3- becoming a member of the family

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu

Chapter 3 - becoming a member of the family

After speaking with Kyuubi and altering his mindscape for the demon fox, Naruto proceeded to slowly open his eyes. He could feel that his wounds have been fully bound. Naruto looked over to his right to see the same kid he had seen earlier in the alley before he had lost consciousness sleeping in a chair across from him. Naruto had noticed that the kid with orange hair was wearing strange garb that he hadn't seen before.

'Did he help take care of me?' Naruto thought to himself. Something about this kid made him feel safe. Naruto found himself drifting back off to sleep as he slowly closed his eyes again.

The next morning Isshin awoke Ichigo to get some breakfast.

"Go and eat Ichigo." commanded his dad.

"But I'm not hungry." replied Ichigo. A loud stomach rumbling caused Isshin to raise his eyebrow. "It wasn't mine!"

"Sorry… it was mine." replied a soft voice. Both Ichigo and Isshin turned to see Naruto slowly began to sit up wincing a bit because of the pain. Naruto could feel a pair of large gentle hands sit him up right. Naruto partly flinched at somebody touching him.

"Take it easy son. We don't want those wounds to reopen." stated Isshin. Naruto relaxed as he allowed Isshin to help him sit up. "You were in pretty bad shape when my son found you. Can you tell me what happened to you?" asked Isshin. Naurto could hear the caring nature in Isshin's voice as he didn't see the hatred or the anger in the man's eyes or face. Naruto knew that he couldn't truly tell him what had happened. How the villagers wanted to kill him because he has a demon sealed within him.

"I was attacked by a group of people who think I am a demon. I some how managed to escape with my life." replied Naruto.

"Well consider yourself lucky…"

"Naruto Uzamaki." stated Naruto telling the older adult his name.

"We should call your parents to tell them that you are all right." stated Isshin. A sad look crossed Naruto's face as he also raised a small eyebrow when Isshin said call.

"I have no family." replied Naruto sadly.

"I am sorry to hear that son." stated Isshin as he gently patted Naruto on the shoulder. "Now lets get some food into you." Suddenly the phone rang causing Naruto to jump.

"Dad….. Phone!" yelled out a female voice.

"All right!" shouted back Isshin. Isshin then turned towards Ichigo. "I leave him in your capable hands Ichigo."

Once Isshin had left, Naruto turned to Ichigo with a questioning look on his face.

"Where exactly am I?" questioned Naruto.

"At our home which doubles as a small clinic." answered Ichigo.

"Why did you help me out back there?" asked Naruto. Ichigo ran his hand through his hair.

"It seemed like the right thing to do. I couldn't leave you there when you were badly hurt. Besides it is something that my mom told me before she had died, the meaning of my name….. he who protects." answered Ichigo. Suddenly Naruto's stomach roared even louder than before causing Naruto's face to turn beet red. Ichigo laughed after the five minutes of silence. "Come on Naruto, lets get some food into you before your belly threatens to eat you alive." stated Ichigo offering Naruto a hand up.


"Ichigo Kurosaki." answered Ichigo. Naruto just smiled weakly as he took Ichigo's hand.

Ichigo brought Naruto to the kitchen as they could see Isshin talking on the phone. A questioning look crossed Naruto's face as he never seen such a device before. Kyuubi who was within Naruto's mindscape cursed out violently when he saw the strange device.

*Hey Kit can you hear me? Of course you have no idea of how to respond. Naruto just reply with your thoughts.* stated Kyuubi mentally.

*Kyuubi why do I get this strange feeling that we aren't in Konoha anymore?* asked Naruto mentally.

*Cause we aren't. Somehow when I used my chakra to enable me to use a special jutsu teleporting you away from that mob of people, I accidentally teleported you to a different world.* replied Kyuubi.

*A different world?* questioned Naruto.

*A world in which ninja don't exist. I think it would be best to keep quite about having a demon sealed within you about things that wouldn't pertain to this world.* answered Kyuubi.

*All right Kyuubi.*

Ichigo lead Naruto to the dinner table.

"Smells good Yuzu. I hope that you made a lot cause our friend is definitely hungry." stated Ichigo. A small girl with sandy blond hair and blue-grey eyes poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Of course Ichigo. I can always make more so feel free to eat up." replied the girl before she went back to what she was doing.

"So he's finally up. Its about damn time." grumbled a girl with black hair and grey eyes. Ichigo went to smack her in the back of the head. "What was that for Ichigo?"

"Language Karin." Naruto sat down watching them as the black hair girl grumbled something under her breath. "These are my twin sisters Karin and Yuzu. You all ready meet my dad." stated Ichigo as he pointed to whom was who.

"Where's your mom?" asked Naruto as Ichigo's face looked sat at the question.

"She died last year."

"Sorry… I didn't know." stated Naruto.

"Its all right Naruto." replied Ichigo as Yuzu came out of the kitchen placing a large stack of pancakes in front of Naruto.

"Here you go… eat up!" Yuzu stated with an innocent smile.

"Um… thanks Yuzu-chan." Isshin joined his family at the dinner table after getting off the phone.

"Naruto we should at least alert your legal guardian and/or the orphanage that you are all right and to come and get you." stated Isshin as this statement caused Naruto to choke on his food. Naruto swallowed harshly before a sad and distraught look crossed his face.

"I don't have a guardian and I got kicked out of the orphanage." stated Naruto sadly. This caused Yuzu to cry as the three other members of the Kurosaki family looked at Naruto in shock.

"Ichigo, Karin, Yuzu… family meeting. We will be right back Naruto." stated Isshin as the members of the Kurosaki family left Naruto.

The members of the Kurosaki discussed what they knew about Naruto. Seeing that he was going to time to heal and stuff.

"We can't just put him back out onto the streets dad. Even if we contact the local authorities about him." cried Yuzu. Isshin hugged his little girl.

"I know Yuzu. But I have to do what is best for Naruto." stated Isshin.

"Dad you heard him yourself. People think that he's a demon and rather than deal with him they toss him out or try to kill him. He has no where else to go." stated Ichigo bluntly. Little did he realize just how true his words were.

"Why don't we take him in as a member of our family?" asked Karin. Everyone looked at her in shock. "What?" she asked. Suddenly Isshin hugged her.

"That's a brilliant idea Karin. We have plenty of room as you guys always wanted to have another brother." stated Isshin.

"Then lets do it!" replied Yuzu cheerfully. Ichigo found himself smiling as he felt like Naruto needed this.

*Hey King…. I would be careful around that Naruto kid. Something about him feels off.* stated Shiro mentally.

*What do you mean off?* asked Ichigo.

*Like he has something within him. Don't forget what we have sensed.* replied Shiro.

*Shiro even if that is true, what right do we have to judge? Don't worry so much. Everyone is entitled to their secrets.* responded Ichigo.

Isshin gave Naruto the news that he would be staying with them and become a member of their family. Naruto found himself crying at the news.

"You would honestly take a freak like me in?" he asked.

"Your not a freak, some sort of monster, or even a demon Naruto. You are a human being like the rest of us. Let no one tell you other wise." snapped Ichigo.

"Ichigo!" cried out both Karin and Yuzu in shock. Isshin patted Ichigo on the shoulder calming his down.

"No girls its all right. Naruto needed to hear that. So what do you say Naruto? Would you like to become a member of the Kurosaki family?" asked Isshin. Naruto just slowly shook his head yes crying. The family gathered around the young blond hugging him as he cried softly.

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