would love to own one.” stated Ten-ten.

“Sorry but we can’t tell you.” stated Ichigo as he took back his sword.

“Bummer.  Well if you need any repairs and/or if your weapons need sharpening come to my families shop.  My name is Ten-ten.  The name of the shop is Fallen Weapons (made up name).” replied Ten-ten before she took off.  Ichigo and Naruto continued on their way to Urahara’s shop.

They entered Urahara’s shop as the store owner seemed to be waiting for them.  He stood talking to Jiraiya.

“Pervy Sage!” both teens yelled out pointing their fingers at Jiraiya.

“I told you boys not to call me that!” he grumbled as a smirk crossed Kisuke’s face.

“What the hell are you doing here?” asked Naruto as he crossed his arms before his chest.

“Trust me its with good reason to why he is here.” replied Kisuke as he closed up his shop. 

“Follow me boys.”  Both Ichigo and Naruto followed Jiraiya and Kisuke down to the basement of the shop.  But the basement was more like a huge underground environment complete with its own artificial lighting.  “I trust that you have both read my letter and that is why you are here.” Kisuke stated as both boys nodded their heads.

“The reason why I am here is because I knew your father Naruto.  I was the one who trained him when he was a genin.  I am also your godfather.  I know all about the demon within you.” replied Jiraiya.  What Jiraiya had said shocked Naruto.  Kisuke explained the reason why the Soul Society had sent him here as he told Ichigo that he knew all about his inner hollow.

“We can train you both as Jiraiya can teach Naruto some of the jutsu’s that he had taught Minato.  I can teach you boht how to use the full power of your zanpakutos and how to control your inner hollow, Ichigo.” added Kisuke.

*I am not that bad that I need to be controlled!* yelled Shiro.

*Calm down Shiro.  I don’t think he meant it in that way but I will make sure that he knows.* replied Ichigo before he alerted Kisuke to what Shior had said.

“And before you feel about saying the same thing about Kyuubi, he works with me as he has been completely open about everything.” replied Naruto.  This statement seemed to shock both men before they began to teach both Naurto and Ichigo what they knew.

The next day both Ichigo and Naruto had met their captain at the hokage tower in order to get their first mission.

“Alright boys…. This mission is actually an A rank mission.  We had sent a team out thinking that it was a simple C rank escort mission.  The jounin is out of commission as one of the team members have been injured.  Your team is their backup.  Yamato…. I want you to take care and command team seven while Kakashi is recovering.”

“Hai Lord Hokage.  All right Ichigo and Naruto….. Lets set out!” stated Yamato as the three ninja disappeared quickly using shunpo.  Both Naruto and Ichigo used flash step going faster than their captain in order to reach the land of waves.  The three ninja had arrived at Tazuna’s house to see a jounin captain laying in bed as a pale white ninja with black hair had his arm in a cast complete with a sling to keep him from using it.

“You must be the special team that the hokage was sending in.  I am Kakashi Hatake, captain of team seven.  Sai can you go and get the rest of the team?” asked Kakashi.  The ghostly white boy nodded his head as he took off to get his team members.  Kakashi filled Yamato and his team to what had happened and what was going on.  The three ninja were told that the man behind all of the turmoil was Gatto of Gatto Industries.  He had hired some rogue ninja to take Tazuna’s life since the bridge he was building  posed a threat.  Kakashi and his team dealt with the demon brothers.  By the time that were on the border to the land of waves is when they encountered the demon of the mist Zabuza Mamochi.  It was a hard fought battle as they had managed to barely escape with their lives.  When they arrived at Tazuna’s place, Kakashi decided that because of the injuries that his team had gotten that they needed backup.  By  now Sai had returned with two of his team members.  One was a boy with black hair styled like a duck’s butt.  The other was a girl with long pink hair and a wide forehead.  “You have Sai, that is Sakura Haruno, and finally Sasuke Uchiha.  Sakura and Sasuke until I recover you will be working with Captain Yamato and his team.” commanded Kakashi.

“Who are the two brats?” asked Sasuke.  Tick marks appeared on both Ichigo’s and Naruto’s head.

“Don’t be fooled Sasuke.  These two are far stronger than they appear.  This is Ichigo Kurosaki and Naruto Uzamaki.” replied Yamato.

“Whatever….. They still seem weak.” stated Sasuke.

“Even still you have to work with them to protect the bridge builder.” commanded Kakashi.  Sasuke just rolled his eyes.  The bridge builder Tazuna entered the room laying his eyes on Yamato’s team.  A cold chill ran up his spine as he was going to call these guys brats but he felt that he shouldn’t.  These two teens seemed far more dangerous and powerful than the ones who were guarding him.

“It doesn’t matter how many people you have.  You are all going to die!” snapped a young kid wearing a bucket hat.

“Inari!” yelled out his mother.  Inari ran out of the room as Ichigo and Naruto were told the story about Kaiza and what happened.

“Since that day, this village has lost its will to fight.” stated Tazuna.

“Don’t worry…..  We will take care of it.  When we are done, Gatto will no longer pose a threat to this village.” both Naruto and Ichigo stated in unison.

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