26- sound and sand attack

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!


Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to one’s self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Chapter 26 – sound and sand attack

The winners were given one week to prepare as they picked numbers for their fights.  Naruto was going to fight against Neji while Ichigo was going to fight one of the sound ninja.

*I have to speak to you two.* Gaara hissed mentally.

*Go ahead Gaara we are all ears.* replied Naruto.

*My father and the sound plan to strike during the second round of the chunin exams.  My father has been acting strangely lately.  Not like himself.* replied Gaara.

*I hate to be the possible bearer of bad news but I believe that your father is dead as possibly Orochimaru killed him and will be masquerading as him.  He is after Sarutobi’s life.* stated Ichigo.  A deep growl arose from Shukaku.

*I am going to kill him.  He has the nerve to believe that he can use me as a weapon in order to destroy Konoha.* snarled Shukaku.

*Take a number Shukaku as he already managed to piss both me and Kyuubi off.  And that’s not an easy feat.* stated Shiro.

*In the meantime while we prepare not only for the second stage of the chunin exams, we must also prepare for war.* added Kyuubi.

*Know that both Shukaku and I are on your side.  I will fight alongside with you to save Konoha.  You both have treated me like a friend as you have shown me that I am not alone as you both understand what it is like to have something within you.* stated Gaara.

*Gaara we should warn you about the Akatsuki.  It seems that they are after the Jinchuriki.  They want control over the tailed beasts that we hold within us.* Nartuo stated.

*Anything that we should watch out for?* asked Shukaku.

*Men wearing black cloaks with red clouds on it.* stated Kyuubi.

After speaking with Gaara and Shukaku, both Naruto and Ichigo went to Sarutobi to alert him to when the sound and sand would attack.  They also made sure to tell Sarutobi that the man masquerading as the Kazekage of the sand wasn’t truly Gaara’s father.

“Boy thank you for alerting me right away to the plans of the attack.  Also thank Gaara.  We need allies like him to help us out in these times of need.  I will have both Jiraiya and Kisuke act as my guard during the second stage of the chunin exams.  In the meantime I want you both to train hard and act like you have no idea of what is going on.” stated Sarutobi.  Both Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads that they understood as they left the hokage tower heading towards Kisuke’s this way they could prepare for the second stage of the chunin exams.

A week had passed as everyone reported to a large arena were the second stage of the chunin exams was taking place.  Both Ichigo and Naruto stood together as the hokage made his speech.  The first fight was Naruto Uzamaki vs Neji Hyuga.  Everyone expected Neji to win as he was known as the rookie of the year.  Ichigo went up to the stands as he saw Hinata sitting with her father.

“It’s your fate to lose here to me Naruto Uzamaki.  No one can defeat the Hyuga clan’s Byakugan.” stated Neji.

*Don’t listen to him Kit.  Even if he shuts down your chakra network, you still have my power.  Both his and some of your jutsu are close range.  Then there is his rotation which will not allow any mid-range jutsu to hit.* stated Kyuubi.

*Too bad that I just can’t use my zanpakuto.  There would be no way that he can stop that from hitting him.* replied Naruto.

*Look alive Naruto and do your family proud.  Hinata is watching this fight closely.  Show her how far an outcast can go!* stated Ichigo.  Naruto extended his hand up into the air giving a thumbs up.

“I never give up or back down.  I don’t care how the rest of you all view me as I know the reason why you do.  But I will show you all that there is much more to me than meets the eye.” Naruto shouted out before the match began.

“All right……. Begin!” stated the proctor.  Naruto quickly flash stepped close to Neji armed with a rasengan.  The rasengan hit Neji in the stomach throwing him back hard against the wall of the arena.  Neji spat up some blood as he activated his Byakugan.

“You may believe fate Neji.  But I believe that we make our own fate.  I will prove once and for all that what people say about me are not true.  Multiple Shadow Clone.  Let’s see how you handle more than one of me!” called out Naruto as he produced twenty-five clones who all moved to attack Neji.

“Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!” snapped Neji as he rotated quickly throwing off the Naruto clones which transformed into smoke.  Neji then dashed up quickly to Naruto.  “Eight Trigams Sixty-Four Palms.”  Neji hit each chakra point on Naruto’s body shutting his chakra off.  “Give it up Naruto.  With your chakra shut off you have no hope of defeating me.”

“That is where you are wrong Neji.  I am about to show you the reason why they call me a demon.” stated Naruto.

Kyuubi’s chakra flared up changing Naruto’s eyes into Kyuubi’s as Kyuubi’s red chakra took on the form of a one tail fox.  Everyone gasped at the change to Naruto.

“That’s right get a good look all of you.  I am no ordinary person.  I hold the nine tail demon fox Kyuubi no Yohko within my body.  You all think that I am the demon and that he is responsible for what happened fourteen years ago.  None of you know the truth.  Kyuubi was forced to attack as Madara Uchiha took control of him.  The fourth hokage sealed Kyuubi into a human host in order to save the village.  It so happens that the fourth hokage is my father as I was the chosen host for Kyuubi.  My true name is Naruto Namikaze Uzamaki.” stated Naruto with his voice laced with Kyuubi’s.  Shouts of anger arose from the crowd.  Sarutobi stood up as he rose his hand quieting everyone.

“Naruto speaks the truth about everything.” stated Sarutobi.  This left everyone speechless.

“You say that you believe in fate Neji.  I never asked my father to seal Kyuubi within me or that the village would come to hate me because of the demon that I hold.  If I had believed in fate then I wouldn’t be here.  There is more to you than what you believe.  You just simply have to open your eyes.  But I can’t allow you to win this fight.  Big Ball Rasengan!” called out Naruto as he created a giant rasengan slamming it on top of Neji.  The proctor moved closer to see a very large crater with Neji lying lifeless in it.

“I declare Naruto Uzamaki the winner!”

The second fight was Gaara vs Sasuke Uchiha.  This was the second most anticipated fight.  Gaara looked over towards both Naruto and Ichigo nodding his head.  Both Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads as they briefly flared up their spiritual pressure alerting Kisuke that the attack was going to begin.  Kisuke whispered into Sarutobi’s ear as the hokage briefly nodded his head.

“Ready…… begin!” called out the proctor.  Suddenly a large explosion ripped through the leaf as a jutsu was placed on the crowd putting them to sleep.  Those who managed to break the jutsu still were awake as some of the leave where prepared for the strike.  Sasuke was going to attack Garra but his sand arose creating a shield protecting him from the sound ninja’s attack.

“Gaara what’s the meaning of this?” asked the sound ninja.

“I too am like Naruto.  I refuse to be used as a weapon of war because of the demon Shukaku that I hold within me.  The person who ordered the betrayal of the leaf was not my father.  Whatever plans Orochimaru has cooked up, I will not be a part of it!” hissed Gaara as his sand moved to attack the sound ninja.  At long last the war had begun.

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